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Scream Man

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Everything posted by Scream Man

  1. That makes sense actually. And they just changed that chest to make it Prime-like.
  2. From what I read the hip joints on the new 25S are quite stiff, and support the weight of the full armor set well. I wonder if they would do the same on this to support the full weight of the Tornado sets, which are almost all on the back
  3. Its not that I dont understand their motivations, its their actions I disagree with. But also I'm not trying to pick a fight, I think we are just coming at it differently. And as i said, thats ok.
  4. Since I have been quite liking the Revivals, my Bandai DX want list Top 10 is now: 01 - VF-22S FP Gamlin 02 - VF-11B FP Thunderbolt 03 - VF-1S Roy/Hikaru (1/60 scale) 04 - VF-0S Roy (1/60) 05 - VF-19A 569 Lightnings 06 - VF-17D Nightmare 07 - SV-262Ba Bogue 08 - RVF-25 Luca with Super Packs and Ghosts 09 - VF-171 Night Plus CF 10 - SV-51 Ivanov
  5. It actually just occured to me tonight that it might have the tighter joints that people say the 25S Heavy has, which would make it worth getting another 25F to me....
  6. Yeah kind of. I still think Seiba is justifying a lot of crappy behavior, but thats just my opinion, not so much any kind of fact. And its all good, art should be interpreted differently, thats part of the fun
  7. Ok, fair enough. Rrrrrriiiiight, but thats a very 'Minority Report' kind of looking justification. Was there any indication that the Windermereans were looking to do that, or just a "Well this thing is here, and one day maybe someone might do this so let's blow up something of cultural significance to these people just in case, and also maybe a lot of people will die" sort of scenario? Thats incredibly deep, muddy moral ground there.... Again, thats very muddy ground. IIRC they took remote control of his fighter to drop the bomb. If they had that much control, they could have detonated it in the air, causing less damage and killing Wright (Which would have prevented capture). Doing what they did still didn't achieve their goal, killed innocent civilians, and then on top of it all they covered it all up to make it seem like the Windermereans had bombed a NUNS base. Thats shady as all hell. Was that to combat Var, or did they do it for another reason that they pivoted into Mikumos eventual role? I'll grant you the second one, but the first I don't remember. How did they delay the evacuation of Ragna? Because the Elysium went off world instead of evacuating the civilians? Theres a very egotistical "Well you know our species are saving the galaxy!" kind of vibe to them a bit. Because they are the strongest force combatting the Zentradi now (As far as we have seen), they seem to feel like they have this moral imperative to spread their culture and override, or at least uplift as you say, the cultures of the species they encounter. You could argue that if they had never told the Windermereans about the protoculture or the significance of the ruins in the first place then it may have just gone on being some ancient ruins that the WM's knew was on their world but didn't think anything of.
  8. Almost 10 years ago I sold a custom VF-19P and Custom VF-11C to someone in this group, and Ive never seen them since. I always hoped id see them in a collection pic one day, but never have
  9. I kind of wish that somewhere would 3D print or offer the file for the small black piece that goes under the crotch plate to help hold it forward. Never understood why that didnt just become a default piece for the 25 series mold.
  10. OOooo, its got the Tampo on it! That's looking like ew MIGHT actually get it this year!
  11. Im holding out for one to arrive on Mandarake. I never actually go the heavy armor for the original 25S (It always priced me out) so Im quite looking forward to this. Good to hear the joints are tighter; hopefully they do the same on the 27.
  12. Sure but they also had the Dimension Eater weapon that was dropped on Windermere in their possession (Which was illegal IIRC?), and covered up the incident later on, which added to the resentment of the Windermereans against the rest of the Galaxy. In fact wasnt Hayate Dad (Wright? something like that) originally supposed to drop the bomb on the Protoculture ruins which would have caused significantly more damage to the planet? They also stole the 'Star Singer' material and made Mikumo and later the clone in the second movie right? I dunno, the NUNS higher ups always came across like villainous to me. Not so much the local forces, but the overall ones for sure. There was always a vague "Colonial invaders" tone to me from the NUNG interactions with the Windermereans to me. I'm not saying the Windermereans didn't over-reach in their response, but since they were never happy with the original terms of the treaty I would assume it wasn't a very even one.
  13. Well I just got my 21 in and... I love it. I think from a purely toy point of view its probably the best 21 that's been made. Compared to the Yamato and Arcadia ones its infinitely easier and more fun to transform, and does everything I'd want a YF-21 to do. I mean yeah, the nose could be longer, and there's other small quibbles I have but generally speaking I love it. I, admittedly, got lucky with the antenna as mine is totally fine, so that probably helps me like it more. But overall yes I love it.
  14. A lot of the UN and NUNS government decisions are pretty questionable, especially as the timeline moves on. By the time of the Delta movies they're pretty bloody horrible.
  15. Here's more of a story question: In Ep4 of Macross Plus, Sharon starts to strangle Myung with the (weirdly articulated) cables in The Macross. Myung seems to be about to pass out then Sharon.... stops? Why doesn't she kill Hyung if that was her intent. Sharon says she doesn't need her anymore, which sounds like she wants to kill her to me. I thought of another one: What happened to Myung after M+? Given we know a bunch about Isamu and she isn't mentioned, I'm assuming they don't end up together?
  16. I have, I just forgot. Ok so that makes sense for the backpacks like the VF-1 and ones you mentioned. I forgot the 19 had those little engine thingies, because they sit basically right where the cockpit is in Battroid, so I have no idea where the fuel comes from for those. The VF-11, ok, yeah I see those on the back, I forgot about those too. On the 25, is it those tiny little holes that link to where the shield is? Coz that seems like it would be too small to provide much thrust... The 31 I cant see any rear thrusters at all. Is it the little slots near the back of the wing sections? There's a couple near the tails, (Maybe?) and then two near the inner edge?
  17. What provides forward thrust for Valkyrie type fighters in Gerwalk mode? 21s/22s, 27s and 29s have rear thrusters separate to the feet thrusters, but VF-1s etc have no rear facing engines with the legs down.
  18. Actually I thought of another (totally unrelated) question. Why were the fold boosters for fighters single use for so long? What fuel did they burn to make jumps? Just electrical energy from a kind of battery, or did they have a fuel source as well? Obviously by Frontier there are re-usable fold drives in fighter size, but in 7 there weren't... or at least they could only jump twice? Or something?
  19. Just out of curiosity, where are the sensor "eyes" on the YF-21? We see Guld do this zoom out test thing that makes it seem like one is somwhere on the tail, but icant see where that would be based on the toys/models i have. I know it has one in the centre of the nose, but i wasnt sure about the rest
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