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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. serious? Blastoff needs to be purple instead of the white camo? I've seen t he retail variants and I detest the color schemes. That's the reason I bought the Amazon version.
  2. Very cool I like the new costumes. Sleek, sexy, looks more like machine but still costume none the less. I think personally, much better than the last variant. Although I think it needs to look more silvery like the 80's variants.
  3. And make sure you got the HDD space for it too....I mean damn 4 gigs?! I finished the game, as I promised myself i would and wow.....my god that was intense and different!
  4. installed it first night, so dunno why it happened. But because of that install I have NO space in my hard drive. Time to get a new Xbox but I'll be on tonight, dunno how much I'll be in the mood to play long term when i'm not even done with the campaign.
  5. 165 for me cause i bought off ebay. If i was a little more patient I'd of gotten him for 99.99 oh well.
  6. Wouldn't mind that myself. Sorry I signed off so fast, I got a weird message saying i wasn't compatible for some reason or another. Dunno wtf happened really. The message made no sense. But either way I didn't even have a microphone, dunno where that bloody thing is either it's probably in storage. So I wouldn't have a way to communicate if I needed back up. Funny thing too, I looked at my Rep and I have 5 star, but I have a gamer disapproval by 25% which made me scratch my head thinking who the hell ranked me and why? Even said my quit early was 100%. Only time I ever had to quit early was when something screwed up the connection or the host crashed the game.
  7. I'm starting to like how everything now is starting to tie together, from the recent novel's to this point in the game. Loving it.
  8. my MP Prime came in and I enjoy him. Not worth the 250 price tag and much better colors than the Takara.
  9. Indeed, for as much cg and green screen as there was, it was a refreshing sight to see Galactica in her prime.
  10. I love the promethean weapons, these things are destructive. I guess that helps with ancient advanced technology that wasn't poorly reverse engineered huh?
  11. Again, TRU doesn't know their head from their asses even when that said head is up their ass. As of Monday all preorders for the time being are being fullfilled and even allowing people to order now. Which irks me a tad cause I spent 165 on Optimus after all the reports were saying "NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! OUT OF PRODUCTION!". There's even a store locator now for it, but no where in my area shows it's in stock. Either way I got it coming so I'm done griping, but I do suggest Hasbro and TRU get their acts together.
  12. So it looks like Spartan OP is just a new version of Fire Fight with unlimited lives and your score is based off of technique and number of deaths you've had on yourself. I played the first mission and scored a lot of medals bringing me up to nearly a lvl 4 and died 5 times. On a down side, you need almost 4 gigs of HDD space to get all the multiplayer crap installed on your Xbox. That drove me nuts as I had to either move and or delete a vast number of stuff I've downloaded and I do not have a large hard drive like the newer xboxs. That goes to show you I need to get a new one soon if these games continue to go this route.
  13. I picked it up dirt cheap today and I love the graphics and digging it even more on my 3D TV. On the downside I don't know about you guys but I did not get an instruction manual.
  14. I would say Hasbro were money grubbing fools to sell their company to Disney. I think it's just because Star Wars toy line is by Hasbro and they might want to acquire full rights to the franchise. To have complete control over things like Transformers could be disastrous.
  15. Because Starwars is a Hasbro property. They might really just be cornering the market for that line of the franchise. Hasbro would be fools to sell to Disney. But that's another topic entirely.
  16. It hasn't conflicted with TRON Legacy.....YET. We can rule out the comic book as working with the movie with different plot points and ending that contradicts the films flashbacks. TRON Evolution works in conjuncture very well showing the uprising of Clu and his followers leaving Flynn to wander the wastelands and the destruction of the ISO's. Following Evolution would be Uprising which has left in a really good point in the story. We know TRON lives, and we now know he didn't become Rinzler right after his downfall from Clu's revolution. So IF we do get one more season, this SHOULD follow up as to what will happen to TRON and if Beck runs away and hides or if he gets Derezzed.
  17. Absolutely are scalpers. I've seen ebay sellers where they've sold nearly 50 of what they had acquired. But worse off is just TRU's ability to meet demands. They're fully aware of the demand but they're just unable or unwilling to supply that. I've gone back and forth on how so many preorders were never fullfilled back on the oct 15th release date, and thus they're now saying November 5th. Maybe we outta all wear Optimus Prime helmets tomorrow?
  18. Yes, I got off very easy, but I still own ppl like Valk009 80 bucks for the resin recast of the VF-4, and I dunno if I can pay for that, I mean I'm scraping the barrel now just to pay the MP prime figure. I do agree, certain figures are very hard to come by, and I don't see why! Vehicons for instance I mean really? Vehicons? I understand they're cannon fodder for army stuff but come on! I would of thought Scourge would of been the same way, but nope, always saw him around and I own 3 of those. I think I saw airachnid once, ONCE and never again. I see FE prime figures like arcee and star scream frequently when I have stopped at a TRU store last month now. I even saw the Optimus megs 2 pack! But never saw a Vehicon or FE Bulkhead.
  19. Ya know, as someone who owns a TW Hegemon, I DO like their designs and their ability to make a nicely IDW esque accurate figure. But the price is just so high to me right now. I want to see what they'll release for future throttle bots before I even really consider buying one. It doesn't even need to be a gestalt either I'm happy with individual figures as long as they're being released fast enough. The craze over combiners is just insane right now. And as for TFC's Not superion, I don't even own hercules and I'm very happy with my original Energon/RotF Superion figures with their Fansproject upgrades. I'd much rather see a Technobots, Terrorcon and Protectobot figures right now than everyone else doing the same thing.
  20. been debating if I should just hold on to my Amazon order or not for G2 Bruticus and that's mainly because it's on free shipping! I have had one bitch of a time trying to get MP Optimus from TRU, rude employees, backordered/discontinued preorder ended up being canceled etc etc. I gave up and justified that the extra 65 dollars I just spent online to buy one is exactly what I'd of paid in gas to continue looking at the closest TRU store from me every week. I'm very dissapointed by how Hasbro and TRU have allocated their stock for that figure. On the other hand, I do want sideswipe, but right now he's kind of low on the list till I figure things out tomorrow.
  21. Well seeing how Yamato knows this is a well sought after variant, I don't think we'll see a cut off just yet. I doubt we'll run into a situation like Hasbro and MP Optimus.
  22. if it's in March for a preorder then I'll be glad to do it. I got figures on my list but that's after everything I got is done. Namely the VF-4 and my TV.
  23. Hikuro

    Macross 30

    Okay now that looks better. But I gotta nit pick something here and that's scale. If I wanna land on the SDF-1 I wanna have a damn good scale perspective. Right now it feels way out of place landing on an ARMD platform that's only 2 times bigger than you and not about a hundred times bigger than you.
  24. HG has had many attempts at the revitalization of the franchise, Wildstorm comics, 2 video games, Shadow Chronicles to name a few, and look where it's gotten them? a Bankrupt partner known as ADV, the death of their founder, failed ideas, lack luster toy products, and now current CEO going to jail for the rest of his natural life which isn't much! I think, this is really just me thinking this out loud, but Karma is a bitch. And she took the ice cube trays when she left the HG house.
  25. when I heard the news this afternoon I was both excited and scared at the same time. Excited over the fact that not only do we get a continuation of the original conan films where we finally see him King, but the fact that frakin Arnie is going to return. But I'm also scared cause arnold is an old man and let's face it, political office didn't treat him well over the years and I think he's gotten to comfortable sittin on his butt. Because of this I broke my embargo on the new Conan film and watched it, while the opening was strong it tended to dip into sloppiness very quickly and that made me so sad. OOOOOOOHHHHHH well.
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