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Everything posted by Ratchet

  1. *ooops* Double posts!
  2. You can tell it's going to be good.
  3. F-22's so stealthy, he didn't even know they were right behind him
  4. Medic vehicles rule! FLA (field line ambulance)
  5. Chally 2 is getting the new longer range German Rheinmetall L55 120mm gun found on the Leo A6. M1A2 > car *lol*
  6. A human is faster than an autoloader.
  7. Chally 2 is a good tank, but awfully slow (heavier too) compared to it's main rivals: The M1, Leo, Leclerc, and the Ukranian T-84. It does sport the 2nd generation chobham armor though. I'd vote Leo 2 for it's all-around capabilities and longer range gun. The Swiss version is amphibious too.
  8. Try watching the Military Channel. They have the Leo 2 as the best tank in the world. The only reason I voted for the M1A2 is because of it's excellent performance in Iraq ( I'm a U.S. Army lifer) and the Abrams having the TUSK option. M1 and Leo are offsprings of the defunct MBT-70 joint program back in the 70s.
  9. If we're mentioning the best all-around tank in WW2, I'd personally vote for the Panther V after the bugs were sorted out that is (after the Kursk battle).
  10. I'm partial to the M1A2 since I've been around it(I voted for it), but the Leopard 2 might be the best tank in the world. It's longer range 120mm gun alone gives it a strong nod.
  11. If they have an aircraft thread, tanks and ships should also be up. The M1A2, Leopard 2, T-84, and Merkava are my favorite tanks in the world.
  12. No trolling intended
  13. 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime and Yamato 1/48th Valks should be ranked #1 and #2 in this order. Retards.
  14. Been a while.
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