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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Sadly no super parts for my VF-171ex. I gotta let it cancel, could only afford my VF-4
  2. I just got back from my company christmas party and I got a VERY hefty bonus so the preorder is now paid and I'm totally excited!
  3. We had talked about doing the entire Flashback 2012 movie, but she's so busy we never got past planning. But she was a great casting choice along with Melissa Johnson who was Misa.
  4. Decent Quality? Hope you mean video wise, cause once again, That's not my video. And if you mean decent quality as a fandub, wanna show me one that's better? I mean to stay on topic of the Toho dub I getthere's a semi cult nature to it, but by god it's still a horrible dub that gives me headaches.
  5. Hikuro

    Macross 30

    Hm k looks more interesting for me. Just have to wait and see if I can afford this by then.
  6. That's what I've been seeing so far. I've contacted Flixsters 4 times, never a straight answer or even one remotely close to relation of what I've told them were my problems. I've noticed that some people depending on the movie would receive a digital copy CD or an iTunes redeem code. So I asked for one and Flixster pretty much told me T.S. I emailed them back with my previous Ticket number to continue the conversation asking what should I do seeing how the Flixster app wont work on my devices correctly on sign in as it would crash, and what my problem was on trying to get my videos up and running on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, the response "Please check your browser, try chrome or firefox." WTF? I never mentioned anything about a browser issue, I said it was an APP issue on my mobile devices and why the F would I wanna watch a movie on my PC when I have a 46 inch 3D TV right next to my PC with the blu ray disc? How Fing lame is that? I DID however get the flixster app to finally work, and I must say it's the biggest load of garbage around, and I still have issues in getting it to work correctly. Couldn't count the number of times it crashed on me today during my lunch break. Not too mention how I'd restart to the beginning everytime I closed it. Kind of scares me off from digital copies. But usually can't get the blu ray edition without the digital.
  7. Question for all you that use UltraViolet. HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET IT ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICES?! 0_o I'm using a flixster account, downloaded the film (2.65 gigs) but I can't put it on any device.
  8. I received Hench and my reprolabels at the same time. That was super fast! I have to recommend this figure for anyone who has a classics/universe/gens collection. He fits in there really nicely and the new stickers work great. There's a lot more to look at to me with the new window stickers and an autobot logo with an oregon/washington plate.
  9. Well at least I got 2 weeks to pay for my preorder before they cancel, so if they don't ask for the money until Christmas, I'll be ok I think.
  10. Waiting next month cause it's a pretty hefty price. Although I don't feel there's a need for an additional Autobot logo on the other shoulder and would look out of place, plus I don't think the shade of red would be matching since MP10 and TRU Prime are different color wise. However all the added detail the trailer would get is most certainly needed and insanely awesome. I'd like to see the rest of the Giant set stickers finished and sold as a package versus seperate. They'll work pretty well for the yellow set I'm sure.
  11. I ordered Hench the other day with some reprolabels to finally have my own Brawn. I've heard some good things about him despite his "short" size. first third party figure I've bought in a looooooooong time.
  12. Mine ran just fine and it played the film beautifully on my TV. I gotta tell you, just an awesome film and I could hear everything so much better than I did in the theater.
  13. Hm.....I dunno yet, have to wait and see. I did enjoy the last one despite all the trekkies yammering negatively. I guess I'm just ready for a reboot on this franchise it had gotten very stale.
  14. Well movie looked pretty good on my moms older 32 inch Toshiba. Now I'll see how it looks on my 46 inch 3D TV.
  15. Action Base 1 in my opinion. If I remember right AB2's are more for smaller kits like 1/144's or smaller. A problem I had with these super parts on the VF-25 kits were loose kibble on the outter thighs. The ball joint connects fine, but the plane bit will wiggle every which way and I don't even feel connects in fighter mode any better than the original part for the plane.
  16. not gonna hold my breath. after the failure of G-Savior I hope to god no one will ever touch Gundam again in hollywood or Western society in a live action way unless they damn well know what they're doing.
  17. None for me, haven't been feeling to good this week. : /blah
  18. version 2 is much better looking, I think Bandai was looking at the chunky option again and someone said "NOOOOOOOOOOO no more of that! We'll get yelled at by the masses again! Remember, make it flashy, and make very few of them, then drive it up 300 bucks!"
  19. So what about Rurouni Kenshin? I haven't seen anything on that in ages.
  20. I'm just abuot caught up on Spartan OPS, starting Ep3 tomorrow and maybe just sit back and relax.
  21. That was a good little piece of info there Benson, good find. This made my Spartan jump from a LVL 10 to a LVL 14, but I couldn't unlock ALL of those codes since I have not done any of the Spartan OP missions on Legendary, let alone defeated the game on Legendary.
  22. There's been talks of a complete reboot of the franchise I believe, but dunno where that's gone. And yes they've thrown continuity with C4 strapped to it and pushed it off the tallest structure known to man. It's best just not to think about it I guess.
  23. wow that looks really good. I may have to get it.
  24. I'm hoping it's pushed back after new years, I'm having a real difficulty in trying to save 400 bucks honestly. Infact, since the preorder I haven't been able to save SQUAT due to bills and the holiday. I'm pushing as much hours as I can at work while "looking" busy but at the sametime they're catching on and trying to make me go home a lil early each day.
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