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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. doesn't surprise me, a lot of ppl called it for a lot of reasons. Mainly effects budget and the cast and crew. urban is a movie star and will have commitments to other film projects, just the same as JJ. I think he has 1 more Star Trek movie to do AND he's got Star Wars right now. I'm sure he can't be bothered with a TV series that has limitations due to network agendas. This is why I hate fox.
  2. mine's on order, yahoo.
  3. right now only the hero color. Sadly, I've missed out, all the usual places are sold out. Really bummed.
  4. Hm, I've become slightly interested in how this'll work. I shall wait for the trailer.
  5. I...............I dunno. I mean, looking at a lot of low B names imo. Arnold is the only big name on the bill and let's be honest...it's not like he's been putting out much of great hits since his return. So I really just don't know.
  6. lol Yeah, Royal Flush gang is very different than what we've seen in things like Superman, Justice League, Batman Beyond, all that stuff. Very different. I mean I just finished Arkham Origins and laughed my ass off at the end where Death Stroke is introduced into the Suicide Squad. I do agree, Oliver Queen, worst kept secret identity of any super hero.
  7. I found it interesting on some of the things the DVD release changed from the old VHS dub. It's consistent but odd to hear.
  8. Guyver 2 The Dark Hero was pretty much where the name sake for my dubbing group came from. but was also nice to know the connection of David hayter being Sean and also the notorious Snake from MGS. Love those kind of connections.
  9. yeah well I'm pacific. So 20 minutes to go.
  10. oh okay good I thought I was going to have to throw a tantrum. I was gonna get ready with a nice big piece of cake and watch tonights episode but the repeat aired.
  11. Huh? Must be a mistake on my end, it's a repeat of last week. whaaaaa.
  12. I thought those plushies were scrapped? I remember last year i heard something happened and TOYNAMI decided not to release those.
  13. oooooooooooooooh man I really want the file for this. Get my pal jeremie to print it on his robocraft printer and just piss him off on all the filament it'll use to get it done. Then again, he used 3 spools to do a Halo 4 railgun and I think even scaled it down a tad. >_> but oh man, this would be neat.
  14. eeeeeeeehhh it's roughly 4 years old now. got it about the same time my ex and I started dating and was super excited to get it. But what's also odd is that there's an update for it but it won't update says the file is corrupted. so I just leave it alone. Good enough for me.
  15. Eh, never liked the paint job on this one. Eveywhere I've looke I usually do business with they're all sold out, so this is pretty much an easy pass. But yeah I'd sure like to see some re-issues here, this is getting annoying. either reissue the VF-25S and VF-25A Michael or get the damn YF-30 done.
  16. at least I know it's not just me. I mean I get the occassion frame glitching cause there's to much going on in one particular area allllllllllllllll the time. Actually had an incident few days ago where the battle got really heated and the compression rate went to hell, next thing I know I'm dead. Full HP and everything cause I just used a health pack and BAM I'm dead.
  17. finally have had time to play this game after a year. In the last week I've been dominating the hell out of it and now that I've finally got a knack on quests and missions I"m nearly done. I had that big climatic battle at the end of chapter 8, aaaaaannnnddd the damn disc froze. So I gotta do it all over again.
  18. I've done very little of the quests, mostly because I don't understand what I'm suppose to be looking for most of the time....if it's a combat deal it's easy, but if I'm having to look for specific items that's rather hard. The Red Shoulder guides are pretty generic, not giving a ton of info. For instance some of these recquire finding Todo's notes by doing Uroboros research of ruins. I've gone thru these ruins but I never find anything.
  19. k, another question! super parts.....couldn't find them for the VF-171 like I have for everything up to the VF-19. Usually found 'em in the shops.
  20. Alright awesome, exactly what I needed. Spent the last 2 hours roaming both the fields and collected not only a ton of experience but build FAST packs for the VF-11C and the VF-19F. Went back at it again after I got those built and started cashing in every bandits life and put everything in storage. Now that I'm getting the hang of this game, figuring out what certain things do and can get you I'm enjoying this a lot more than what I did last year. Any luck I'll have enough parts for the VF-171EX after I kick Kamjin's ass across Uroboros.
  21. I'll roam around. I'm in the seirra desert field, but Kamjin and his desert bandits are kickin the crap out of me with just a regular ol' VF-11. I need something that kicks. Wish i could of had the YF-30 back after racing isamu.
  22. I eventually got the VF-11, but I've also got blue prints for the VF-19F now too...and I've been spending last 2 nights now just slaughtering the crap out of bandits and exploring the underground bases....but I'm not making much process. I feel like i've been blowing more gill on just getting ammo and health boxes than making progress on getting parts I need. I can't even get parts for the VF-1 or anything anymore. The shops USE TOO sell some of the stuff I needed. It'd be more help recycling parts from your previous valks to make your next valk.
  23. I'm still recovering from Winter Soldier, so this just makes me wanna huddle in a corner and remain in shock.
  24. At that price all you're getting is the photo etched parts, which I haven't seen photo etched parts for the Yamato sold anywhere...so I personally dunno. Honestly don't even think it's needed imo. That's what kind of gets me about internal gimmicks, it's hard to enjoy the exterior and the interior without ditching some of the exterior beauty. Mainly why I haven't dealt with the ships I got with my 1/500.
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