We'll know for sure when the CDs are released... I don't get anything until they are shipped I'm not the only Yoko Kanno website that lost bandwidth because of Macross Frontier. That should be a good testament to the popularity of the anime and its music.
By the way, if anyone wants the leaks to Welcome to my Fanclub's Night, Neko Nikki, Nyan Nyan CM Ranka Version and Aimo~Tori no Hito, PM me. They're in bad quality though, but better than none I suppose.
But perhaps you don't want them, well, you see, there's only a few more days to wait until the OST 1 is released! I suppose the experience is going to be different if you listen to the leaks first, because the quality is terrible. I sure wished I heard Welcome to my Fanclub's night in high quality first. :c