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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I was up and playing lastnight, FINALLY finished Forging Bonds, I had to take on each Cardassian ship one at a time. then when it came to the final show down it was so difficult. Used all my abilities, weapons batteries, the works! I barely won with only 47% of my hull intact and needed to just stick around a bit and rest. It's rather funny though, I'm just straight up stock, no special abilities, or technology at my side.
  2. That rather bums me out after so long these figures have been out in the market and they can't even take the time to correct the issues they KNEW were going to happen.
  3. It's not being released until June I think. I'm sure they'll release the J variant right after.
  4. I use to own the kits when they were first released and remember there being gap issues on the hip kibble not locking into place in fighter mode, and the legs not settling into place either. Have any of those issues been resolved over the last 6 years with the different variants of the VF-25? Was thinking of starting back up but with the prices these kits are today I don't wanna buy a gap issued model kit I can't fix.
  5. Really is it off Hulu? I thought I saw it not to long ago. Perhaps Amazon.com or you'll have to netflix it for DVD rentals.
  6. Hm, even at 70 bucks considering what you get, I'd probably buy this and enjoy playing.....................................by myself.
  7. I would think someone like Emma Stone might make a good April, and she's a hot commodity right now imo.
  8. Splinter I think is a very iconic character. If you've heard of ninja turtles you've surely heard the name splinter
  9. I was looking at the theater listings and I'm surprised! No IMAX 3d let alone IMAX!
  10. Ugh, 1 was fine, 2 was plenty (and boring even with Arnold) 3 is just, no, no. I can't watch this one guys I just can't.
  11. Danny woodburn? Huh, I mean no offense to the guy, but wtf makes him able to be an iconic character such as splinter? >_>, who's Japanese.....
  12. I might of heard that on the STO Facebook but I can't recall. I logged in for a few minutes to get to space dock, upgraded a few of my weapon systems on my odyssey. Now I've got a couple of lvl 11 phaser arrays and still enough dilithium to do something else maybe console wise.
  13. I did buy a tactical. I didn't have the chance to get the free Odyssey class when that came out a few years ago. It's only been, I dunno less then a year since I started playing the game so it's been over 2 or more since the Odyssey came out? I think my biggest issue is I just dunno what to customize my ships systems with. And when I wanna make sure it's all similar stuff or the right thing, I end up having to buy console equipment which means real money.
  14. Since I've totally missed out on this thing, I've given orders to a friend of mine who's going over to Japan and China for th enext year. Gave him some info on the VF-171 CF and if he finds it he's gonna pick it up, along with some other awesome stuff. so I'm crossing my fingers for the nex tmonth or so.
  15. Meant to say invincible, stupid autocorrect. I like the odyssey but seeing how I haven't faired that well in my missions I may go back to sovereign as well, or in some way upgrade that ship to a different styling. I was a little ass kicker with that ship. I think if anything I need to do serious upgrades on the consoles, I have a few lvl 11 consoles and some of the onboard systems on my odyssey are lvl 9s.
  16. You can run the mission on any ship you got, it wont go into combat. Your ship will end up turning into a freighter ship once you cross the anomaly into Tholian space. Once you complete the mission you'll be back in your original ship and get the hail for the points and ambassador ship. That too was pretty much the only ship I didn't have that was Enterprise esque. But i sure wish I could make my Odyssey all invisible, I got my ass handed to me by the Cardassians today when I tried to continue the campaign.
  17. Yeah I think so. When I logged on yesterday a message suddenly popped up to examine a temporal anomaly and ended up tracking an ambassador class ship that ended up being the Enterprise C getting screwed up once again and resetting the timeline to not only alter everything, but was barely even in the 24th century with the federation I guess being destroyed by t he Tholians who have kidnapped the Enterprise C and her crew. After I set her free and blew up all the tholians I finished the mission and was given a pass to go to earth dock and get me my own Ambassador class ship.
  18. I played a bit last night, acquired an Ambassador class after completing the Yesterday's Enterprise redux event and saving Castillo and Yar's collective asses so they can go commit suicide again. All in all, quick easy event. Kind of fun to fight in the Enterprise C. Also, reason I'm posting this is I managed to find ship models of some of the variant cruisers used in the STO series and have an Odyssey Class with a fair amount of detail to her on shapeways. Only problem is there are no decals of any kind seeing how it's fanmade and no ones even tried. Has anyone come across these fine looking ships made by fellow STO players and bought them? I'm a little iffy on mine, it's stated to be a 1/2500 scale to work with my other model kits, but the price is pretty cheap compared to another version I found with less detail by 40 bucks!
  19. What morality? There's a supply and demand for this item, and its not uncommon for one retailer to buy out from another retailer to secure stock. I did this kind if thing all the time years ago. If NYs policy is trying to get whatever item a customer wants, and they're succeeding in that policy then I don't really care if it came from HLJ, amiami or Tim buck too. Who knows, maybe NY is a rather very success place?
  20. I received my air shipment Fortress Maximus today. Mother F is huge! I didn't think he was gonna be this big but I mean k'mon! He's HUGE!
  21. I saw a couple of girls walk out on that saying "Oh damn was that bad or was that bad?"
  22. Oh it'll be fairly small. Maybe the size of a 1/100 MG Gundam or a little bit smaller than that.
  23. word from MMC's that Hexatron has a bit of a Quality issue thus to fix the problem they're pushing the release back until the end of May.
  24. I've never had an issue with pay it later, after all I did that with my vf-4. Sometimes it'll take longer to ship cause they have to process your order whereas those who paid go faster thru the system most of the times. I'm gonna buy super parts for it next month and 171ex parts same time. That'll help me be prepared and dedicated to the purchase
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