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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Granted, I'd really like HasTak to go back to Decepticons. The last NOT RETOOLED/MOLDED/PAINTED figure we got was Soundwave, and he's brilliant imo. But what about Megs 2.0? Or Galvatron? I'd almost like a triple changing MP figure like Astrotrain, granted, that'd be very expensive but if it's done well would make a killing.
  2. ...................Well, music ruined it pretty quickly.
  3. .........dafaque is being said? This is the Not-Blaster I've been talking about when the images of UT's Blaster showed up. This is a more likely buy from me than what UT is putting out.
  4. I think Warlord was their first figure releases. It's not bad, yeah, I don't think me paying almost 130 after shipping is right considering I'll have to touch him up and a lack of wrist swivle making him locked in those arm positions. that's kind of a bummer! .......But I'm repainting that gun barrel, and if i'm daring enough I'll be making those legs a bit darker. Eh......Seeing how I do need him so I have SOMETHING comparable for Protector....oh well. Better than what Hasbro gave us. And that even has a lot of the same issues! What's up with that?!
  5. sure seem to promote auto accidents from what I was scanning thru.
  6. yeah was about to ask if pun was used there. But I finally caught up despite not seeing episodes 7 and 9. Not bad, it's gotten darker and better. But yeah I wanna know just wtf did we learn in episode 11?
  7. lol ya.......wtf was up with that episode? That was so weird that I got a G Gundam parody vibe for some reason.
  8. I received Planet-X Caelus(?) aka Not Swoop. I'm not big on it for the price tag. total after shipping was 88 dollars and some change, it's the equivalent of a Deluxe figure with a simplistic transformation from robot to dino mode. Most of my figure is floppy except the right fist which I can fix I suppose with a screw driver. If it were about I'd say, 25 dollars less, this wouldn't be bad, I'd enjoy it. But it's not worth nearly a hundred dollars.
  9. Huh odd, I just got charged 8.90 (and lost my 1.10 credit) on the PSN I think for the Monthly Plus Account. Which shouldn't of happened seeing how I have year memebership already. I'll have to call PS customer service and ask about what the deal is cause if the Plus Account circulates through multiple consoles why did I get charged when I already have a 1 year?
  10. K, read what I said. I never said anything about European or Indian Region, I only said when it comes to Japanese imports my PS3 plays just fine. Seeing how Macross is a Japanese Region product, it'll play on my PS3 just fine. For European and Indian PS3's, I dunno, sometimes websites when you buy an import product will tell you flat out which Blu-ray players namely PS3's wont work.
  11. Yours is region locked? That's odd, my PS3 is about 4 years old and I can play and watch Japanese productions just fine and dandy. Hell I even watched 30th AV DYRL on it soooooo hm.
  12. lol yeah, keep 'em away from UV light. the older the valk, the most likely it'll happen. I think my old 1/48 VF-1A Max had that issue.
  13. I've owned a VF-0S and A, I had ZERO .......................................issues with my S, but 15 minutes into my VF-0A the head turret snapped off, then the bicep disintegrated after just 1 swivel during transformation. But again, I never had these problems with my S so i was pretty damn surprised. But ya, wasn't the only one who had those issues. If Arcadia does re-release the VF-0 I'll be excited and probably buy.
  14. think my brain exploded from all the 80's
  15. Sazabi Ver Ka is huge. it's about 2x's the size of a 16oz energy drink can (think of like Nos or Full Throtal in comparison) I dig the multiple layers on the legs, it's a very complex suit in general, but she's also just verniers with limbs.
  16. I think it really depends on your Blu-ray player rather than the blu-ray itself. I know in the past the cheaper the player you bought the more likely it's to be region locked, be it DVD or Blu-ray, I've actually encountered this oddly enough. I had bought the old 2002 Spiderman movie and my Playstation 2 was the ONLY DVD player that would play it. Our regular player kept saying it was out of our region. I exchanged it thinking I got a bad disc and sure enough, same thing happened. What was worse is the store I bought the dvd from was also were I got the player, but they really didn't give to Frakks over it. Now since Blu-ray has been out, and I own a multitude of players, PS3, PS4, Xbox1, 3 other Blu-ray players from SONY to Samsung, I can say that all my imported Blu-rays from Japan have played no problems, including my PS3 import games. So unless you got a cheap player, I don't think you're going to encounter an issue. Especially seeing how this is going to have english subtitles, Bandai is no doubt counting on the english language fan base.
  17. I really do like what I did with the lil characters, it was worth picking up those tiny brushes at the hobby store the other day and coming across some tamiya flesh tone. Sadly though, I lost the shield symbol entirely so there's not much detail left to be put on. I HATE the Funnel's though, it isn't that much of an improvement from the older version either. However I do like the design of the suit overall. Now I can get back to work on my Sazabi.
  18. looks painful to watch. Finished the basic build of my Nu Gundam. decals keep pealing off over time which sucks. But I still liked the build. I only broke one tiny lil piece and I'm trying to find it so i can glue it back on.
  19. Its been like that for nearly every Robotech comic in the last 10 years. They'll have a primary story then it cliffhangs and goes to something else for another storyline. Usually it's robotech in relation and nothing more, in this case no. The art really isn't all that great, Typical attempt at big eye exaggerated facial features and designs just like you'd expect of wanna be "Anime" artists. I mean if you saw the princesses face holy crap her eyes were like 0_0 princess kenny!!!
  20. scripts have been finished, pages have been done and comics have been still canceled. Look at Dreamwave. They canceled all their comics mid way when Pat Lee couldn't pay his dues. 22 pages of this dribble is the setting point, another 11 pages is some other comic non related. now if this were back say 10 years ago when comics hadn't hit that 3-4 dollar mark, I wouldn't mind to much. But seeing how we ARE at that point, I expect a little more.
  21. Well, I read it, it's bad, I mean, it's god awful. It just barely covers introductions and it's a retelling of what we've already known about in the old WS comics for max and ben, it's practically identical set up when they appear. I mean WOW is this bad. I give it 3 issues tops, and it'll die.
  22. True, ever since Wildstorm started doing the publishing the story arcs are fillers are hardly original. It pissed me off when they would do 15-22 pages of one story, then we'd get 8-15 pages of some other story arc/side story though tried to fill in the other story in some way, it was a mess. Art though wasn't bad at all in any of those comics except for the Shadow Chronicles Prelude, that to me was god awful and I didn't identify with any of the old characters who progressed in age. I think I still have all the old issues in storage.
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