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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. The co-director of Macross Plus I think made a whole lot of difference, just look at his other works. He has a knack for making characters that can move your emotions. I'm not so sure if eliminating the Protoculture in a story would make a good story in itself, but why not for a future Macross series
  2. Like a lot of others here, I started with Robotech on TV, then researched and found out about Macross ...I first got to watch Macross Plus in pirated VCD format The technology enabling me to purchase original disks right now is a blessing.
  3. I actually put "he died for a woman who doesn't love him as much as she loved his best friend" and then I chopped it up, because I thought it looked like a running sentence. Which I just realized, by the way I cut it, made it inaccurate EDIT: Looking at the time, I need to sleep
  4. They are not just possible - it's been official for about a month now: http://macrossf.com/galaxy.html
  5. Looks like Guld is in the lead right now. Despite having only 4 episodes / 1 movie, looks like his character's death is still memorable even after 7, Zero and Frontier... have to admit it sure is something One more thing for Guld - he died for a woman who doesn't love him and perhaps only pities him. Would you, with all your manliness, die for a woman like that (who also happens to love your bestfriend)? If you say yes, then hats off to you
  6. You remind me of the Animesuki forum
  7. Serious replies (yes I actually thought about this too when I first saw it): 1. It could be a hair clip in the shape of a bow. It's just in a place we're not used to seeing it. 2. It could be a full, round headband, just that the rest of it is obscured by her hair. Somehow.
  8. 最終回 - this means "last episode"
  9. Official figures for this week's sales: 1- 467,288 Arashi 『truth/風の向こうへ』 2- 57,667 Pornograffitti 3- 56,455 May'n/Megumi Nakajima The #1 position is definitely secured by Arashi, but that margin between 2 and 3... Oh well no use dwelling on it! Here's to the 4th Macross F CD to get to the top 3! Fifth Macross CD to get inside the top 5!
  10. Lion lands #3 in the weekly rankings?!?!?! Okay I'm just a bit disappointed since I was hoping it would make it to #2, but still... CONGRATULATIONS TO THE STAFF!!! This is good news, can't wait for Oricon to update their website
  11. Another for Guld: He just realized how the woman he loved and best friend pitied his situation, how he ruined their friendship, and then was man enough to be sorry for it. And even after realizing that, stood to defend them, which caused his death. And... ouch for his death. His whole body must have caved in. Question though, what do you guys mean by a "manly death", and what makes one more manly than the other? Or is this just subjective?
  12. Actually, the vocals themselves for the new Diamond Crevasse were re-recorded, listen to how she curls some of the phrases to achieve a more dramatic effect, like in "mou nido to...", and the instruments are partly different (original didn't have a plucked acoustic guitar).
  13. Actually, that announcement was for the Galaxy Tour Final, a Macross F concert. http://gabrielarobin.com/288/kanno-yoko-pr...laxy-tour-final
  14. I'd love to read this thread with the songs sang by the forumers
  15. Okay, um, is there a new ending song? Or just a new animation for Northern Cross?
  16. "I'm sick and tired of you forecasting my end." ha!
  17. Interstellar Flight is Seikan Hikou, Ranka's dance song.
  18. No broadcast breaks due to the Olympics? Good!
  19. I heard she and May'n sang this as a duet in the Super Live concert. If we get footage of that, which I hope we will since Maaya was also there, then we might get to hear a longer version of Ranka singing this song. Or do you want a recorded one with Ranka only? That'd be better I guess
  20. I don't know what about my post sounded like I was disparaging you, I was just trying to start a discussion. I thought that you were quoting someone when you said, "Calling so litlle "sultry blues" is an overstatement." The line sounded like it was directed to someone else who described it was such. So alright, given that I was reading your post wrong, I take back my post which was supposed to be in defense of the person I thought you quoted. About the fact that I gave the song more meaning than probably intended, I marked the start with "Theory start:" to mean that it's nothing solid. I can make more theories on the song, say "Perhaps she will sing this song to Ranka and tell her how she feels when she hears the song", or that "She will some day sing this song and find out that it also affects the Vajra" or something. All I'm saying is that, "that's how it felt to me", I am not personally accepting it as truth, nor am I asking anyone else to accept it as truth. The only truth there is that the song made me feel that way, regardless of the author's intention. I hope that makes sense.
  21. I was keeping it to myself, as I've told everyone: because I know it's wrong and ridiculous (I'm telling even myself that it's wrong and ridiculous) and that given, no one probably believes that it's true right? Please don't get upset about it
  22. ...Aimo isn't Ranka's, it was just a song passed down to her from her mother, from who knows where her mother got it. Also, what's an overstatement about saying that a rendition sounds sultry and bluesy? Don't you agree that it sounds sultry and bluesy, as opposed to say, cute and cheerful? And I suppose people aren't talking about the whole song, just that one line. But one line doesn't prevent people from saying that "That line sounds sultry and bluesy", does it? If the rest of the song is cheerful, then people have the right to say, "Oh, but the rest of the song is cheerful" when it's broadcast. Theory start: You know my take on why we hear Sheryl sing "Aimo" on that episode? Because she was thinking of why Ranka had the power to move the Vajra with her Aimo... and she didn't. THAT is how the song sounds to her ears - a sad song that almost marked the end of her career.
  23. Oh, I didn't say that it's the virtues that you like in a character, I said that we have different criteria regarding what we like in a character, which is supported by the rest of your post. Also, I don't understand what "obsane" means, is it a new word for obsessive and insane? Don't you think this is an offensive way to call someone, especially if the person is talking to you in a civil manner? I'm not obsessive nor insane, that I'll have to argue with you. She's just an anime character.
  24. @Duke Togo Why do you still keep trolling this "theory" thread you know, they're just theories! There's nothing immoral about guessing, no one is harmed. They are not imposing their ideas onto you. Now, you don't have to impose YOUR ideas that people should not make theories if they sound convoluted to you.
  25. Come to think of it, our criteria for liking a character might be different from each other. You mentioned a lot of things there which you hate about her, but on the contrary, that's what I (speaking only for myself this time) liked about her. I think I go against popular notion when I say I like characters that are "interesting" regardless of what "virtue" they stand for. I like how they are "written". Example - I liked Joker more than Batman in the new Batman movie because he is interesting, regardless of his manic means. So I do respect if you dislike Sheryl somehow because she acts in a way you dislike, I say I like her because of her sass and her reaction to events that try to bring her down. She's more interesting to me in that way than Ranka, who possesses characteristics and character development that are too common in anime.
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