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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. What if they kept the pouches? Mikhail...
  2. http://animejapan4u.blogspot.com/2008/06/m...-and-novel.html It's mentioned at the fourth and fifth line (from the right of course).
  3. I've changed my avatar, but it's still the Queen Anyway, there's a new blog entry from Sheryl, I couldn't read it but I suppose it's about workaholics or something.
  4. You noticed it too? I've kept mine ever since I first saw the episode it was in!
  5. mike_s_6

    VF Girls

    But low-cut swim suits are in right? Only... they're two-piece
  6. Hmmm whoa. o__O
  7. Ranka is finally ahead of Nanase!
  8. The characters in Macross Plus are really the best - they moved me in only 4 episodes! But for CGI I suppose those things change with time and we can safely say that Macross F sweeps the competition ^__^;;
  9. Well Babelfish does wonders As you probably already know, "Lullaby" in Japanese is literally "baby sitter song", they forgot to translate the last kanji.
  10. So that was it? Well I did hear that Maaya will appear in Macross F in episode 13, I didn't know it'd be that brief. But I guess Ranka's mom will play a bigger role in the future, so we'll hear more of her.
  11. Actually that CD Japan entry is quite a brain fart (hahaha, of course I love them, I always order from them). It says "May'n (Ai Nakajima)", which is doubly wrong. First, Megumi's name in kanji is the kanji for "Love", and is usually romanized as "Ai". But her name is really romanized as "Megumi", hence it should be "Megumi Nakajima", not "Ai Nakajima". Putting her name in parenthesis looks like they mistook this "Ai Nakajima" as the real name of "May'n" when "May'n" is "May Nakabayashi", which is quite near Megumi's name. CD Japan's Japanese site Neo Wing lists it as: May'n (CV: 中島愛) - Can someone tell me what "CV" stands for? It really looks like they are mistaking them to be one person. EDIT: CV is "Character Voice". Wow, they actually thought that May'n is an anime character voiced by Ai Nakajima. Someone should inform CD Japan/Neo Wing about this That aside, Amazon Japan lists it properly: http://www.amazon.co.jp/ライ&a.../dp/B001AKCYOY/ It says "Megumi Nakajima" (Artist) and "May'n" (Artist)
  12. Is it pink/purple enough?
  13. Yes I know, was just poking fun at the fact that I actually mentioned "song power" This time I think it won't be anyone doing backup vocals, they should both be singing or else it will look as if one of the characters is being shafted
  14. Make that Ranka and Sheryl, double song power Btw, are the bandscores official? The few ones I heard of are not official ones...
  15. That Babelfish translation is pretty much understandable, just replace the words .
  16. Episode 13...She IS FLYING!!! I think I'm nuts. The way she reacted to Alto in their conversation in the VF was just classy
  17. Let's wait for the poll that opens after episode 15 airs
  18. Lolz, I won't, of course I don't like every Maaya song out there either Yeah, it's not triumphant, quite disappointing really that her most sold CD single is this one
  19. You got me there
  20. You never thought highly of Light of Love?! To each their own
  21. Well that may sound like it, but I haven't mentioned that Triangler is a poorly written song, and I didn't want it as an OP in the first place. I have replaced Maaya with other artists such as Origa, but I don't think I'd put Megumi anywhere above Maaya, as of now. Besides, as I've said, Maaya has more emotions in her voice when she was younger than Megumi is now, so it's hard for me to pick Megumi over her.
  22. I was about to say Seikan Hikou had the OP vibe for me
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