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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. I also voted for Sharon I dunno, she's enchanting and so is her music. I love Wanna be an Angel
  2. Tochiro, are you going (or will try to)?
  3. Mai Yamane who sang the ending theme of Bebop, and Scott Matthew who sang a few songs in GITS:SAC are also going. I was wishing they had AKINO (the one who sang the OP to Aquarion) in the set list, and I'm still hoping. I won't be able to go, but they should make a DVD of this. IMO, the best thing about it is that they're importing the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra!!!
  4. May'n and Megumi are joining Kanno's compilation concert this July 7, 2009. It's very notable since she doesn't do this often, and if I'm not mistaken, she hasn't done a concert of this scale in Japan ever. I'm most excited about the fact that they are bringing along the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra. If you guys aren't familiar with them, they are the Polish orchestra that was used in recording the OSTs to Escaflowne, Aquarion, Macross Frontier, and many others. Other artists scheduled to perform are: Maaya Sakamoto, Origa (Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Turn-A Gundam), Scott Matthew (Ghost in the Shell: SAC), and Mai Yamane (Cowboy Bebop). Can you imagine May'n performing "Welcome to Fanclub's Night" with a real orchestra? That'd be nice, I think! Shameless plug: http://gabrielarobin.com/1643/yoko-kanno-i...irmation-almost If they don't release a dvd I'll kill someone
  5. I use Microsoft's IME pad handwriting function: http://www.wfu.edu/~yipcw/atg/ime/boxed-input.html to find the kanji then I google it ^__^;;
  6. I got it! The music staff for Shao Pai Long is: 作詞:阿佐茜 (Lyrics: Asa Akane) 作曲:羽田健太郎 (Composition: Kentaro Haneda) 編曲:根岸貴幸 (Arrangement: Negishi Takayuki) When I can't read the kanji, I usually run a google search on the name to see if any Romanji comes up Thanks for the help!!!
  7. Oh, that's weird... But thank you!
  8. Gubaba!!! Who is the arranger of the duet? Kanno? Hogari?
  9. ...Shao Pai Long will be sang by Alto and Brera, and Runner will be by Michael and Klan. (unless the track lists I first saw was wrong) EDIT: Looks like some of the tracks' names have been changed from when I last researched the second drama CD from this site: http://www.vanda.co.jp/300/MCO/V_VTCL-60103/ The ones you posted seem to be the official ones
  10. Sorry, can't prove that she was indeed a Nome apart from her name. Can anyone prove either that she wasn't a Nome right from the start, apart from a hunch? That's what he thought. Ranka was this adorable, talented, sweet, friendly, innocent, and cute girl who was definitely slated for stardom. Even her flaws were the adorable kind in a childish sense. Again, who's the Mary Sue? I'd say Sheryl is Ohnogi's Sue, and Ranka is Kawamori's Sue. They're now on equal footing. LOL. Thing is, Sheryl's "Mary Sueness" came after she was flogged with trials, and that is beautiful. Do you watch Gundam 00? It's the same with Tieria Erde. He's currently perfect, but people love him because he went through the "change phase". And people disliked Anew because she popped out of nowhere as perfect as she can be. Also, no one is calling Tieria a Gary Stu even now. There is a difference. I was more quoting you for saying this: He knows the feeling, therefore he can write better about it. But if your assumption is wrong, then I take back my reply to you. I am very much lost by your second sentence, sorry, care to clarify? My point is that Kawamori planned to kill Sheryl or remove her somehow (or is that just one of your assumptions too?) and didn't, and let someone like Ohnogi, who has told him what he wanted to do, take full control of the script. What now? Who to blame? The eager writer, or the lenient director? Of course you blame the eager writer because he didn't develop your favorite character to your liking, am I right? The polls in foreign language forums, and the current polls in Japan too, seem to like how he treated Sheryl. If they shafted Sheryl (as planned) on the other hand, the Japanese would have liked it as Ranka was popular even before he came in, but it would have alienated the foreign fanbase of whom so many love Sheryl. As it stands, he has made Sheryl win the hearts of both foreign and local fans, and that in itself is a success on his behalf, and was also approved by a big chunk of the fanbase. If Kawamori wanted to override what Ohnogi was doing to Ranka's and Sheryl's characters, why didn't he do it? He is director for a reason. He should be able to steer the show to his liking. Praising Kawamori while dissing Ohnogi is unfair. No, more like your assumption sounds sexist, but moreover attacks person (Ohnogi) instead of the argument itself. Have you ever thought that being approached by a girl and accepting it is not demeaning at all, and it's probably just because he's err, attractive for some reason?
  11. After what the character has gone through, you'd think that she'd start being a polished gem by that time, don't you think? Isn't that what Ohnogi admitted above? She was the one who is going to suffer from humiliation and learn from it, the hard way. It's good character development if you ask me, and it stemmed from what Kawamori had done so far, and I consider this to be a good synergy. Besides, as I pointed out, Sheryl was already more loved than Ranka in the time Kawamori handled her. It was already tipped towards her right from the start, except in Japan (last I checked, English forums and Chinese forums were heavily tipped towards supporting Sheryl, even before Ohnogi cut in). He only let Ohnogi handle it because he didn't expect this reaction towards Sheryl, and as a director who has admitted that his pet Ranka isn't the popular one overseas, he gains respect from me. Also, the only character who actually shipped her was not a man, it's Klan. Michael just wants Alto to choose between the two, and Alto himself didn't choose. You know what, I just realized that it was during those Ohnogi episodes that I started to like Ranka too, and another one of my friends told me that he also started to like Ranka towards the end. You don't give credit for him for this, don't you? I'd rather have had Ranka as partly damaged and strong, than to have Kawamori's own pet version (read: Maaary Sue) of her. EDIT: If you're going to blame someone, blame Kawamori for not having the spine to kill off Sheryl if that's what he planned. Only because he knows Sheryl reels in $$$.
  12. Guys... Sheryl Nome was a Nome right from the start. Also, Kawamori found out through fan reactions that Sheryl was popular after Star Date, which most likely confused him as he thought Ranka is the perfect one. That was not Ohnogi, and perhaps is also the reason he let Ohnogi give his take on Sheryl - he's a guy who knows how it feels and how it works. Also, this: If Ohnogi was a girl who was never approached by a man, how would you feel about this statement? :\
  13. On the contrary, I felt that Sheryl's addition to the animation was a very good call. I watched the show primarily for her (and the Valks of course). Calling Sheryl a "Mary Sue" is weird, because I saw her as character obviously flawed, and not just flawed to make her adorable. If you want a Mary Sue, I could think of Lacus Clyne, who absolutely does NOTHING wrong, is cute, sweet, friendly, talented, loved by the lead men, a good war speaker, is intelligent, and most glaringly, soft-spoken like a waifu despite all of it. Sheryl on the other hand goes around screaming trying to get her underwear back, steals kisses, can barely pilot a Valk, screams to the media, really, this isn't your definition of Mary Sue. She just sounds like a Mary Sue because her character has been successfully written to be beautiful despite her flaws. For me, any turn out of the animation's story is both the fault of Ohnogi and Kawamori, and everyone else in between. Everyone in the production staff had a call in this. Kawamori decided to let him have a go, instead of waving him off and saying, "I'm director, Ranka rules, okay, end of story!" instead, he gave him the go signal.
  14. ahahahahaha, what's that, Babelfish?! sex appeal?!
  15. I knew there was a first part of this where they translated one of my Sheryl comments, here it is: http://www.seichi-nippon.com/anime/macrossf_poll_1
  16. Well I don't belt it out, I just lipsynch XD
  17. I felt the same, but only by a bit It's crevasse
  18. At least even just one movie OST should cut that number down a bit, unless they actually wrote more bgm for the movie XD
  19. Hey guys, new songs for Ranka and Sheryl have been announced in Animage March 2009 issue Let's not fret about the unreleased BGMs just yet, they might all get released.
  20. I was expecting so many people to b!tch about it being another Gundam trope happening in 00, but after it happened, it just looked and felt so awesome that I could see no bitching anywhere I go. That, or I haven't looked hard enough So, who's the enemy right now? Aeolia is starting to sound more and more like a crazed genius. He helped design that elevator and is now having a hand bringing it down. And I did not expect that cooperation scene at all.
  21. Actually I've heard about that before, but I didn't bother. Besides, it's too far off to be a typo It's Yujin Saotome?
  22. Oops, major copy paste boo boo.
  23. That's actually a live DVD from her May'n Act tour
  24. Site admin here, it's back up. I looked for a better hosting company that could accommodate the higher traffic, is more stable, and has polite support (all of which were not present in my old host!!!). So there, it's back up, I'll be posting about Kazeyomi when I can. It debuted on #2 in the Oricon dailies. And Graham - I also wish for that. There are quite a good number of unreleased bgm too, but perhaps we have to wait until the movie is released. Though I wonder if they're not writing new ones for the movie...
  25. I have seen the third of Ranka's stickers just yesterday and I went uh-oh. Anyone else here seen it? I now think that the Sheryl ones are done with better detail and... with a bit more taste.
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