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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. I hope I'm misreading this, but do you think Nanase has something for Alto? I also thought that her reaction was full of unwarranted pride, "my friend doesn't need your help to become a star!!!" and has put a negative connotation to the help that Sheryl has offered. Sheryl's ascent perhaps didn't take family or friends, but at least professional contacts? Her manager doesn't look like a small fry to me.
  2. Wow, thank you!!! I loved the Pirates movie and the music to that. I was a bit surprised that "He's a Pirate" doesn't sound exactly like the Macross bgm, but it was the first thing I thought of when I heard the music. Perhaps the main "essence" is there, without really copying it.
  3. Maybe it was in the vid itself, you know, there are ways of tagging videos and photos, that can't be seen in the file name, etc. Or they already have a file hash of every blocked vid, and they sort out uploads by scanning them (like virus scanners do to viruses). Whatever it is, it's really effective o__O
  4. Don't worry guys, it'll be back by the start of next month, that's about 7 days (which I suppose, by that time, the OST 1 has already leaked, haha). I am NEVER going to host any music sample in the site again, it's all going to be outsourced from now on. Anyway, if anyone still wants to listen to the samples, I still have them in my imeem account. PM me if you want to listen to them
  5. I don't know which one is more tragic, 2 or 3?
  6. Defied twice, if you fall that far and someone catches you, you will hit the person with a lot of impact, distributed between two arms. Metal arms. Or then again, Alto could have decelerated her by going down a bit Trust me, it's her billowing dress that slowed her down.
  7. Episode 9's screenshots are already in the Macross F website: http://macrossf.com/story/story_list.html
  8. I was wondering which one of the Pirates OST bgm sounds most like the Macross F bgm piece? I was sure reminded of the Pirates OST when I heard the piece, but now, since I don't have the Pirates OST, I can't find out which one is the most similar. "He's a Pirate" is not the closest, is it?
  9. I guess that was it, it wasn't exactly Sheryl's fault that her program took over the variety show Ranka is supposed to be in. Grace handles Sheryl's shows, and Leon seems to also want to stop her from getting aired.
  10. My bet for the next studio to animate an episode has to be Taiwan. Outsource, outsource!!! Classic.
  11. The melody lines are different except for the last line of the verses. And the arrangement? Totally different. There might be an influence there, I wouldn't rule it out, but to say it's "ALMOST IDENTICAL"? I personally don't think so. What do you guys think? I think it still sounds more like the Daikin Aircon CM that I posted about above, and that's also by Kanno. They're like sister songs in fact. (Even the part that I pointed out to be similar is not the same, I'd say the whole songs compared with each other are 5% similar.)
  12. Do you have a place where we could listen to the French song? There's this Yoko Kanno song which she made for a Daikin Aircon commercial that sounds like the carrot song, listen to it here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=UpTwfnOpKtE EDIT: I agree with the Pirates of the Caribbean thing, but the Shape of my Heart one is only slightly similar, just a few notes on the guitar actually. EDIT 2: Here is Poupee de cir, poupee de son: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F86iw0DUTA4 I don't think they sound alike at all! Is there another version?
  13. Guys, stop arguing over Triangler/Triangular, just use the one you feel is right, and let's let this thread serve its real purpose Been a fan of Kanno's for a long time now, and I do find her quite... weird. In a cute way, that is. I totally forgot about the SMS song, I also love that one (sans the lyrics, which is machistic ). For favorite bgm, that will go to one of the "enemy attacks" pieces, the one with fast strings.
  14. Diamond Crevasse!!!
  15. While you're watching episode 7, there's a scene where the camera pans to Ranka and she's singing. Her voice is ... I should say, too plain for a song this energetic. I posted this sample of the song, it's directly from the anime http://www.imeem.com/people/KNcJFgL/music/E2cT0HXn/infinity/. She sings at the 2:18 mark, with the lyrics, Tsuyoku tsuyoku itai de (not sure of the lyrics but it sounds like that). The rest have May'n in the lead. The leak version sounds very different in that part. Yes, I just listened to both parts of the tv and leak versions, they are indeed different. Or if you just listen to the TV version, both refrains, and compare the quality of their voices. One of them is powerful (1:06 minutes), one is plainly cute (2:18 minutes), the former is May'n, the latter is Megumi.
  16. It can't be their VA... the scriptwriters are the best people to do this, but who in particular?
  17. What the hell?! クラン・クランです。私はミシェルの彼女です。 "Klan Klan here. I am Michelle's girlfriend." That is bothering me. It bothers me whatever "size" you're looking at.
  18. Actually, I think that the version that leaked is a purely May'n version. I think we know how different their voices sound like, and Megumi's voice, which shares a part in the TV version of Infinity, is definitely not in the leaked version.
  19. ...they don't appear fine on my computer either Part 2 has different lyrics from Part 1. The Brother spaceship song has a male singer. And, surely you know Ai Oboete Imasu Ka?
  20. 愛・おぼえていますか - Ai Oboete Imasu Ka - Do you Remember Love? 私の彼はパイロット(Part.1). - Watashi no Kare wa Pilotto Part 1- My Boyfriend is a Pilot Part 1 私の彼はパイロット(Part.2).- Watashi no Kare wa Pilotto Part 2 - My Boyfriend is a Pilot Part 2 宇宙兄弟船 - Uchuu Kyoudai Fune - Space Brother Ship (I refer to this song as "Brother Spaceship")
  21. Oops sorry, politically incorrect there. Now I realize, Maaya Sakamoto is one of the singers in that album, so I guess it counts.
  22. Here are CD Japan's sales: DVD (scroll down for pre-orders list): http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/anime/dvd/top.html CD (pre-orders): http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/anime/cd/top_limited.html CDs: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/anime/cd/top.html As an aside, Kanno is also on top of the Voice Actors' CDs (Voice actors?!): http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/anime/act/top_cd.html
  23. I would be more surprised if he kicked so much @ss on the episode. A newbie is a newbie, glad he's portrayed like that
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