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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I understand. But you gotta see where I'm coming from. While I acknowledge what I do is no different and in violation of copyright what I offer is an alternative to those who don't want to read subtext and miss beautifully done animation and gripping storylines. What I do is to fulfill someone's urge to act and perform and to know how hard it is to do something like this. I've had someone take 1 very well done dub I was in 7 years ago and sell it on eBay and an import store for 25 bucks a pop. Then I got this robotechpodcaster yokol who not only streams a bad version of my film on his channel as his own, but he also allows ppl to download the audio off iTunes. Film is one thing but taking my audio I made from scratch is just insulting. But I do appreciate you're a fan now agentone, but I can't take anything unless its in some way going to benefit the cause directly like equipment or software to make a better film. That thought has always crossed my mind.
  2. Yaaaaaa, thanks for letting me know you ripped it : / kind of makes me feel like I should take it off and put it in the disney vault now. It's done done, I'm done toying with it, I got other things to do. I've already done the PS1/Saturn opening a long time ago.
  3. Sadly yes. To many thieves one of them here on the forums using my work as their own publication.
  4. They are a bitch to build, you really need to own one and look everything over. Then you'll need a Pin pusher, plyers, sand paper etc etc. You gotta keep everything including those hinge pins organized. It's easy to screw something up.
  5. I heard Sega could be seeking legal action against Gearbox for continuously asking for Extensions and pushing the release back 9 months and further each time they were close to releasing a beta. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z2qVebxlUo the evidence speaks for itself when Gearbox released a gameplay demo at E3 which looks far better and more intense than what was given as the final product. Sega also released an updated software patch today that would fix many of the physic glitches such as collision barriers between player and NPC's and door issues.
  6. I had high hopes, kind of. They teased with a lot of good stuff and the previews were great. I guess after 5 years we just get our version or duke nukem. Grrreeeaaatt
  7. Well from what I've been reading on the net right now, the game seems to suffer a lot. After watching some of that video posted above of the gameplay I'm cringing my teeth going "WTF happened?! The audio sync to the game animation is just horrible! The actions don't even match and all the characters are emotionless like bishop or rook or WHATEVER!"
  8. Ok guys! Tomorrow is the day we've waited YEARS for! Who's picking it up? I'm still debating on Xbox or PS3. Xbox has a better and more comfortable controller but PS3 is true bluray HD and will deliver more IMO but never liked the controller.
  9. Sorry man I gotta tell you there's no $ value to that as an obvious bootleg. You got the case cover of the 2036 pc game and a cd label of obviously macross 2. Maybe in Korea it's legit but to macross fans statewide and in Japan, its not worth maybe more than 5 dollars and I wouldn't even pay the shipping cost. Personally I'd say keep it, it'll be worth more to you since you can read it and play it. Someone like me with little Japanese and speaking English I got no interest. Sorry
  10. I don't know if Korea would be subjected to the rights issues imposed between holders in that era of PC "gaming". However seeing how it's Korean and not Japanese, I don't see much value being retained unless someone wants to either A) Doesn't care it's in Korean or B) Just wants a Macross game. I'm sure you'll find someone, just having something in Korean and not the original language makes it tougher to sell, not too mention that it "Could" follow as a bootleg diminishing the value even lower. Not saying it IS a bootleg, but even the greatest looking stuff can still fall to that category.
  11. I'm in love with them, but I'd still like to see some autobot combiners now. Defensor, Computron, those kind of characters. My Aerial bots are so lonely and feeling a bit ganged up on.
  12. Great news for those who missed out on Fansproject's Function X figures! Function X-1 is back up for February release, and Preorders for X-2 and X-3 Weirdwolf and Brainstorm for April and May. WOOHOO!
  13. So who's exactly to say the series is actually canceled? Of course having the time slot changed to mondays in the middle of the night when ppl go to sleep doesn't help one bit either! I mean who's really going to be up at 11PM to watch this series if it needs viewers? Just when this series really got good.
  14. Hmmm, individually I really like so far where the not stunticons are going. What gripes me is that there's no image yet for Motormaster who will be the obvious selling point for many who are still on the fence. Personally, I'd like to see these done in two packs, one leg, one arm and of course Motor master being last. He better be a pretty good size, at least Optimus Voyager class level. Oh holy crap! I just saw the price for Planet X Genesis he's a big pass! 350 bucks no way no how.
  15. Hikuro

    Macross 30

    yeaaaaah, so that would put Sara as an aunt, I mean what would you call that a Grand Aunt or a Great aunt? I don't got much in terms of living elderly relatives other than a grandmother, my last grandfather just passed away couple weeks ago.
  16. Yeah I hadn't seen him in very many of the usual channels as well. I had to get him off ebay, I think with shipping I spent $112. Not a bad deal but I have noticed several other owners having a silver hegemon where as mine is a dark gray. I don't know if they customized theirs or not.
  17. Yeah I have no interest in Not Omega. He's just far to chunky for my taste and doesn't fit what I remember of Omega Supreme which is why I didn't like him in War for Cybertron.
  18. Hikuro

    Macross 30

    ooooh boy looks like Sheryl could be engaging in conversation with her great aunt?
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu6LPJm0p7o&list=UUvYdjXAF9BCF6Z1kSGmFCOA&index=14 I got a review of him here if it helps. I like the figure in terms of a classics figure. He's a bit tall though compared to the dlx figures and of course optimus. Mine has a loose fusion cannon and I believe a shoulder piece has popped out several times. You'll need to be careful of his chest area near his head, it just sits in place it doesn't snap or stick together which is why there's scotch tape on it when you get it out of the box.
  20. They could not be kept, the appropriate SFX's were abruptly cut in the tracks I had acquired and would not of worked. But thanks for joining MW.
  21. Hikuro

    Macross 30

    hm I think I'm gonna end up buying this afterall, as long as it's more entertaining and done with some originality to it I think I'll have a good time with the game. But if it's like all it's predecessors like the Trials and PSP games, it's gonna grow old so far fast.
  22. curious as well, is it a popcorn flick or is it just as bad as some of his last movies?
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