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Everything posted by mike_s_6

  1. And the little something that caught my eye:
  2. If not for those see-through thongs, she looks good actually. The design on that underwear is done in bad taste
  3. I'm not sure about the other photos, but I saved this one: http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/647/capture3wj3.jpg
  4. Didn't Sara save the day? Or so from what I remember
  5. Okay great, there are slightly different synopses in Animage, Animedia and Newtype. Someone should merge them
  6. I was just wondering which is the source of that (I'm getting confused with all of them...)? The one by Animage one with the magazine photo is the one I translated. It's different by a few lines.
  7. Three episodes and one and a half week of bickering will keep everyone up until the OST 2 is released. Drats, I just realized how long it is before it is released.
  8. I hope these translations I made are correct, someone please correct if they are wrong. Animage:
  9. Perhaps you mean, "Sheryl has won"? Is it that he kissed her? You see some people are open to the idea that since there is no direct shot of them kissing, then it didn't happen. (By the way, on the contrary, a shot of the kiss might have cheapened the scene, as in the LeonxCathy kiss). And if it didn't happen, all the comforting in the previous episode was just to help her since she's dying anyway. People are waiting for Alto to spell it out for everyone, either a direct "Sheryl/Ranka I love you" or a "Sheryl/Ranka is the one I love" told to someone else, at the last episode. Speculation: I say they kissed, but the actual scene will only be shown as a flashback when Sheryl is already dead, for dramatic purposes.
  10. Exactly one month from now.
  11. What if they do the obvious since we're thinking that the obvious won't happen?
  12. They're available, but not in very good quality. They were just played over the phone and recorded. However, some perhaps Sheryl fan actually got the good quality demo and final version of Sheryl's enka somehow (I'm pretty sure whoever leaked it is a Sheryl fan, imagine the others are not even out there, and we have both demo and final versions of Sheryl's?!).
  13. Again, while it reminds people of Oedipus Complex, it is not a case of Oedipus Complex. There is no evidence that Alto had romantic feelings for her mother, hence using this term is just an attempt to use big words. To say that it reminds you of Oedipus Complex, or as you said, has references to, doesn't mean that it's equivalent to it, as quite a lot of people over the net is trying to make it to be. Oedipus Complex is such a strong description to use on a person who just has familial love to his mother.
  14. This is to quote someone from YKDB, talking about Anata no Oto: Then someone asked what "Dokun" was in that *context*... Funniest set of lines I've read in that forum ever Go RANKA! *sings* Your sound is dokun dokun dokun... Bobby should sing this stuff.
  15. I'm weirded out by the people who are calling it Oedipus Complex. That complex only refers to males who develop romantic love for their mother. Unless Alto has this huge desire to have sex with his mother and kiss her and whatnot, then there's no Oedipus Complex here. Face it, we all seek for lovers who are somewhat like our parents, but of course, not in the romantic way *eep*.
  16. I didn't want my post to look mean so I replaced "hate" with "dislike", but I guess it reeks of it anyway
  17. I just asked someone from a Chinese forum... seems like Sheryl fans are also numerous there, with some who dislike Ranka.
  18. Actually given that parallel, Sheryl gets the axe *__* Sheryl = Guld Alto = Myung Ranka = Isamu Wow, I can't believe I put that equation sign between Ranka and Isamu, personally that'd be one uninteresting character and one very interesting character respectively OT: I just remembered that Macross Plus line that had me laughing on my desk, the one where Isamu mentions the number 21.
  19. "If you are an adult..." is a direct translation of what Sheryl wrote in her blog: "オトナなら…" This serves as a caption to a photo she attached to her blog post.
  20. The "Don't feed the trolls" is a call for both Ranka and Sheryl haters, as how I felt it. If you dislike Ranka but don't go overboard, like calling people names and just being negative every time a praise for "Ranka" comes up, I couldn't see how that phrase could be directed to you. Or if you debate with that person's praise for Ranka but do it in a civil fashion, then it can't refer to you either. Honestly you don't sound like a troll to me. I love it more when the Suki forums are going overboard in cheering for their chosen character/pairing, like the "Go Queen Sheryl (put gar image of Sheryl in a dominatrix attire here)" but avoided when it went nasty. Name calling, all caps here and there, refusing to talk about evidence, you know. I'm not saying that people aren't being positive, just that we should try to avoid being too negative altogether
  21. I don't think it's hypocritical, perhaps ironic. No one said "People who dislike Ranka are trolls" (faulty generalization) - just that people who dislike Ranka to the point of trying to denigrate every single thing she does, even if it's an innocent mistake or if it doesn't look heroic enough or something else, are just being negative. When I saw this person in another forum doing the same thing with Sheryl I also disliked it, every single action of hers was imputed a meaning that was completely anti-Sheryl and pro-Ranka! I'd hate to be in discussions like that, even if people are doing it to defend my personal choice of favorite character. Some people have the idea that in order to elevate the perception of their favorite character, they have to always think and talk negative of her rival. This shouldn't be the case. To elevate the perception of your favorite character... we should discuss what's good about her.
  22. Yeah me too. Is there a Sheryl fans against Ranka trolls now? I actually found myself defending her in the episode before last, and in the current one
  23. I also notice this, but I don't know how to react to it *__* I also think that this thread is inflammatory, given that "naive" isn't such a positive way to describe a person, and neither is "evil war criminal".
  24. ...I thought it looks Photoshopped, but then again the shadows look projected well to fit the bedsheet that it can't be! If it's not Photoshopped then wow, but regardless it's great art Oops, looks like it is Photoshop (but great art nonetheless):
  25. Have you watched the other works of Watanabe? I wouldn't say that he "made" Macross Plus, that's preposterous, but given that Macross Plus had those characters makes me think that he had a hand in at least writing down the personalities of Isamu and Guld, which for me, is why Macross Plus was so interesting (apart from the excellent Valkyrie to Valkyrie action, which I'd credit to Kawamori in a heartbeat). I'm just saying that it's not enough to remove the Protoculture to perhaps make Frontier as interesting as Macross Plus, if Macross Plus is comes close to your standard of good story-telling.
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