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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Hikuro

    Macross 30

    Seems like nothing more than a PS3 version of the PSP titles, that's pretty lame. Hopefully those images are just the prototype and not what we'll actually get graphics wise cause those look horrible. Animated portions look nice, but the graphics are so PSone-ish.
  2. I will probably have to watch it a few times it already looks better than what we got in Ironman 2 and that shocks me. Something really nitty gritty and hard.
  3. Yeah I just had to retime the 2.0 dub to the blu ray, wasn't to hard, have fun with it.
  4. Hikuro

    Macross 30

    I'd say both. If you look at the background display, it looks like the Quarter's schematic.
  5. Oh god pull that please. The guy who posted that stole that from me and has been a total dick about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwJjrWhYv3g&feature=share&list=UUvYdjXAF9BCF6Z1kSGmFCOA this one is much better version of it, without the subtitle timing being terribly off.
  6. only one I've found was volume 1. Hadn't seen a volume 2 yet.
  7. I'd be interested in pictures and go from there. It'll be a bit on the small side in my opinion, my guess less than 6 inches, maybe 5 for a true 1/72.
  8. Not neccessarily. We don't even know what Earth actually looks like in Prometheus other than what we saw in Scotland. We did hear Dr Shaw tell the Engineer that the planet was in ruins and LA in Blade Runner was very over industrialized and gothic. So who knows exactly? I do say that's interesting of a tie in, but I'll just roll my eyes and plead ignorance of this tie in cause this is just something Ridely does. However, I AM very dissapointed that Ridely wont even consider a special release with all those 35 minute of deleted scenes inserted back in, god knows it really helped the film along more than what we were in the end given.
  9. Gotta agree, that Megatron was horrible. I think I actually threw that sucker in the trash but regret getting rid of my WWI Optimus most of all. In other news, I called it! MP-10B, Nemesis Prime coming in April
  10. Who knows, at 330 dollars just for this variant of the VF-4G, would you want to pay a lot more for the weathering effect? I wouldn't. Sadly for the VF-4, it only made an appearance in the first VFX game, not in VFX-2. So what we see now is pretty much it. I would like to see other variants of the VF-4 color scheme wise. But I don't want to see something outrageous. Maybe a Minmay deco would be the most crazy I'd like to see. But I'm not interested in a Max and Miriya scheme myself...that's the least likely I'd wanna buy.
  11. Caught that this morning and went with the later shipment preorder. I also realized that I had inserted foot into mouth because of this. A few months ago I told my girlfriend I would either drastically slow down or retire from toy collecting if I ever got the holy grail of Transformers, that be Fortress Max. Course back then I was thinking of original G1 with package 100% complete for the 800+ range. Well, beggers can't be choosers right? Either way I'm very excited to see they're finally going with this and I might even try to buy that Headrobot mold of Fort Max to really make it better.
  12. Why jealousy? I mean if you got the Frontier deal then it isn't hard to get this. Hell might even be cheaper. Honestly, if the game was a separate disc I'd of sold it. I feel very disappointed by it, and I think it's cause it feels bland and unexciting and just an overly graphic PSP rendition. Would of liked so much more.
  13. Yes, but to bad the project went to the crapper. I can't even buy a replacement until next spring if I'm lucky due to finances.
  14. Hikuro

    Macross 30

    Sick of the repetitive missions.
  15. can't totally comment on the newer Macross stuff, but usually intake symbols and the UN Spacy kite will be tampo. Stuff like "No Step" and smaller details will need sticker application. Shouldn't be horrible though. But who knows, might not be much of squat to put on there.
  16. Hikuro

    Macross 30

    I swear to god, if this is another one of those games like what we get on the PSP where it's all the timeline missions and the same thing AGAIN and AGAIN, I will end them.
  17. How are you not surprised by this move? They will milk the crap out of the Prime 2.0 mold again I'm sure. Prime, Magnus, Nemesis Prime, Dead Prime, shattered glass Prime, clear prime, Lucky Draw Gold Prime. I wouldn't even be shocked if next year we see Soundblaster, I really wouldn't.
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if it'll be this summer, and no later than next.
  19. Better looking than TF Prime's Dreadwing F-35 wanna be. But either way the Aerial Bots are a pass for me. I'm happy enough with the Energon version with the appendage parts I got long time ago. Not too mention the price is just to damn high and I'm sure someone else will do a cheaper version one day. I'm more looking forward to Fansproject's Not-Menasor.
  20. Sorry I hadn't had time to respond Valk, I'll get ya paid in October hopefully. I'm having some financial problems right now due to girlfriend goign to the hospital and finding out her mother took her off her insurance plan, 500 bucks doesn't come easy : /
  21. The reason i think the movie isn't doing well is 1) It didn't make summer list, it made the official Fall listing. Which isn't good news for movie goers as people are adjusting with kids back to school and don't have a lot of money to spend at a theater. 2) Back at the kids subject, kids can't go watch it, it's to violent. There's blood, guts, brains, F bomb here and there, rape, brief nudity. Stuff you don't want to subject your kids too. 3) Studios didn't focus on a balance between internet and TV ads. I have not seen 1 TV ad in my area for Dredd, but I've seen a lot on youtube, Google, Facebook etc. They wanted to focus to much on the nerds and not enough for the people who spend their days watching movies. Hell the only reason I even knew about the film was this thread!
  22. Girlfriend and I saw it on 3D. and this was really a film that was for 3D most notably during Slo-Mo drug segments, I mean wow. The movie was great, acting was great, effects were awesome, story is simple and yet ballsy and make sense to me which makes me think of this more like the day in the life of Dredd versus what Stallone put out there over a decade ago. What I didn't like was the attendance level where i saw it. Normally a 3D movie has a good crowd, but because of the violence level of the film you can't have kids come in and watch it so that was a bummer to see a 90% empty theater room for the size it was. I mean there were probably 8 viewers for a room that would seat 150-200. BUT, I will say that this film is a buy on my Blu-ray list.
  23. Hmmm, if it's as big as the original MG, then that's a damn near buy for me.
  24. would love to see stuff like this for my DYRL Dub Bluray cover if I ever make one.
  25. Soooooooooo something like how Gunpla Builders ova was designed?
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