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Scream Man

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Everything posted by Scream Man

  1. the fps look ok n all but....well, it doesnt seme like a huge addition really. I mean the fold booster is ok, but I dunno if Ill ever display with that. graham is the fold/fast set only going to be a solo set, or also sold with a 19?
  2. Ive always wanted to make a dio for the 1/48s. These ones look great! I wish there was more stuff in the 1/60 scale....its such an annoying scale, there is almost nothing else out there that matches it.
  3. i thinmk Ill probably leave them retracted. They dont add that much to the overall look to me.
  4. Scream Man

    Graham's Sig

    the YF-21 Is kinda full of problems if u want it to be transformable and look good in all three modes. Yamatos 1/72 FP version was pretty good, though still had some massive issues. I think the 1/60 one will be good. My only real worry is the hips; they will need to br pretty stiff, since the 21 is so top heavy...
  5. Whats the red thing sitting on the back of the hield in the yellow Supanova scheme? Looks lieka firecracker or something.... As for transforming....well I guess mine will arrive after christmas.
  6. Scream Man

    Please Read

    actually yeah the shoulders on both mine are pretty loose. easily just as loose as the 0S.
  7. Scream Man

    Graham's Sig

    I dont think they will change the price for the paint scheme, but the saize thing could be a bit of a problem...
  8. Scream Man

    Please Read

    my new oa's seem ok, but this is what happened t o my frst one. well one of the things that happened to it
  9. dude, if we get to that point then that will probably be the least of our problems
  10. Ive never heard of amenbo. Is there an english translation of the site?
  11. Scream Man

    Graham's Sig

    U say that now, but watch them release them and people start to pick em up! Anyway i think the majority of us believe it will be the 51. Only time will tell though.
  12. Heh. Polcheck is Dutch, but he's also not very smart. and he has very wonky childhood memories. I think in the first Xmas special he said he was from "Deutchland" Thank u both for watching, I appreciate it.
  13. couldnt it still provide a boost to keep the valk going faster? Obviously not as fast as before, but it would still make some speed..
  14. Ho Ho ho! Merry Christmas! To celebrate the silly season we have once more dived into Santas sack and pulled out the newest Hans Polcheck Adventure! Yes, its our second annual Christmas special, and it's a doozy! When Hans recieves a call from his old friend Weasel, he has to go see if its true...ALIENS! And when the aliens turn out to be a tad unfriendly, then its up to Hans to step up and spread some Christmas cheer....with his gun! Polcheck Christmas 2 Its about 73meg. Craigs personal note: Guys, Im really very proud of this one. for the first time ever i had digital effects, we really kept the story flowing fast and funny, we overcame some rather large obstacles...It was a real journey. If you all only ever download ONE Polcheck EVER, then please make it this one. i also want to mention EVERYWHERE the special thanx that Darryl Watkins and Lee Launay did to make this one happen. Its a real testament to them both just how good it looks. we shot this in late October, and now, just ovr a month later here it is. I hope u all enjoy it. -Craig
  15. did we ever hear the definitive answer on this question?
  16. Ive just read through this whole thread, and i just want to say its been fascinating reading. thanx for all the technical info all of u, i love reading this kind of stuff.
  17. Whilst watching Macross game footage on youtube I came across a commercial for Macross on the ps2 (Which looked great incidentally). towards the end it shows the fighters u can choose, and one of them is the VF-0 Pheonix. So I guess it hung around awhile after those first sketches were called that...
  18. heh i joined up on May 19th 2001 and had 310 posts on the old board.
  19. Scream Man

    Graham's Sig

    I still say perfect transform 1/60 vf-1s would sell.
  20. i have a zero custom, but ita nothing major. Just a 0S made into Max colours.
  21. Ik now i came here when the 1/72 scale toys were being talked about. This site is what taught me how Macross and Robotech differed and what exactly i was talking about Im glad itss till going strong.
  22. Scream Man

    Graham's Sig

    no, its me too, but the 21 is the 'hero' fighter so we'll see it first
  23. where do u GET the vf-x2 game? Ive always wanted to play it! And its relevant because the yf-19 is in it....
  24. That was it! The nose wheel in the cockpit.
  25. I doubt it, but u never know. seriously though; Graham do u know the answer to the conformal tank question? Will we get ones without the tabs for the oA SHin, and will the stand alone come with tanks to fit it to the 0S?
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