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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. You know what, it seems from what you're saying, that "if not for the boobs, what is the issue?" There are issues more than the boobs of course! Klan and Sheryl are both hotness and attitude, and Nanase is quite lacking in that. She's like boobs without that much substance. (That didn't come out right.)
  2. How so when those commenting are also fans of Klan and Sheryl? o__O
  3. And Kanno will make at least one of her CDs... Although I'll have to say that Maaya's voice had much more emotions in it when she started than Megumi's right now.
  4. I stand corrected, Triangler only sold 31,270 units based on the Oricon charts (I was looking at another ranking system before). Seikan Hikou outsold the Triangler single in their first week. *woot!!!*
  5. Okay, I'll have to say exactly why I don't like Nanase... her design insults me (this is a personal reaction) because she seems to have been put there to satisfy some people's need to see a bunch of bouncing breasts. I certainly excuse Sheryl's breasts, she's a pop star and that's a given. I can also excuse Klan's because she's interesting enough. But Nanase, apart from supporting Ranka she's just not interesting at all! And it is more surprising that she's neck and neck in popularity with Ranka who's a more dynamic character. It's definitely the breasts, and I find that insulting (the fact that people root for her because she's got big boobies?!), don't you? No? Then I'd agree to disagree Peace.
  6. I was just kidding, I know Sheryl is pretty smart, I've posted about it before, just poking fun at the blog post
  7. Oh, that's funny then If I were there, I would have told Sheryl, "You know, the word 'gullible' is not in the dictionary." She would probably have been one of those who would really pick up a dictionary to check, and then she'd swear she'd kill me when she figures it out
  8. I don't love nor hate her, but I sure want her gone from the animation so I suppose I'd be on the "hater" camp. But that's just how I feel midway through the series, it might change.
  9. I love that take on jealousy. Looks like she's going to take it with class. Next episode please!!!
  10. ...whoa, someone noticed this? I'm surprised! But look at the 3D shader difference, it's way more gorgeous in Macross F.
  11. I was pretty disappointed too when it was pushed back, it's now almost 2 months of no new CD released. I suppose it lets us save up for it though. The single was pushed back 2 weeks, and I suppose that's because there was a one week episode delay, and I think we're anticipating another delay. Oh well, whatever is better for the sales I suppose.
  12. The person posting there must be an insider or something. That's great then! Or not, I was expecting the sales of the singles to go up. But good news, the single is now on #3 in the daily charts, it's highest position so far, with 1406 CDs sold on June 30.
  13. It is official then, they used it as a front!
  14. None so far. Perhaps we'll get some news this month or next.
  15. Let's see, Lion should outsell all of those, given both Ranka and Sheryl are singing. It's also an OP + ED single, and I suppose we get a few episodes that air the songs before the single gets sold which is good for publicity. The only factor to affect the sales would be how well-written the songs are. I'm excited to hear them Westlo... where did you get those figures? Soundscan Japan also hasn't updated their weeklies yet. http://www.phileweb.com/products/cd-top20/
  16. Where did you get the sales figure? The Oricon single weeklies are not yet updated... http://www.oricon.co.jp/rank/js/w/
  17. Post your photo here when you're done
  18. So it's the style, not the method of doing the style. Okay, I get it. But now I'm wondering why that was pointed out in this thread? (Not that anyone said we can't discuss good quality in a thread that almost entirely has been composed of bad quality discussions... so I guess we could talk about good quality in this thread too!)
  19. ...I don't know but that doesn't look like 80's style to me, there's probably a lot of computers involved in drawing and coloring that one! Regardless, it looks like a beauty
  20. But it wouldn't hurt to put some of it on the VF when it was in the back view flying away
  21. Is she on drugs or something?
  22. What about Alto and Ranka's flight in the 12th episode, in Sheryl's view there's a smoke trail on the VF, but in the close up of it zooming away(back view), it's not there.
  23. I'm not sure but I guess it'd be on Wednesday morning Japanese time, since that's exactly 7 days from the release... if not, it'd be a little later. (EDIT: Hmm, come to think of it, I don't know how Oricon operates, so it might appear on Monday...) Seikan Hikou went up to #4, but no figures still. The CD above it had 2474 CDs sold.
  24. And I call this quoting out of context.
  25. Just to benchmark: Triangler's first week: 34,961 Don't be Late's first week: 42,714 Seikan Hikou: ?
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