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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. This was what I was seeing: If not, what is that bar?
  2. If that was R.I.P., then whose signature is that? I believe it reads "STRIP", Sheryl is the "S", then "TRIP". You could actually see part of the "T". Or Sheryl TRIP. Whatever that means
  3. Tracklist with samples: http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/-/Discography/A0...VTCL-60061.html Translation: http://gabrielarobin.com/305/macross-frontier-ost-2 This one is for the collection, definitely. EDIT: There are spoilers in there, please avoid if you don't want to get spoiled. Also... I wonder if that "My Boyfriend is a Pie" is a mistake or a pun? It's for Nyan Nyan so it might be really a pun. Well if Alto ends up with Ranka, I really think she did end up with a pie - cause I'd have thrown one on Alto's face XD
  4. I actually agree with most of the comments in that blog *gasp*, they're also the reason that I wouldn't put Frontier on my list of favorite animations. Fan-service, loli characters, story isn't strong, characters aren't strong (except for a few of them). BUT, I don't dislike Frontier with as much gusto as he does XD
  5. Timing is really very poor. If they intend to hide some songs in OST 2 which will be in the final 2 episodes, then it's fine to release it after the last episode. But then, the OST 2 will be released 2 weeks after the last episode. What's up with that?
  6. Now I wonder what's in that thing
  7. This should go in the Animation Bugs page. These two paper planes are different in design
  8. Well just to entertain people further... I heard that I wouldn't bank on this though, a rumor is a rumor, let's all be wary of them
  9. Fake fake fake fake music. Here's the proof: Fan-made piano arrangement of Aimo: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3567517 What about the vocals? Here's my analysis, which I sent to a friend who asked me about it: --------------------------- When I listen to the song, it sounds like a fan who knows how to edit music, made a remix. If you listen closely (or if my ears are good ) then you'd notice that the vibratto of the singer is unnatural and sounds like it was just added there. My theory is that the voice we hear is Nakajima's voice in Aimo's minimalist version, edited to sound full as that of an opera singer's. That's why we don't get to hear the "Mune no okuri nemuru" part, because we don't have an acapella of that portion of the song. Also, listen to the way "aimo, aimo netelusche" is in about 1:20-1:25 minutes into the "episode 25 song". It's sang exactly in the way Megumi enunciates it in her version of the song (breath included). The "episode 25's" added vibratto in "..sche" sounds really awkward because a vibratto is usually done with elongated notes, but Megumi's singing in Aimo cuts it off pretty quick. Hence what we hear in the "episode 25 version" is a sort of awkward flanger... which I think gives it away as a computer edit. ---------------------------- Just listen to the vibratto again on that part of the song, you can't miss it. Nail in coffin for the music hoax EDIT: Good fan work though
  10. I'm not going to call definite BS on this one, but if you listen to the music, it doesn't have Kanno's feel to it. For me, the vocals sound like Megumi Nakajima's voice that has been passed through tons of synth, the vibratto is too perfect, the echos are too MUCH. So yes, I'm saying that it sounds like someone who knows how to manipulate music butchered up the versions of AIMO to make this. If it isn't well, whatever
  11. The shape that the poll bars are making is funny
  12. It may be the Frontier government's. Leon was plotting to use Sheryl, and that looks similar to the room Ranka was using when she was also with the government, isn't it?
  13. ^That's cute!
  14. Oh, I didn't mind it, I'm really a "Ms" anyway I shouldn't have taken it seriously, I suppose I had to vent about it even just once
  15. I'm with you here. At the end of the animation, I'll be avoiding the Macross forums for a while apart from news threads since I can really imagine a crossfire... which includes me on one end instead of being in the middle... and I think I've had enough :\
  16. Please don't call me names, my internet id is there for that reason. I'm fine with the joke now, you didn't put any smileys so it looks like you were serious about Ranka getting the upper hand in the drama partly because she has cool gadgets (okay I think it's pretty funny now that you mention it). But no, I'm not trying to argue based solely on that. I'm talking about your focus on the quantity of interactions of Ranka with other characters, as compared with the quality of emotions that come from them every time the interaction occurs. In this aspect, Ranka may have more interactions, but Sheryl while having lesser interactions, are more dramatic. It follows for me, that Ranka is really the main character as originally planned, but it doesn't follow that she has more drama than Sheryl, who has consistently fallen and lost starting from that episode where she fell sick and Ranka took over. Saying "I agree" is different from saying "quoted for truth". The first one is an expression of opinion, the second one is a declaration on the truth value of the statement. Saying "I agree" yes, doesn't add to the conversation, which is also a waste of bits, but "quoted for truth", especially when labeling something that is easily contested, actually sounds condescending to the person who doesn't share the opinion ("Are you stupid and can't see the truth?!").
  17. And you mean to say that a SherylxAlto ending isn't happy? Or the alternatives to making Ranka happy like finding out that Brera isn't her brother, but a potential lover and they end up together? And who from the staff stated that they're giving us a happy ending? And your last statement - You can't just keep justifying your words and actions by that statement, it sounds irresponsible! :c
  18. Alright then, I'd like to challenge the purported "truth" in the statements you guys quoted. First sentence: True - the first girl who interacts with the guy gets the guy in the Macross series. Second sentence: True, if you define "drama" to be "any interaction with any person within the animation regardless of depth". Otherwise, in the emotive sense, this is False, or depending on your sensibilities of what a dramatic, moving scene is. No one has even commented on my reply about how "cool gadgets" can add to drama, and what the cool gadgets are? This isn't a "whoa, you have a cool phone, now that is drama!!!" is it? If someone just tells me what Ranka's dramatic cool gadgets are, I'd probably lay this one to rest. Third sentence: No proof yet. The only truth here is that that original poster "feels" that way, but does the feeling equate to what the truth within the animation is? The QFT acronym is weird. It sounds like a "count me in... yet I don't really have anything to add to the discussion, so I'll just say that this person is telling something irrefutable (even if what the person said is subjective)". quick edit: Yes, when I made that comment about "QFT", I'm referring to Ranka and Sheryl fans alike.
  19. "Oedipus Complex is, in psychoanalysis, a subconscious sexual desire in a child, especially a male child, for the parent of the opposite sex, usually accompanied by hostility to the parent of the same sex." There is no case of Oedipus Complex here. Just a person who reminds another person of the distress of his mother, a person he loves and values and whose death has probably traumatized him as a kid. Now what we should really be discussing, is whether this means that Alto cares for Sheryl only because he is reminded of this love, or if it's true love.
  20. If you define "drama" as having more plot and more people going around a person, then I can't argue with you. But if you define drama as the pain experienced by a person projected within the story, then there's no argument here - Sheryl takes the cake. (...BTW, I really can't define "drama" as having cool gadgets... what gadgets by the way?)
  21. While I don't really see that much bad in Ranka, she really just doesn't stand out like Sheryl. Almost everything Sheryl has done starting from her downfall has been great. The scene where Alto hugged her in this episode was priceless, because I think that at that point, after showing that her love is selfless, she deserved it. She's kind of an optimistic example of how the worst tragedies can make the best out of a person.
  22. Yeah I heard she caught up, but the margin is not like the margin we see here. They're like neck and neck. I actually first read about it in this forum, but I can't seem to find it right now. I'm sure I'm searching for the right key words but it doesn't turn up. Most of the shippers know where this should have been posted though.
  23. ...you know I'm starting to doubt the release date of the final episode based on this. Strategically, it would be best to release the CD on the Wednesday after the final episode, but it isn't. It waits for more than a week after the final episode, and... that's not good for sales is it? :\ Or perhaps they're avoiding coinciding with some other big artist's release on October 1 so that their Oricon ranking would be high...
  24. I can actually see how Ranka is the main girl. First of all, the love triangle was supposed to be AltoxRankaxBrera, but Kawamori thought it would be boring, so he brought Sheryl in (good call, because I think Brera as part of the main triangle would be boring as he is for me, disappointingly, not quite a stand out character). That given, Ranka's story is more polished and set in stone as compared to Sheryl's. I've always felt that when Ranka is not center of an episode, she still has significant action, whereas when it's Sheryl's turn to get to the shadows, you almost don't feel her anymore, save for a few shots here and there. Though I have to agree, part of what made Sheryl so interesting was because she was indeed, brought in to spice up the story. Be it in her apparent arrogance, her recklessness, her sexiness, her edgy music, and the drama she had to go through, she's definitely gained the affection of many watchers (well probably not in Japan, but here and other English forums, and in Chinese forums). I really like her character, she's been developed dramatically well. What I'd hate to see is for the story to destroy her further than she is already now, there's got to be an end to it :c
  25. But there are quite a handful who thought it was resolved, so it's good to hear a confirmation that it still may not be.
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