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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Already got it, loved it, still need to finish decaling it though but it's a pain in the ass. I went to the model shop to see what they had I could buy on the spot with my Credit card....buuuuut, all they had was RG full burn Gundam unit 1 and Freedom. Strike Freedom I'd maybe get, but not the Freedom itself. And I sure as hell wouldn't blow 55 bucks on Build Strike full package when i can get it half the price. I was looking at the original MG AGE 01 Gundam, I hear good things, and I liked its design. It's possible I'll pick that one up but that's not until after payday.
  2. and like many great actors, seems he was a drug addict as well. Follows the pattern.
  3. well, paycheck is coming in a few days.........what sounds good?
  4. sigh......if only they'd of just made that an entirely different series and kept the pirate theme, if ONLY.
  5. I dno't think it's a pipe dream, it's plausible. I don't think it'll sell and make back costs though. Bandai in this regards really just aims for the kiddies. and a 200+ dollar Zord set would just not be cost effective. But it would be neat. I do have the legacy Green set on order, both the zord and the dagger. Dragonzord was the ONLY zord I ever wanted and never got. And I still got the original Megazord in storage...so that'll help a ton.
  6. I met JDF over the weekend, got him to sign my legacy Green/White ranger morpher. He's an ok guy....maybe just a smidge to into himself since this is it, he's pretty much just known for being Tommy and nothing else. But like I said, he's not a bad guy he loves his fans and he showed it.
  7. Scenery shots too. In the first episode in Sei's dream he's on the Albion. In ep 16 he meets his dad at Tim Rei's junk yard apartment from the middle of the series.
  8. Really? cause I see someone different from Turn A Gundam just different hair color. Then I think I see Fa on the bottom screen cap.
  9. It'll take a lil getting use too, hopefully not as long as the last one. I never did like Matt's costume until Series 7.2.
  10. What makes you think Turn A was a flop? To my recollection it was popular and very original and unique blend we have yet to see repeated in the Gundamverse. What flopped was the marketing of the models. They didn't make many, and what's available back then is hard to get. I own a MG Turn A and I enjoyed the kit a lot. You won't find a lot of the same mechanics used from Turn A into other Gundams. Heck, Turn A was one of my favorite Gundam shows. I absorbed the hell out of that show.
  11. Guess I'll need to wait for the trailer. but if it's anything like what I was playing in previous next gen consoles of gundam, I may pass. Not big on doing upgrades and what not when I can't understand what I'm doing.
  12. I'd just like to see more. I think all we got was a Gundam, 2 Zaku's and AGE-1. Sorta a bummer seeing how super easy it must be to engineer these compared to RG's. I was at ANOTHER hobby store far out of town....Aile, RX-78-2, Zeta and Freedom. That was it : / bummer.
  13. Yep, I use to love Prime. But now it's like "We'll ship it when we feel like it." I've had something take me a week to receive having me ask them wtf happened? I'll try and order one soon, still working on the Strike. Wonder what else would make a good RG kit? how about a 1/144 Zeong? Can't say Exia, we're getting that, maybe 00? I'd like to see Mega Grades come back. I did a fantastic one...still enjoy the crap out of that crap and the paint job I did on it.
  14. Can't really make it out who those are. Either way, Beginning Gundam? Nice, I actually kinda wonder if Sei's dad is actually the kid who first got into Gunpla in that OVA from a few years back? Wouldn't that be interesting.
  15. Indeed. Fox is horrible with their scifi shows....Firefly....Terminator....dollhouse....I miss any others that really didn't take off on popularity until it was over?
  16. Sadly MK II was gone, bummed about that. I managed to get a couple bucks knocked down on the Strike so I got that. It'd be really nice if there was something thinner than a tooth pick so I could apply just that small amount of silver into those Aile pack turbines. I feel like that's detail gone to waste in the mold.
  17. That's a valid point, seeing how even the Crossbone manga series never saw the light of day over seas on English shores either. I picked up the Victory Gundam and that was a horrible mess. The rear skirt armor is stuck at an odd position and wont fold down into proper placing or anything, I've broken a piece of the back as well as I was trying to fix things and figure out wtf happened where did I go wrong? Sadly I don't think I can salvage this kit seeing how it feels like such a lack luster. It's so hollow and uninspiring as I'm putting it together and that's such a bummer. I went to the local hobby shop last night and they had the RG Gundam MKII, Strike and Freedom kits....I'm so super tempted to get the Strike or MKII. They DO have a Build Strike kit, but I can get it online after shipping for 50% less. I mean ya, who'd pay 55 dollars for a 1/144 kit like the Build Strike? Noooooot me. Funny too Cause the Fenice is there and it's 25 dollars, only 3 dollar difference from Amazon's listing with Prime. I dunno, should I pick up the Strike or the MK II for 41 bucks? To me, for what you get, a RG model kit at 40 dollars is a good price.
  18. I don't think they'd do a representation of any previous show but a reboot of some sort while probably making it more Modern time-ish I think. Sorta like Gundam 00 was set in AD verse not UC, AC, AW so forth and so forth of some facticious era. I do hold some reserve though after the devestating appearance of G-Savior and how horribly done that film was. And Tekken and King of Fighters? Those were low budget films....I don't even think they saw anything other than Select Theater release didn't they? And besides, just because a Visual Effects team is going to sign on doesn't mean a studio has unless we hear about it on Tuesday. Who could it be? FOX? Nah, Dreamworks? .....That's possible, them and Paramount teamed up to bring Transformers, if anything Paramount would be the biggest supporter to bring this to light. DISNEY? That's a joke don't take that one seriously. Lionsgate could be interesting, they've had good films, not big blockbuster films, but stuff that at least made back revenue.
  19. I've enjoyed the series, I usually catch it when it hits Hulu. But I notice they take ques from other scifi stories like the Magic Bullet is obvious to me matches Runaway starring Tom Selleck and Gene Simmons. Just minus poisonus spider bots.
  20. I passed on Planet-X's Omega Supreme, biggest heaviest 3rd party to date sure, but the price was way to high for my taste. I'd hate to see what Trypticon would be priced out at.
  21. so many things I don't notice cause I'm reading subs, I hate that. The ones up close in your face I'm embarassed I didn't notice whereas the ones in the distance, that's pretty neat. I did notice SOME of the mobile suits that are in plain sight and on screen for a few seconds. Did NOT notice the G-armor with the GM unit inside. That was interesting.
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