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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. Drats, it's leaked! Someone point me to a torrent that has seeds please, or a direct download!!! EDIT: Sorry, looking at Tokyo Toshan right now.
  2. And you probably also noticed this in Mayn's blog: A few more hours to go... EDIT: Hold on a second... in the Lion post of May'n, she mentions that the vocals to the OP is May'n and Megumi, not Sheryl Nome starring May'n. Does this mean we're going to hear Mayn's real, soulful voice in Lion? I hate Mayn's Sheryl voice, but I'd say if she sings in that soulful voice, Megumi, move OVER! Try listening to this May'n song: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3317237 EDIT again: Can't be, perhaps she just missed it in her blog. This is the Macross franchise, she should sing consistently.
  3. No info yet, but I think that it's the one named Frontier 2059. Tomorrow we'll know for sure
  4. This is official, May'n mentioned it in her blog: http://mayn.horipro.jp/blog/
  5. I just realized that those Sheryl girls are not one person, especially the last shot. Her costume is different (look at the details on the cap).
  6. Found it - the Pirates bgm that sounds most like the Macross F bgm is Will and Elizabeth: http://www.amazon.com/Pirates-Caribbean-Cu...l/dp/B0000A1RJI It's not an exact copy, but the "feel" is definitely there.
  7. Download store? None that I know of... you're not a fan of packaging? Or is it faster to get OSTs by download?
  8. Or if you're in Japan... I'll give it till the end of the day until a rip arrives, even a not-so-high quality one.
  9. Eiji Kurokawa is Shoji Kawamori?! Perhaps it's just something like an alliteration to S.M.S. which *someone* thought would be clever if put in a song.
  10. Perhaps on the 2nd OST! It should get in one of the OSTs, they even posted about it in the Macross F website... As for the case of Kanno OSTs, vocal songs usually get published (unless it's Gabriela singing).
  11. Megumi Nakajima will have a live performance at June 14, 15:30 hours at the Venus Fort Two-Storey Church Plaza. Megumi said that the name of the mini live performance is "Ranka Lee = Megumi Nakajima Mini Live @ Formo... NOT! (It's at) Venus Fort" http://www.blog-stardust.jp/nakajimamegumi/
  12. I've listened to some short samples of the bgm, and here's what I've heard so far: Big Boys - The Pirates inspired bgm. The Target - The BGM that plays when our lead characters are winning in a fight. Take Off - Alto flies in his ex-gear. TALLY HO! - Can't recall where this was played but it sounds awesome. Private Army - SMS bgm, usually played when they are in the base, or when Ozuma is around. Yes, this is the flamenco one. Yes, I love this. EDIT: Vital Force - Dang, my memory of the music sucks, this could be one of the intro sequence bgm. Sorry. Still waiting to get a lead on the other bgms. I hope Bajura is the bgm where the enemies attack.
  13. I wonder if it's the same girl as these:
  14. Finally, someone who agrees with me on the Welcome song. I was o__O when I first heard it. Its name sounds cheap, but it turns out like that! Can't wait to have that on HQ. I thought Aimo~Tori no Hito was more like Arjuna in vibe. That's definitely a good thing.
  15. I have a high quality version of Infinity for two days now. But I'm refraining from listening to it. And two other songs (WBMS Formo and another one, which I forgot because I stopped myself from listening). I suppose everyone can wait for the full OST awesomeness.
  16. I heard that the TV station will have to give way to a broadcast of the Olympics. EDIT: My source isn't reliable, so it may not be the reason. Besides, the Olympics start in August.
  17. I've listened to Welcome to my Fan Club's Night! about 10 times now, and I noticed, some of the samples in the song is rehashed from Sousei no Aquarion's theme song. The bubbly twinkling thing. (Of course you guys know the Sousei no Aquarion theme right?! A-I-SHI-TE-RU!!!)
  18. I'm trying to make an excuse why a gun can't shoot the knives but I can't. Maybe, it is made of some really expensive material that makes it so strong and they can't afford to fire them
  19. We'll know for sure when the CDs are released... I don't get anything until they are shipped I'm not the only Yoko Kanno website that lost bandwidth because of Macross Frontier. That should be a good testament to the popularity of the anime and its music. By the way, if anyone wants the leaks to Welcome to my Fanclub's Night, Neko Nikki, Nyan Nyan CM Ranka Version and Aimo~Tori no Hito, PM me. They're in bad quality though, but better than none I suppose. But perhaps you don't want them, well, you see, there's only a few more days to wait until the OST 1 is released! I suppose the experience is going to be different if you listen to the leaks first, because the quality is terrible. I sure wished I heard Welcome to my Fanclub's night in high quality first. :c
  20. Anyone has a screencap of the SD Vajra eyecatch?
  21. For the readers of the Gabby website, it's back up now. http://gabrielarobin.com/
  22. The acting Valk scene was indeed awkward, especially when it held its head. I don't mind it acting out some actions, but the idea that it was slapped on the head and it acted as if it felt the slap was weird. Perhaps Mikhail was shaken inside the Valk but I suppose he wouldn't be shaken enough to act like that! Plus, I'd like to see how Mikhail looks like from inside when he's controlling the Valk to act like that. Or is this something mental? At least he didn't get a real slap from a someone that huge, he would have been swatted like a fly.
  23. I had the impression that he was never star-struck with Sheryl because he's seen better looking people... such as himself.
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