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  1. Animeone/Animekingdom is subbing Aquarion as well. http://www.gotwoot.net/
  2. When I took that pic they were flipping back and forth between the old and new screenshots so there wasn't enough time to get a perfect pic. To add on top of that the screenshot has a haze to it on purpose. They were discussing how the animation will have glare and shadow as if in real life. That pics angle is showing the effects of sunlight so it got a little hazy towards the top. Overall I'm extremely satisfied with this new look. I think it does look like Scott just modernized for toadys standard of anime. I think it was Areaseven that mentioned it looked like "Wonderful Days", Thats mostly because I believe DRMovie worked on that as well. DRMovie was given some liberties for designs to help ease the animation process I believe. As for the flight suits.. all three of the Robotech sagas had spandex type flight suits so it's only natural IMO. As for the EVA comments.. New Gen was there first!
  3. Mark Hamil has been confirmed as one of the voice actors in the series! http://www.robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=224 No it's not an April fools joke!
  4. I believe they only did it once. That's an old link.. the site doesn't have that posted!
  5. AH! No wonder I didn't recognize it! Many Thanks Solscud! I so want to play those games but scared of trying to mod my PS2!
  6. Backstabber

    VB-6 Monster

    I'm sort of confused.. I have the original MKII and love it so when I saw the VB-6 I was impressed until I saw it has 3 modes which then confused me. What is this design based on.. is it in any of the series as a tranformable mech or is this like the latest model yet to be seen in a series?
  7. Great Pics Apollo. I enjoyed meeting you and had a great time myself. It'd be nice if we could get an official Macross panel next time around. Enjoy all those freebies.. I finally got one on Sunday.. must have been because you weren't in the room!
  8. I believe the reason behind that, if the rumor is true, is they are still in negotiations with companies/networks and are holding off until those deals are closed. My guess would be to keep outside influence from creeping in to sway the networks one way or the other... basicly a "you either like it or you don't" tatic which is smart business wise but leaves the fans wondering. Hopefully in the end everything will work out for everyone.
  9. Yes they are quite horrible designs but as stated they had to try to make them different yet familar. Besides that was made in the 80's... the spandex era!
  10. I found it intriguing. Are you there? To me the story was more about finding the desire to be independent (aka: I am here!) When the festums show up it forces man to cherish life and it's trivial aspects such as pottery sculpting. It definitely had EVA aspects but I enjoyed it more because it lacked the (imo)whining EVA seemed to embrace.
  11. DRMovie. The same group that worked on Macross Plus and Yukikaze. Korean based.
  12. I have a 2 year old daughter and a 7 year old son.. he watches RT for about an episode and gets bored. He's also watched some of the Macross generations.. again he becomes bored. He does like Godzilla and will watch it subtitled even though he's not reading it. I only know this because he couldn't figure out how to change the language selection. He does prefer it dubbed because it allows him to understand what is going on and the emotions. My advice is to let your children decide what interests them and nothing to them is considered dumbing down as they learn at their own pace and only from what interests them. Just as some in this thread have mentioned some parents are too lazy to intrigue their children with knowledge there are also those that try to force too much upon them before they are ready. This could lead to making them dislike something they may have potentially liked in the future.
  13. Censored for your protection!
  14. Holy Spit! I never noticed that! Here goes... can't have anime discussions without at least one Narutard!
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