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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. I stand corrected, the tempo is different, and so is the rhythm I would hazard a guess, 20,000 - 35,000 units from Wednesday to Saturday. They never published the sales figures in Oricon, meaning that the CD sales were lower than 10K on each day. We will find out on Tuesday or Wednesday this coming week what the real figures for one week (7 days) are. http://www.oricon.co.jp/rank/js/d/ If you look at the sales figures last Friday, Shuchishin - 14316 Arashi - 9889 Pornograffiti - 2192 Yuzu - unpublished Megumi/Ranka - unpublished So it's safe to say Seikan Hikou sold less than 2192 copies last Friday, but of course CD sales go down with time, and the first day should have been more stellar. This may be the first Macross F CD that wouldn't make the weekly top 3 spot, but it's okay since it had tough competition, all the CDs in the top 10 when it debuted were all new releases!
  2. I am not sure that that's a version of Don't be Late, although I recognize that the start of the "doo doo doo doo doo", has the melody of Don't be Late's "-sei chirashite date", but with a different tempo. Regardless of what that song is, I'd also love to have it
  3. I thought that was intentional.
  4. That makes sense, the hand does make the letters I, L, and U. The sign of the Beast has the thumb tucked in.
  5. I think "Memory of Global" is something else, perhaps like a catch phrase? The official Macross F site has updated their episodes list, and episode 13 is named "Twilight Planet". http://macrossf.com/story/story_list.html
  6. Same here. First time I voted negative too, actually, the whole episode looked juvenile for me Or perhaps I should have voted at least neutral because the CG was very well done? (And no one seems to be commenting on it, bad quality just gets talked about more). That was also what I thought, and the episode I had the "Don't worry! We have invented something that fixes just that, problem solved!" moment when Lucca said they were developing a fold booster like that. That's actually a rock hand gesture, right? The sign of the Beast? He's actually my favorite all-time Macross character, because he's interesting in his immaturity and all. I'd love to see more Mac+ nods in this series.
  7. That does look like sheet music, but it's not official. It's arranged by Toyawako Yamazato. There's another sheet music that turned up, but it also looks unofficial: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4773228342/
  8. Seikan Hikou debuted in the Daily Oricon charts at #5 - this time, it's a tough, tough competition. All the CDs in the ranking are debuts!
  9. It's not yet verified if there are only two, but as of now, they are the only two we know of.
  10. Lion will be the second intro song, so it's not yet been heard
  11. I think that an ounce of emotion in Diamond Crevasse beats Neko Nikki in all aspects hands down... to each their own I guess
  12. The riff is similar to the riff in Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple, it is also heard before the verses I think, but at a much faster tempo.
  13. Waiting? Really, I'm terrible with that, besides, some of these guys find torrents or DDLs faster than I do, I could use a little help As for the short version of the songs, cut the guys some slack. It's true that the song was always marked "Deculture Edition" in the CD sales, and the version played in the Deculture Edition of Ep. 1 was short, therefore it was definitely a short version. But some people thought that it meant more like "Deculture Version" and hoped that it was in full. Full versions don't really get marked as "Full ver.", so it should be understandable that some people hoped it was. (If they said "Deculture Length" then that would have been more clear). EDIT: It wasn't "Deculture Edition", rather it was publicized as "Deculture Edition Size", so I suppose some of the posters here just wasn't informed that it was such. But of course, it's a CD single, and the more realistic expectation was to have... a single with one bonus. Depending on how you view it, it's either generous that they gave 2 other bonus tracks, or that they're so mean they're teasing us this way. I think it's "generous". Thank you!
  14. I don't hate them, they just take too much space, and they'll probably be on a CD that I will purchase anyway (which I usually rip to 320kbps).
  15. Someone please tell me if there's a lower quality torrent / download link out... I really don't like downloading the lossless ones
  16. I suppose it's a single and so they're giving us a single with a bonus track... (and a few bread crumbs of other songs here and there)
  17. Here's some more, A for effort
  18. Oh man, Alto ruins that game I gagged when I tried to change his pants and I saw those strawberry knickers :lol:
  19. Don't do that, you're complicating the love triangle!
  20. http://gabrielarobin.com/221/ranka-lee-nak...t-single-tracks
  21. By the way guys, if we keep a tally of the Macross F CDs that have come out, none of them debuted in the Oricon weekly charts lower than rank 3. My fingers are crossed that the same happens for Ranka's single, and the Lion single, and OST 2... Or at least one of them get up to #1 in the weekly charts! That'd be awesome.
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