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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. dunno if i want MMC's Nova Prime....seeing how it's said to be the same size as Hexatron, which I've pretty much decided is a MP figure.....so due to it's size I just don't have the room. Think I'll have to go with Maketoys version.
  2. Seeing how Wolverine didn't even enter into the X-men carnage for a long time, yeah it's kinda sad that they're only focus is on Wolverine....guess just cause he's an "unstoppable" force.
  3. So I'm guessing this Unit 2 I'm seeing on the labor loading truck is not Alphonse? However I REALLY like where this is going.
  4. I've got him on order now w00t!
  5. I'm probably going to add a water mark intro audio and then a jingle of some kind like the tokyo news alert at random moments. But the 1.0 audio from 5 years ago has to be gone so that the audio 2.0 I made last year needs to be the main stream.
  6. nawrjm00 is the sellers name if anyone is curious. I've sent him a polite message to not sell the audio, I offered it for free I don't think that should be sold for someone to pocket.
  7. Well fans ill be taking dyrl off my channel. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-Do-You-Remember-Love-Flashback-2012-English-Edition-Blu-Ray-DYRL-DVD-/171089302351?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27d5b7934f A fellow member reported this to me today and I'm not happy one damn bit. People wanna call me a hypocric that's fine, but I at least never sold my projects to anyone. It was only out to be enjoyed and available for anyone to watch. If I'm not selling it neither should others. This really makes mad that there are those who call themselves fans but go out to make a buck on others hard work.
  8. Got mine today, much earlier than expected. There's a few things I get confused on, mostly just making the head sit flush and the proper parts in their best positioning for Battroid mode. Otherwise I really like it! I think having an EX Gear Alto stand is kinda cute! Now to just sit and wait for Ozma.
  9. HG is usually pretty slow on the uptake of things. But seeing how there's been 2 variants of jetfire, 6 inch titanium and the universe edition, I'd say they were asleep behind the wheel back then. In the end I'm sure this'll be settled out of court, but I also don't think HG will in the case.
  10. downside is I'm hearing that it's going to be a VERY expensive piece.
  11. Because the Transformers line originally began from an assortment of different transforming robots in Japan.
  12. I just watched the walkthrough of Stasis Interrupted. Lisbeth had more character and drive then the original characters we were given in the game. Boy does that suck or what? On the plus side, we did finally get the answers to hick's history but I still don't think it's enough.
  13. Nope! It was one of those based on a true story. I can't remember who was in it......uuuuuhhhh that gal with Clint Eastwood who wanted to be the boxer who I think is not the least bit attractive. She was hella butch and the movie was boring.
  14. Well while I sit and wait for a chance to get Soundwave, I just got my MP-12 Sideswipe. I LOVE this toy. I guess I'm lucky too cause this one has zero QC problems. No chips, flaking or paint issues. The design overall is very nice and I don't know whether I like the robot mode or vehicle mode. They're both beautiful to look at and transformation is very simple.
  15. I saw it today, and I knew I was in for a rocky ride when there were only 6 ppl in the theater. Nothing really surprised me or entertained me like I had hoped and that's kind of sad. I love X-Men, I love Wolverine, but there were some issues both editing wise, and story wise that didn't sit well with me. Only one movie besides this one made me yawn throughout the whole film, and that was some lesbian drama flick my girlfriend made me watch 2 years ago.
  16. Hegemon is pretty beefy so it's not a surprise there. But the head is just so god awful that I hope Dr Wu could fix that since Toyworld hasn't when they had the time. Anyone else get their Hexatron? He is so massive I thought for sure he'd pass as a good Masterpiece figure instead of my ever so needy Generations. However I got an issue and dunno if it's just me. The instructions are pretty bad imo, it's just hard for me to make out what to do in certain areas. But the weapons storage for vehicle modes, specifically on the legs, they're not big enough holes for the swords.
  17. Mine is sitting in the Inward office of LA. i don't think it'll be moving until Monday which case I'll see it right on my birthday next Friday. Boy oh boy wouldn't that be awesome? VF-25 and Metroplex. That'll be a good day!
  18. Yeah I'd like to get it as well, but by god I'd like to know when it's out so I known I got money for it!
  19. With the way things are looking I'll have to just buy the takara variant cause this will be sold out every time I go to TRU.
  20. Yeah on A, B eh.....hate using that you shouldn't need to use that but yeah that locks it, but I don't like that. Then there's also the panel under the nose cone, that keeps popping out with the leg bars inside so no clue if that's in wrong or not. There's also those panels that kept the legs locked in fightermode those don't rest to well between the front and back torso in battroid, and my fists break open and the fingers always fall off.
  21. I enjoyed building it, I mean in some way it's NICE to look at, but the transformation is so flawed I wanna throw it against a wall and hope it doesn't survive. I don't know how you can keep the backpack from falling down, just the slightest movement will cause it to flop from Battroid mode. I've pretty much packed it back into the box with some extra stuff I had laying around to keep it safe and put it on my shelf. I have NEVER done that to a model or toy in my life.
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