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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. If it's not in the OST... I'll That background music is my most wanted in the OST, next perhaps to Diamond Crevasse. I really hope all of the music gets published.
  2. Well now that you know that they're of similar ages, then there's no issue right? 15 year old girls in Japan might look and act differently from 15 year olds in other countries
  3. Have you guys heard of the personality principle that if you "think" that someone is bad, then you'll keep seeing and seeing the bad things in that person. But if you think that a person is good, then you'll keep seeing the good things that that person does. Nah, no point being made here. Just that some arguments in this thread remind me of it.
  4. Diamond Crevasse? That's also the ending song.
  5. I also did exactly the same thing before XD Although that guy could be any of Alto's predecessors, I still prefer to think that's him
  6. I second that There's even a flashback at the second episode with Alto in a kabuki play, right? It looks like he was barely 10 years old in that shot.
  7. I didn't like this cut, but hey, the Deculture edition is still lying around
  8. Page four, Michael is looking at a pair of eye glasses while wearing one. Is this some sort of artistic "action" thing? Or does he really have two glasses?
  9. The CD single for Triangler is now available for preorders through Amazon and CDJapan: http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B0015DQFOQ/ http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=GTCA-12
  10. This website mentions that the opening theme song of Macross F is entitled "Triangular" (TORAIANGURA-), singer is Maaya Sakamoto. For a while there I thought Yoko Kanno and Maaya were never going to work together again. http://www.chara-ani.com/details.asp?prdid=V22802006
  11. Is there one for favorite macross singer? I'm voting for Sharon.
  12. Better if that were you, I thought, so that you could share the karaoke version and have the singers in this forum reveal themselves. Oh well, here's to waiting for the OST.
  13. In those manga, why is Michael (Mi-ha-e-ru) spelled as Michelle (Mi-she-ru)? ...what is the spoiler rule for manga? Are we allowed to post spoilers?
  14. I would say about 7 times One without subtitles, one with bad subs, and I watched the one with good subs a lot
  15. It's in my avatar. I thought I'd make one Feel free to use it for whatever you want, just put credits
  16. Based on how it's used in both DYRL and Macross F... I'd say it's an expression of surprise (any kind of surprise including, WOW!, OMG!, or WTF?!). And when used as a noun, it also translates to "a surprise". Could be wrong though.
  17. I bet it's not a coincidence Sheryl has that surname - it's more impossible that Kawamori couldn't think of any other surname and chose that one just for fun.
  18. In Japanese text, it's literally spelled as O-zu-ma. But the "u" in this name is breathed only, so you get "Ozma". The best thing to do is to wait for an official publication on whether the staff spells it in Roman letters as "Ozuma" or "Ozma". Regardless of that, it's pronounced "Ozma".
  19. I didn't find the story lame, although I do go with the group that says I'd like as little magic as possible. But that's a personal choice. Another personal observation - I wish the theme didn't have a screeching soprano. Over-all, I thought that it was a good animation
  20. They thought it was a drill. Like a fire drill, which a lot of people think is a waste of time.
  21. I was just wondering... did any of the subs translate Alto's name as Alpo (brand of dog food)? That sure is funny
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