Waiting? Really, I'm terrible with that, besides, some of these guys find torrents or DDLs faster than I do, I could use a little help
As for the short version of the songs, cut the guys some slack. It's true that the song was always marked "Deculture Edition" in the CD sales, and the version played in the Deculture Edition of Ep. 1 was short, therefore it was definitely a short version. But some people thought that it meant more like "Deculture Version" and hoped that it was in full. Full versions don't really get marked as "Full ver.", so it should be understandable that some people hoped it was. (If they said "Deculture Length" then that would have been more clear).
EDIT: It wasn't "Deculture Edition", rather it was publicized as "Deculture Edition Size", so I suppose some of the posters here just wasn't informed that it was such.
But of course, it's a CD single, and the more realistic expectation was to have... a single with one bonus. Depending on how you view it, it's either generous that they gave 2 other bonus tracks, or that they're so mean they're teasing us this way. I think it's "generous".
Thank you!