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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Hikuro

    Macross figures

    ok, depending on the price listed, I may have to get a minmay or two for me and the girlfriend.
  2. I peaked outta curiosity, and I quickly lost interest and will wait till it's out on DVD state side. I already got 2 movies, why the hell would I not wanna get the 3rd despite the bitching of the anime fanboys? when has that EVER mattered to studios what we think?
  3. well, I can't order anything until I move into my new apartment........what crap.
  4. They didn't do squat for toys, and I never saw much of squat on tv for advertising. So far as I'm concerned, do a TV special movie, hour, hour and a half long, kill everyone off and let's move onto to the next tron film.
  5. Here's my contribution to those who can't scan their sheets. This should be really high quality and will be what I'm using to make my decals out of.
  6. Very nice Cheng! I hope you get it all fixed up man, that's just a bummer. I've only had my VF-4 a week i think and now I have to box her up along with the rest of my stuff until feb. I'm moving into a new apartment so that's putting my decal project on hold.
  7. I'm pissed I missed out on CODE I really wanted him. Only place I can find him at is ebay for double the value which for a deluxe scale is not worth the price.
  8. Sometimes it's not reall all about profits, be licensing rights. It just reeks of BS to me, I mean I get the reason, but it's a lazy reason. We know, they know, big west knows it could transform. I'd say the rights to that version was just to damn expensive. Can't transform my ass, there's nothing different about the Flashback 2012 version from the VFX version.
  9. tested my own decals tonight. They have a form of craking like dry desert or dry skin. Not sure if that's an ink issue or image quality from the JPEG I had. I'll have to investigate further.
  10. Had a discussion about this at work today since things like this are apart of my job. We have a 15,000 dollar printer which can print white color but there's a big problem with that. White ink mixes with other colors and causes serious saturation and color errors that'd damage a printer that uses an RGB or CMYK cartridges. If that happened wed have to replace the ink lines and header which would cost 3K to fix and would still have to flush. I bought some decal paper tonight so I'll be sitting down designing some stuff for my VF-4. When I get a new scanner ill be hard core on new color schemes this spring.
  11. Seeing how they'll never be in the US for being originally a web exclusive you're screwed. Next option is paying a high price on eBay or whatever overseas website will have available.
  12. Ya gotta agree with everyone on my assessment. Next best option is to have a thin background to size of the canopy frame with whitish gray lettering. That's what I would do.
  13. I just used tamiya paint thiner and a q tip on TF figures I wanted to customize and get rid of the tampo. Hard work but it did what it needed to do.
  14. From what I've been reading, making your own stickers/decals is fairly easy. All you need is decal paper and either a inkjet or laser printer, inkjet being the more common. If all you're doing are things like pilot names such as your own name or a fanfiction character the simplest course of action is to go onto WORD or whatever Mac users got, type in the name and print out starting from your default size font and then a few other variants in a smaller font, probably no more than a 5. Print out the sheet and if you want to go the extra mile, cut out the different sizes and compare them to the area you want to place the name too on the canopy edge or side of the fuselage. Once you've chosen the size font you want place your decal sheet like you would a normal sheet of paper and print what you need. After it's printed and dried take a can of clear gloss and spray a VERY thin layer over the printed material and let it set in room temp for 24 hours. Cut, soak for 12 seconds in luke warm water, set on a piece of paper and let it absorb for 35 seconds then slide it where you need it to go and enjoy. Now if you want to do things more tricky like customizing an entire decal sheet that you get from Yamato, you'll need to have a good quality scanner, photoshop and probably illustrator and make the corrections you need then take the time to scale the decals correctly as I don't think they'll print exactly as you scan in some cases. Then just follow the last few steps and you're done. I'd be printing out my own decals if I had a scanner, but there's not a lot I want to change or anything other than squadron symbol and a name. Oh and this just came to mind, if you need the font to be in white you could be in for some trouble. 99% of all commerical printers don't print in white. From what I understood, there are printers that can but they are very expensive or hard to find.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFa8Xp6arII&feature=youtu.be just finished my long review.
  16. Huge, but when put next to the 1/48 Megagrade's it's still pretty small. I saw the Nu Gundam Ka was out and I never gritted my teeth in temptation as hard on a Gundam kit ever till now.
  17. http://s6.photobucket.com/albums/y207/Hikuro/VF-4G%20Lightning%20III/ just finished an extensive gallery with over 180 images.
  18. All us west coasts seem to mostly be going thru the San Fran area of customes, which they usually do a good job of getting out within 24 hours or less. I don't think I've ever hit LA, and sounds like I shouldn't. Well, if you don't see your package by tomorrow I'd be giving a jingle to NY or ask your local post office what they can do to help you out in figuring it out. Mine really gave ZERO indication where it was until it hit Portland, and even then it just sat around till 9AM without telling me it was sent out for delivery. Then my substitute mail guy didn't even arrive until 3PM and left me a slip but didn't say I couldn't pick up the package or not until I got there and they said he hadn't returned and they were closing in 5 minutes. I threw a huge fit and talked to the manager about it. I'm not sure if it's the same driver, but I had one guy a few days before christmas blow me off from a damn Amazon package and I went up to him two times asking for it and he just told me to hold on. I came back 5 minutes later he was gone and left me a packing slip for missed delivery. When I talked to his Supervisor I asked how could I have a missed delivery when I was home and even asked for my package with my address and ID in hand? Package even said "Leave at address even if no response". I dunno, I don't trust my local post office anymore, they've misplaced and even lost my mail a dozen times and have given neighbors my mail containing very sensitive information and one time a new credit card.
  19. Oh ya I got a loose right arm too! Just didn't really care cause I'm not out there bashing it away on anything. Ill give kudos to Yamato for all these stickers and at least giving us fans an option to customize our birds flashback style! Intake covers are pointless seeing how we got to flip the fans into the leg and they're completely covered up.
  20. ooooooo ya know I hadn't even looked at the chin upclose but nothing caught my eye thus far. But I've really just kept my VF-4 in fighter mode cause that's the money shot. I've got somewhere around 30 pictures taken for researching on the CGI film project between Che and I just for the fighter mode. I have noticed little bits of gaping though, nose cone, intakes, etc. nothing jarring though.
  21. Genetics, maybe the tail is more of a resessive trait when mixed with human DNA? Or maybe he had one and they keep cutting it off cause they don't want a weremonkey in their midsts.
  22. Well, transformation IS surprisingly simple and inventive. The lack of shoulder articulation and the missiles though really hurt the figure for me. It's still awe inspiring in Battroid or fighter mode. Gerwalk is one of those where I'll give an easy pass too.
  23. Got mine had to fight my post office to get it, I hate the sub they use to do my area. Can't look at it till late tonight
  24. Big nothing but yesterday's mail. Just shows its in the post office half mile away. Sort of irritating when you can't even go and ask them for your item. And when it does get delivered they just drop a slip so you have to come get it anyways.
  25. Every time I read that I think that there's really nothing special armament wise to the vf-4 compared to the vf-1. But I also tend to see the vf-1 in its super pack armament rather just bare bones normal payload. Otherwise there's not a terrible amount of difference. Holds the same payload plus beam cannons. Yet in the ps2 game they're dual gun pods on the forearms not cannons.
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