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Everything posted by Ratchet

  1. Who collects vintage computers here? I've got a 386mhz laptop I'm trying to dump.
  2. Ooooops...The title should say: "Have you guys seen this?" I saw the link via Robot Japan and I thought I'd share it if you haven't seen it yet.
  3. Spitfire? Nice.
  4. I don't know about you, but I enjoy the rant and raving between Robotech and Purists fans.
  5. Old school nostalgia.
  6. I love 'em. I could probably lug one around in my TA-50 or my ALICE pack and it wouldn't even be damaged. I didn't want to do it, but I traded 2 of them and sold one. of course, those 3 were still in their boxes and it's not like I got to enjoy them. I freed one though for display (VF-1S Roy). I've got 2 other VF-1S with armor MIB. I'm never selling or trading those. Roy's my favorite Valk. Oh yeah....I sold a Joon's KO to a MW member! I got that KO back in 1998 on Ebay!
  7. The best part of being in the U.S. Army is the flight back to the Yay Area!
  8. Let see some pictures of you inside or next to a military warplane. This is me inside a Longbow *sniff* *cry* A-10 patrolling our base....
  9. Bumblebee in the background "Ratchet" on the left and "Chucky" on the right!
  10. I've never....never.....regretted...joining the U.S. Army straight out of HS. I wouldn't trade my life(history) in the army for anything. Some of the coolest ppl I've met have been in the army(a lot of them love Macross, Transformers, Robotech, and of course....GI Joe). Working on my 3rd reenlistment/commission. Editted in: Some of the perks of being in the U.S. Army....the toys! That's me in the WSO or whatever you call the back pilot of a AH-64D Longbow
  11. $2000, give or take.
  12. I was more into military hardware growing up than cars
  13. Most of my stuff are still in their boxes (MIB or MISB).
  14. Current Issue: Super 7 Macross related Stuff
  15. I first started posting at this newsgroup way back in 1996?
  16. Some of us would like to discuss sports, politics, money, sex, and ...... life.
  17. Uploading captured DVD images.... more... and lastly... They're 60s: So much for the 60s being dumped in the Gulf of Mexico. Michael Bay has them.
  18. Beast Wars > Beast Machines and Armada.
  19. I think they were M-48s, but I'm not sure. They appeared when the Qatar military base was attacked by that helicopter Decepticon?
  20. I posted my 2 cents and somebody dissed me. Forgive me for responding in kind. By the way, atleast I'm serving my country and I will retire wearing my uniform. Yeah....I'm a disservice to my uniform, the patients I take care of, and my community. But you guys are right...we are getting off the subject aren't we?
  21. Nice
  22. GO INDIANS!!!!!!
  23. Re-read my edit. By the way, I'm a Giants fan, but I'm rooting for the Indians (3-1 over the Sox) in their series with the over-hyped Red Sox. Too bad the Yankees aren't in it anymore. I hope my boy, Barry Bonds, goes to the Yankees. That would be icing on the cake.
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