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Everything posted by Ratchet

  1. It's big in America too. I happen to be a DBZ fan myself.
  2. Uh...no. America kicks every countries ass. Hooah? Warrior Medic, out!
  3. I can't wait for the AIM-120D to arrive. The F/A-18E/F and Raptor are going to be more deadly.
  4. Our F-15s in Alaska already have those. What do you think the Raptor will have or already has (can you say top secret). I'm also a firm believer that the British Meteor will someday arm the Raptor. Look at the dimensions of the Meteor vs. AMRAAM. Practically the same. Or maybe we just stick with the 100+ range AIM-120D. EDITED IN: Saudi Arabia just purchased hundreds of EF-2000. I wonder if the U.S. sells the Raptor to Israel and Japan now.
  5. There's this bs going on around that the EF-2000 is supposibly better than the Raptor *ROTFLMAO* Thrust vectoring, Mini-AWACS, Stealth, and supercruise....yeah...the Eurofighter is better.
  6. Computer Games: 1996 Duke Nukem 3D by 3D Realms CD-ROM with original case and manual. 1998 Diablo by Blizzard Entertainment. CD-ROM without original CD case. 2000 Deus Ex by Ion Storm CD-ROM without original CD case. 2000 Thief II: The Metal Age by Eidos 2 CD-ROM(Game and Installation) without original CD cases. 2000 MDK 2 by Interplay Entertainment Corps CD-ROM without original CD case. 2002 Medal of Honor: Allied Assault by EA Games CD-ROM with original CD case. 1999 Unreal Tournament by Epic Games CD-ROM without original CD case. 1999 Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun Sountrack by Westwood CD-ROM with original case. 1995-1996 Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations by Westwood with original CD case. 1995 Command & Conquer (PC CD-ROM)by Westwood 2 CD-ROM with original CD case. 1995 Command & Conquer (Windows 95) by Westwood 2 CD-ROM with original CD case. 2000 Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 by Westwood 2 CD-ROM with original CD case. 1997 Age of Empire by Microsoft CD-ROM with original CD case. 1998 Dune 2000 by Westwood CD-ROM with original CD case. 2001 Emperor: Battle for Dune by Westwood 4 CD-ROM set with original CD case. 2001 Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds 2 CD-ROM with original case and manual. 1995 Caesar II: Build a City, Build an Empire by Sierra CD-ROM with original CD case. 1997 Lords of The Realm II by Sierra CD-ROM with original CD case. 1998-2000 Populous: The Beginning and 1995-1997 Sim Earth: The Living Planet 2 pack CD-ROMS with box and orginal CD cases. 2002-2004 Rome: Total War by Activision complete with box, manuals, and of course...the game. 1995 Fast Attack by Sierra CD-ROM with original case. 1996 USNF'97 U.S. Navy Fighters by Janes CD-ROM with original CD case. 1996 F-22 Lightning II by Novalogic CD-ROM without original CD case. 1996 Jet Fighter III by Mission Studios CD-ROM with original CD case. 2003 Jetfighter 5 by Global Star Software CD-ROM with original CD case. 1997 Silent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer II by Sierra CD-ROM with original case. 1996 iM1A2 Abrams by Interactive Magic CD-ROM with original case. 1997 ATF (Advance Tactical Fighters) by Jane's CD-ROM(Combat stick software version) with original CD case. 1996 ATF (Advance Tactical Fighters) by Jane's CD-ROM without original CD case. 1996 ATF NATO Fighters by Jane's CD-ROM with original CD case. 1996 AH-64D Longbow by Jane's 2 CD-ROM with original CD case. 1997 SU-27 Flanker by SSI CD-ROM without original CD case. 1995 EF-2000 by DID CD-ROM without original CD case. Ref Book available. 1997 EF-2000 V2.0 by DID CD-ROM without original CD case. Ref Book available. 1997 iF-22 by Interactive Magic 2 CD-ROM discs(Bosnia and Ukraine theatres) without original cases. 1999-2000 Fleet Command by Jane's CD-ROM without original CD case. 1999 MechWarrior 3 by Micro Prose CD-ROM without original CD case. 1995 Mech Warrior 2 31st Century Combat by Activision CD-ROM with original CD case. 2001 Anarchy Online: The Future is in Your Hands by Funcom CD-ROM without original CD case. 1986-1993 The Chestmaster 4000 Turbo by Software Toolworks CD-ROM without original CD case. 2000 Microsoft Return of Arcade CD-ROM without case or manual (Pac-Man, Dig-Dug, Pole Position, Galaxian, & Ms. Pac-Man) PS1 Games: Forsaken 2 Madden 2000 Tenchu 2 Syphon Filter Omega Boost Medal of Honor Wu-Tang Shaolin Style Colony Wars Playable SEGA Genesis (accessories and 1 6-button controller) and the following Games(Complete with cases and instruction manuals): ATP Tour Championship Tennis 1994 World Series Baseball Battleship 1993 Madden Football F22 Interceptor ATF NHL 96 LHX Vectorman Playable SEGA Dreamcast with accessories(CD Browser, etc) and 2 controllers + these games: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six QUAKE III Arena Pre-Played World Series Baseball 2K2(not in original case and no manual) NBA 2K2 NFL 2K2 Fighting Force 2 Super Nintendo Street Fighter II with box and instructions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nothing to do with Macross games. Thread closed.
  7. Hentai sucks. Give me real porno with real women anyday.
  8. I guess so
  9. Voltes V, Mazinger Z, Star Rangers, and Star Blazers were the sh*t back in my time (late 70s when I stayed in the Philippines with my mom). I miss those text cards they used to sell in the province I stayed at. I'd kill to have a complete set of text cards of Voltes V and Mazinger Z.
  10. If you could have 5 toys displayed(live without) in your fancy display case, which would they be? I'd be happy with the fore mentioned 6 above and be done with collecting. It doesn't matter if they could be had on Ebay or how valuable or rare they are. Just toys you'd be happy having in your home to play or gawk at.
  11. What!? Ninja Scrolls brought alot of people in the 90s back to Anime. After Macross II, there wasn't much out there for me as far as watching Anime here in the U.S. My brother didn't even care about Anime until he saw Ninja Scrolls. If you ask me, today's Anime is garbage. Back to the subject: Does Dragonball count? I used to come home from work (after midnight) and chill in my living room watching DBZ on the Cartoon Network before showering and hitting the sack *lol*
  12. #1 Voltes V GX-31 SOC #2 MP-01 Convoy/Optimus Prime #3 BPX-01 SOUL OF POPYNICA BATTLESHIP YAMATO BANDAI or the more expensive 1/350 scale model kit #4 1/48 VF-1S Roy Focker/Fokker #5 Predaking (die cast version) #6 The biggest Godzilla Die cast figure out there...I mean big!
  13. I can't believe I don't have Voltes V yet. I practically worshipped him as a kid in the Philippines when Marcos was still president back in the day. Go figure.
  14. I can't believe non of you guys listed Yamato or Ninja Scrolls. Heck, Fist of the North Star was pretty controversial in it's day with exploding heads and all that!
  15. #1 Ninja Scrolls #2 Fist of The North Star #3 Detonator Orgun #4 Venus Wars #5 Wings of Honneamise If not these, then... MD Geist, Patlabor, and Big Wars ( I wish they could have made a sequel to this). Oh wait a minute.....#1 for me should be....SPACESHIP BATTLESHIP YAMATO!!!!!!!!!
  16. Nice
  17. Mine would have to be this tank from Detonator Orgun: This crazy Ishtar tank from Venus Wars: Sparta Hovertank:
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