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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Aegis and Justice were my least favorites in the Seed verse.....might be the colors, but I think it's more the fact of the booster for justice, and alt form for Aegis. I'm digging the RG Exia...it's on my hit list after I move and get situated. I really really want it.
  2. I would think it'd come with one, 70mm is only a little more than 2 inches in length, so that's incredibly tiny and of course will most likely be unpainted, that's IF it comes with the 70mm yamato.
  3. Ok, I got a problem. I'm on Chapter 5 part 2 or something I think now. I haven't been able to upgrade my valks since I got the VF-1S back in Chapter 3 I think. I've gone through the various stores I can find that aren't bandit ridden right now in the desert field, and I've explored all I can from the original field. No one has VF-11 or even YF-19 parts! So I'm sitting on VF-11B/C and YF-19 blueprints and no way I can build them.
  4. My valks are packed and now I wanna play with them......damn this sucks.
  5. Those RG's really don't acquire any modeling skills other than following the directions. You don't need to paint anything unless you want too (like the figurines if you wanna you could, just, hard). Just a tip, when you finish a section not saying an entire limb, but every time you finish a litteral area, flip to the markings side and start applying anything in that area. It makes things super easy on you cause some part could get in the way for a clean application. I had to kind of do that with the Destiny's booster pack. It'll take you longer to build the kit, by you'll have a much nicer looking kit for taking that time.
  6. Just finished the build, got some tweeking I want to do with it and need to add the decals. But that's probably after I move. This thing is big big big.
  7. Wow, very cool. If i had the 3D files for these I'd be using my pal's 3D printer to get my figures lookin classy! Only issue with that though is besides my Frontier valks and my VF-4....I don't have any of the stand adapters on my VF-1's anymore they've gone buh-bye during my last move.
  8. Indeed, was a really good episode monday. Now to watch Arrow wooooo I love my comic shows.
  9. YAHOO! I got my kit. it's the correct one. I'm excited to put it together and get some lights on it later
  10. as much as I'd love a season 2, I'm not going to hold my breath. Sunrise as said, is seriously busy with the franchise as it is. A movie would be good, I'm hip on that. But again, not holding my breath lol.
  11. That's exactly what caused my co fusion on which kit is right!
  12. wouldn't think it'd of been based on the movie, right time frame but it didn't have the movie look to it. I ordered the expansion set too for it, even though it'll be several months from now. Hm.......what else am I missing?
  13. Yeah I've recovered my drive completely now, I managed to get a toshiba control board and a 1 TB buffalo hard drive which are REALLY high quality, love these things, use them a lot at work. Films been recovered and all that stuff, but I have no intentions on bringing it back. I tried to bring back a movie not long ago and the SAME law firm hit me again.
  14. I dunno, I thought the one with R2 and the lil general guy was kind of a fun story arc. wasn't amazing, but it was okay.
  15. wow, that's a change from what I remember 0_o think i'll pass. not exactly looking for a motorcycle helmet.
  16. just hope they fix the bicep issues that pissed off so many who bought the A.......like me.
  17. It'd of been nice if it ended with a bridge between the series and ROTS....it's really to bad.
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