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Scream Man

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Everything posted by Scream Man

  1. yeah its just more missle tubes Does it have any guns? What does it do if it runs out of missles?
  2. I just think they havent drawn the hands in. Im sure it will have hands of some kind, they arent likely to go to all that trouble to leave the hands off! As for the nosecone: Ive always thought of the GBP armour as a way of making the VF a heavy ground troop or something. The nosecone removale is no issue for me either. and thanx for the comments re the 1j super armour on the low viz. I mIGHT just have to save and do that...
  3. This is only dimly on topic, but the 1J FAST packs; do they look and good on the low viz? Just coz as I said before, Id be more likelt to buy that and a seperate Armour so i could have more Valks bulked up.
  4. very cool... Im torn as to whether Ill just buy armour or whether ill spring for one with the 1J. I suppose i could buy a 1J with Fps, put the packs on the low Viz and then buy the seperate armour. hmmmm.......
  5. Yeah it was the TV max with FAST packs. Im going to be buying off Neova i think for the first time, and even that is a big step for me Heres hoping!
  6. Well, first off i DID buy the low Viz for about 360 in an import store. i knew I was getting charged through the roof, but this was WAY after their release, so i felt lucky to get one at all. Low viz, if u are in sydney and mean Astro Hobbies near Haymarket, then im the sucker who bought it Ill give u a current example. The Millia 1/48 with Fp is currently (As of 13/11/04) up for $251 at HLJ. now I seem to recall Max being more thahn that when i got him, but assuming he wasnt, Id probably get the EMS express mail, since it can be tracked, is insured and I get it in a week. Thats an extra $60 or so aussie. So we're loking at about 310 or so Aussie for that. Its not just the conversion rate as people say. Its also import duties n stuff. people are blown away we pay $15 for Marvel Legends (About $7-$8 in the states) or 25 for delux transformers (I think at most 15, i forget). The truth is, we're a LONG way from most places and so getting stuff is pricey. Im a toy collector, and i accept this. but I have to be selective. i got the 1/48 1A Hikaru (the first 48 released) for a christmas present. I bought my MAX and Low Viz. I bought the 6 1/60s i own and the 2 1/72's. Im pretty much set for what i want. And before people say ebay, Ive been burned before, and dont trust it. id rather pay more from a retailer and KNOW it'll arrive.
  7. For me it comes down to space and cash. I recently need to pay off my CC a bit, so I sold my 1/60 MAX FAST pack toy. After all, I have the 1/48. so what did i need the 60 for? If i can get myself a Roy 1/48 with the strike set, then ill more than likely sell my 1/60 of him as well. Lets face it, here in oz, to get something like the low viz or max 1/48 i had to fork out over $350 each! Thats a lot of money I could be spending on the various other toy series i collect for one thing, like transformers and Marvel Legends. Theres only so much I can do and spend, and macross is just to pricey to do hardcore. Also Yamato (Who I think make the best valks) just arent doing anything new. Yeah theres the Qraus, but im so-so on getting them. Again, they're like $250 or so each for me, so its a big call. The monster is laughably expensive, so Ill skip that. And the mO stuff looks silly. So thers just nothing left to get! I havent posted here in quite some time, bu Id swing by looking for new stuff....and theres nothing. So with a roy 1/48 and an Alpha fighter i think Ill be done for quite some time. Sad really.
  8. Scream Man

    1/60 Gbp

    yeah, i think Ill pass as well. Ill wait for the 1/48's.
  9. Im betting there wil be a 1S with Strike packs and a TV style Roy figure, a 1D, VE-1 and Ostrich before the line is done, as well as a CF and maybe Green Kakizaki 1A's. The 1/48 line does really well, and i doubt they'll let it die that easy.
  10. Max is 202, so i assume Millia is 203. as for where they go; it should be in the Yamato Instructions.
  11. They look awesome man! Wish I could afford a FASTPack set, but they come to about $100 Aussie with shipping, and that seems excessive for just the packs. The sticker/decals u got onto the controls there look great! I can get the centre panel on ok, but that one across the bottom is a bitch to apply. And what did u use to do the panel lines? Say, are they still making Roys 1S? Or is it still available anywhere? OR are they re-releasing it with Strike Packs?
  12. So that paint IS coming off?
  13. So I managed to find myslef a 1/48 VF-1A Low Vis. And its fine. Im gonna glue the flaps closed, and maybe the nose on, but thats just a personal preferance. My question is the paint. It feels very stick in parts, like tis coming off on my finegrtips. Is this just the feel of the paint, or does it generally come off? Largely this is on the legs and the top of the plane, in the parts thar are the shiney grey.
  14. Sorry graham, I should haver paid more attention. I went to the compendium tright before I asked, but couldnt see anything labeled VB6. I guess i wasnt paying enough attention. thos estands look pretty cool. Do we know a price on em?
  15. Oh THAT? Wow, I didnt know that the Monster was variable!!!! Damn, thats pretty cool. What scale is it?
  16. ive never heard of a VB-6 Before. is that a variable spacecraft? I looked on teh continuum and couldnt find it. How big is it supposed to be in relation to valks?
  17. Ah....Well, I hoper it is. I have a friend goign to Japan who has asaid he'll get me one, and i gave him pics and descriptions of the plane, using that box as to what it will look like on the outside. I WANT the FP version. Man, I hope thats right...
  18. Sweet Thanx
  19. In the 1J pics that I have seen, it appears to have premolded hands. Are they detachable ones to replace the ones with articulated fingers? or are they some kind of new articulation that is covered up really well?
  20. So that box with the blue and the clouds is for the 1/48 1J Super, right? They arent doign a 1J non super?
  21. 1/72: VF-11B FP YF-21 FP 1/60: VF-1S VF-1S FP VF-1J FP (MAX) VF-1J FP (HIKARU) VF-1A CF VF-1D 1/48: VF-1A (Hikaru)
  22. Scream Man

    Meeting with yamato

    Danke graham, but I wish I knew more about the upcoming 19! When can u tell us anything?
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