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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. This poll will have to be redone after the series completely airs
  2. Perhaps because Alto just doesn't like anyone just yet, although he seemed a bit different by the end of episode 5. The two girls in the locker did say that Michel was dating older women, and Alto just doesn't seem to be interested in anyone at the moment. Perhaps Ranka or Sheryl will change that, who knows?
  3. And first thing that came to my mind was Alto.
  4. After episode 5, that'd be Alto, next is Sheryl. Turncoats abound.
  5. ... o__O;; Those well-placed Laughing Man icons are troubling me.
  6. These are roughly: Klan Klan (whatever the romanization of her name is) is a Zentradi Pilot who belongs to the Pixie platoon of SMS. Her position is Captain. Crimson Quadran Ray (???) top ace pilot. When Micloned, she has the special characteristic of having the body of a young girl. Nene Roller is a Zentradi Pilot who belongs to the Pixie platoon of SMS. Pilots a Quadran Ray. She has a gentle personality. Lalamia Lelenia (what?!?!) is a Zentradi Pilot who belongs to the Pixie platoon of SMS. Pilots a Quadran Ray. She has a boyish appearance and pointy ears.
  7. There are plans for a Ranka (Megumi) CD single after the Macross F OST 1 is released. Not sure if the songs "My Boyfriend is a Pilot" or "Do you remember Love" would be there, but I have a good feeling they will.
  8. Vector! Haha, very funny
  9. ...you're singing over it? Yep, no excuse to be cheap! Clocking in at about 70 minutes, you're paying for more than the average Kanno CD It makes me think though that there would be no OST 2 Or it could be the Bird Man's version.
  10. Well, that's also a good point, since rendering takes hours if you don't have the best equipment. What perhaps we wanted to say, which you also seem to agree with, is that it is less likely for animators to recycle 3D animations than to recycle hand-drawn ones for reasons that changing camera angles and pressing "render" is easier than having to draw the mech again, frame by frame, doing essentially the same thing. I do get why you suddenly call me an optimist, that statement I made was rashly written. Peace
  11. The only reason they'd recycle CG is if they suddenly lost time to render the scene. Which I doubt!
  12. I've eaten seafood pizza... but with broccoli? Hmmmm, I want to try it!
  13. Although I'd like to point out that it's spelled "Mi-n-me-e", not "Mi-n-me-i", which makes me think something fishy is going on. They couldn't have misspelled that, could they?
  14. I also don't like Klan Klan and the humor around her either - I think that the humor in the episode was just right, what with Ranka headbutting the microphone, the heart-shaped trail in the fight scene, SMS's prank on Alto... But then it went on overdrive when little Klan Klan came in and it suddenly became cheesy for me.
  15. The Macross F website already has a preview of the 5th episode with some screenshots: website: http://macrossf.com/story/story_list.html screenshots: http://macrossf.com/image/story/story_pic_05_01.jpg http://macrossf.com/image/story/story_pic_05_02.jpg http://macrossf.com/image/story/story_pic_05_03.jpg
  16. Alto, I love watching him get kicked and whacked around by just everyone, I don't know why. Among the girls, it'd have to be Ranka, because she's cute
  17. Lolz I know that game Maybe Brera is like Dilandau from Escaflowne. Hahaha
  18. And I already have the mp3 rips all the songs in the single. Where did people get the cd?! I thought the release was tomorrow. Anyway, my most anticipated songs are Diamond Crevasse and Aimo. The wait is killing me
  19. Definitely female in this photo, would any guy be caught wearing pants that low? Maybe Brera Sterne is not he or she, but an "it". Just kidding.
  20. Well if Brera is a he or a she, works the same way for me! I also thought that Brera is female, and the only reason I think she could be male is the voice actor. Which, as most have mentioned, could be a male voice actor performing as a girl. Just curious, but does anyone recognize any female characters in Souichiro Hoshi's voice acting history? http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ple.php?id=1374 I am only familiar with so few of what he's done
  21. I also thought Brera Sterne is a girl... but the voice actor is male (Souichirou Hoshi).
  22. Agreed to what you said
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