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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. I love both Ranka and Sheryl, but the vote still goes to Sheryl for so many reasons. She knows what she wants, she's hot, she supports Ranka, and she's learning to fly!!!
  2. http://akiba.kakaku.com/hobby/0806/03/200000.php# Photos and report on Macross Frontier OST release in Japan. The setup of the Macross F goodies make me drool... I want that Macross F poster at the foot of the display.
  3. Took me a while for me to understand that But haven't they called it quits?
  4. Well the fans have contacted quite a few artists, but they don't think it's plagiarism. It seems as if the listeners' definition of plagiarism is different from the industry standard. The reply I got from Hooverphonic's email was the most surprising since I expected them to react adversely to the sample I sent them, but they sent me a one-liner along the lines of, "We don't think it's a plagiarism, but thank you for notifying us." For me, as long as it's not a copy of the melody and arrangement, it's safe to say that it's only "inspired", as with the case of the Big Boys piece. Just look around you right now... how many things/designs do you see are completely original ideas?
  5. It's Batter Sea by Hooverphonic. I think the Big Boys piece is definitely not plagiarism, but it was clearly inspired from it.
  6. Actually, I wasn't calling CMYoko (the rank #44 CD) pathetic, in fact I pointed out previously that it had very good online sales, and that was probably the reason the the follow-up CD that had two bonus tracks didn't sell that much. What I was pointing out is the absence of all her other OSTs in the top 100 charts, which is glaring since she's done so many other OSTs before Macross F. EDIT: I think I'm misreading your post though, I agree that it's an achievement for an anime OST to get in, and if the otaku dens really don't count, then that only amplifies the success. Let's just celebrate
  7. Sheryl is following Britney's lead
  8. OMG, the Diamond Crevasse Sheryl nailed it!!! EDIT: And Klan, and Lucca!!!
  9. Here's another link, apparently the news made it to the headlines of Oricon too: http://www.oricon.co.jp/news/confidence/55207/ From the news (and my little knowledge of Japanese, someone help me ) it seems that the highest ranking Kanno ever got in Oricon before Macross F was #44 for CMYoko, and the Macross OST making it at #2 is somehow ground breaking for her career. How pathetic were her sales for the previous OSTs? Or is it just that the other OSTs were not given to her name because they were shared works with other composers?
  10. I know And since it's a popular boy band there was no way the OST was going to sell more. That's not even fair competition to start off with if you ask me
  11. http://www.oricon.co.jp/rank/ja/d/ It's on Oricon #2, there's one debut there from Kat-tun that completely deserved the top spot o__O
  12. For the daily CDs ranking, the top spot is occupied by Superfly with 3324 units sold yesterday, so I suppose that if the Macross F OST 1 had tonnes of pre-orders, that should be easy to beat. The weekly rankings though is another story. Mihimarise is currently on top with 80332 cds in one week, and the Macross F singles did not even get close to that number in their debut. So my prediction, it would debut #1 in Daily Ranking, and debut in #3 in Weekly Ranking. We get the album's daily figures tomorrow or the day after that I think?
  13. The lyrics to Welcome to my Fanclub's night has the words "Don't be Late" in it, and "S.O.S." means "Sheryl On Stage". I don't have time to romanize this stuff, perhaps someone else could? Can you hear me? My lovely boys & girls. 滑り出した奇跡は 今 (1) already catch your heart. さぁSTAND UP! 5G くらいで飛ばせ! 私は 今 I realize that I live. ここにいるわ FEEL! I'm a shinin' STAR! 星座ミラーボールカラー 舞って プラネット・ホーム三番街で 盛り上がれ!エンジン・オンボート!! Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S.! 超空間で 誘惑 流星デート? Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S.! 超高速ロマンティック! あなたへ! Vibration 今ひとつに 心揺らせ トキメキを超えて Can you hear my voice? Be good boys & girls. 今 確かに感じてての 一体感 everywhere Don't you fell it? 最終警告 アゲル周波数 踊れ! shouting through We'll enjoy a day today! (Then) I sing a love song for you. リズムキープと相俟って Step by! Keep on step! Oh yeah. 今ここでフィルイン! Don't be late!! Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S.! 超満員のパンク寸前でもう trance Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S.! 超高速ロマンティック!あなたへ! Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S.! Sheryl on Stage!
  14. I love Zero Hour, I think I'm one of the few who do. I love trance *__*
  15. You're kidding right?
  16. Perhaps it's the Fan Club song. I wonder if she'll say to her fans, "I wrote these first on Meltran panties on a date". Hahahaha.
  17. Kirakira/Twinkle is one of the bgms in Alto and Sheryl's date. I'm sure you could hear Sheryl say "woooow!!!" when you played the song
  18. The Miss Macross (panty chasing) theme is not there, the Attack the Vajra theme is not there. There should be an OST 2, I mean, the cover has OST 1 on it. They shouldn't have put the number if there wouldn't be a follow-up to it
  19. I love it. You have to admit it's been a while since Kanno made anything this epic.
  20. I'm listening to the OST right now!!!
  21. Did you see Sheryl's earring in the CD Jacket?
  22. Then it's all good, don't listen to Darker than Black please XD By the way, I already have the download via direct download. Only it's APE. And it's huge. I'm not a fan of downloading them music in large files
  23. Well she has utterly disappointed me in Darker Than Black, I gave it one listen and tried to listen for the second time then I ditched it The torrents don't have seeders where I'm downloading. Only the booklet is downloading! Total failure. :c
  24. No one is seeding the ones I'm downloading! Only the booklet is downloading! Here's part of the sleeve (are we allowed to post sleeves?) http://i32.tinypic.com/vniddi.jpg http://i25.tinypic.com/ftzptu.jpg Missing nipple alert on Sheryl.
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