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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Surprisingly the Girlfriend is excited to see this. I better keep her away from the Stallone version till after Friday night. I hadn't decided if I wanna watch it in 3D though.
  2. Interesting that it can now be downloaded digitally thru Xbox, Playstation and iTunes. I went ahead and picked it up on Playstation so I can watch it in 3D possibly this week at home. But it's suppose to also come with the bonus Features. What praytell that all exactly means I dunno.
  3. Ya know the old saying, if you don't go watch the movie they wont make them sequels later on.
  4. Fairly similar, but the costume has more definition and a completely different helmet. Still, there's 3 other variants of Robocop for this film, so maybe it'll get used?
  5. So over the weekend my girlfriend helped me clean up (Mostly cause I'm prepping for my delivery of a 46 inch 3D tv) and helped look for the missing neck piece I need for my Valk to finish. Sadly though we couldn't find the missing piece so this project is almost scrapped and that's a big bummer! It'd be great if I could find a broken valk no one wants and strip it for parts but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
  6. I dig the design, very nice. I always found taping to be a bitch, but I've gotten more experienced and knowing how it works, but it's never really full proof. I think the most successful tape job I ever did was my megascale RX-78-2 I did last month. That was I'd dare to say a flawless tape job. I didn't have any over spray on that sucker. I guess the trick would be as you're laying down the tape, if there are any panel lines to press the edge of your finger nail down at the edge of the tape to seal it. Then run your thumb over the tape to get a good seal there as well. Or more vice versa so you don't got any air pockets or anything to let paint seep thru. It's really a lot more difficult with Valkyries than it would be for gundams. I experienced this a lot with my build kit with a lot of black and blue for my trim pieces seeping paint into unwanted areas. Mostly because paint schemes from MtF like Hikaru's or what you're doing recquire a ton of taping that has to be seperated into layers first, then stripped, and cleaned, then done again. I noticed that even though I'm using blue painters tape and it says it leaves no adhesive behind, it actually is leaving a lot of adhesive behind!
  7. this is it for a while. Don't got anymore time to perfect it any further for a while.
  8. Not really digging it right now, let's hope the magic of cgi will help it's colors and style.
  9. Ya know, I dunno there should be a way seeing how people customize the figure later on. It might involve a small flat head screw driver to pinch one side of the clip. Problem is it's also magnetically clinged into place. Question is, do you really want to remove them from a 500 dollar toy? I never really bothered looking at that option with mine since I did what I needed to the platforms before I snapped them in place.
  10. Sadly my Megazone 23 Part 2 Garland is trashed. A plastic piece holding the front end and the main body of the garland snapped and thus the two halves wont connect anymore. Glue didn't even put a damn dent in the problem.
  11. Valks stuff is better imo. There've been stories of horrid customer service and bad casting jobs from MIM, some not so much on this kit, but others. I've also heard that while you get "quick shipping" and all items are "available" they actually have to cast your order which takes a month or two depending when the caster wants to get to it.
  12. Then I'd say anyones bases are covered if they need both modes.
  13. me too, only one I know of as well in that scale, and I dno't think it even transforms. I think Matchbox was the equivelance of a 1/3000, but the one time I could of bought it and I didn't so couldn't confirm.
  14. Sometimes I can get recordings extremely fast. I think the fastest time I've ever completed a fandub was a week. This thing was just filled with problems.
  15. I would say so I thought the three gals who showed much of anything were not implausible in their proportions. But the only thing that makes sense is when you join the mobile infantry you gotta either pump some iron to use your power armor suits, or get laid. And Since that squad only had 2 chicks, I'd say a lot of those guys had time on their hands and Rico sure isn't a ladies man.
  16. What movie did you watch cause I didn't see that at all. Yes girls we're fit and trim, but not shadow chronicals busty or alternating cup scene between camera angles. And may I say not enough naked women for my service needs and it might not of been Dennise Richards but we finally got to see Carmen naked lol. I liked the movie a lot. Crap ton better than the last two even with casper pooling his money in for executive producer, his role wasn't horrible.
  17. If that's how it's written than I think that looks more promising.
  18. Not in any rush my friend, I want a nice completed and fantastic cast.
  19. final update for the night. I did another test fit, determined that you should NEVER paint the diecast part that's between the main body and intake legs. NEVER EVER EVER, never saw so much paint scrapping off in my life time! I have 4 pins left, 2 go on a set of little swing bars inside the chest piece that helps it swing into locking position. These tiny lil 6mm pins will NOT go into the diecast piece part. They got the little crowns on them, and they're the only ones that seem like they'd fit, so I dunno why they wont. I've even taken pliers to them but they just wont budge. The other 2 pins, I think they're 11's are doing the same thing. They connect the two square pieces that bridge the front and rear portions of the plane that form the torso as well. The pins will go into the bridge portions, but that same damn diecast piece wont let them slide into position. if I can get these four pieces into their position then this damn VF-1 will be mostly finished minor superficial stuff like the neck joint, and repainting and priming the shoulder bits and leg square that plug into the intakes. Any advise?
  20. Ok, I looked it up and I feel dumb. So I went to the local hardware store before it closed for the night and got myself a Pin Puncher, smallest you can get. I fixed 90% of the hand issue. Not ONLY did I find out the fingers were in reverse, but they were the wrong set. So I fixed that, rebuilt it, sadly it wont have a thumb cause I glued the back hand plate on. But the other hand is fully built and I've got a better understanding to the pin system now. For example, if it's suppose to flip or move, use a smooth pin. If it's stationary or a joint, use the sun star looking pins. I also looked at the thigh parts, and did come to the conclusion that the right thigh was the incorrect pin and should infact be the one for the neck piece. NOW if I can find the neck piece that SHOULD BE somewhere in my closet, I feel confident enough to finish the damn kit. To finish the night, I also completely built the back pack piece, screwed in and works pretty well. And got the Diecast metal piece that's apart of the chest and where the legs connect in Fighter mode primed and I will leave it in it's primer state, it's close enough and I don't want it to be to thick. I however decided to NOT prime the T-bar as it wont really ever be in view compared to the other parts. I think this weekend my girlfriend and I are going to need to go over this closet with a fine tooth comb, then I'm sure I will find this missing neck piece. It couldn't of gone anywhere but in the closet where I work on my projects.
  21. lol Can't tell if my joke went over your heads or not. 28 feet sounds like a deal to me but I think I'd have to turn it into my bed if I am discovered with this and didn't ask for permission.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwJjrWhYv3g&feature=share&list=UUvYdjXAF9BCF6Z1kSGmFCOA I give you, 30th AV Edition.
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