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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. downloading it on Xboxlive after buying a gift card. I've sadly been disconnected a dozen times while downloading cause my wifi and 360 don't like eachother which is odd. They really should of built more phone lines so I could wifi boost this house. Gonna start watching when this puppy hits 60%. CRAP! I lost just 52% of the download and it started all over! what a crock of crap!
  2. I FINALLY got my theater room finished tonight. So I popped the Bluray in and watched a while, good subs, no issues. Tomorrow after work I'll go back to watching it on Surround sound. Can't wait!
  3. Well it would seem my PS3 has fallen ill to the 4.55 Update curroption problem and has gone to hell. So looks like I won't be watching Unicorn until June : /
  4. It's a pretty big box man, even I was surprised. It's mainly because of the two books you get, they're A4 size and thick with 2 cardboard layers containing 3 Blu-ray discs in 2 cases, the movies in 1 case while the other case is....whatever the hell that is I can't recall. And those are tucked into a big white box saying "PROJECT F" with a big Sheryl/Ranka wrap around over the box. I was very shocked I got mine today...did not expect it. It said as of last night it cleared customes in San Fransico next thing I see this morning was my post office dropping it off. Sadly I can't watch the film until everything is done in the theater room. Gonna be a while.
  5. I'm waiting till my theater room is finished this weekend to watch it. Reminds me, I need to go get a playstation prepaid card cause I won't give them my CC anymore after what sony did.
  6. I said unicorn was the last. No where did I say it was never subbed or dubbed? Of course its received the treatment. But bandai I has been notorious on picking what gets these treatments. The zeta movie trilogy got sub only but DID dub the TV series. Again its bandais choice on how they release their bluray or future products. Remember how everyone has been shocked and surprised that the frontier movies are getting sub treatment.
  7. indeed, it's probably the last time I'll order from AmiAmi unless I'm insanely desperate and they're my only choice. that high of shipping for a Bluray is just to damn much. On a side note I did just get notification that it shipped and double checked it's to the new address, thank god
  8. which reminds me, a long long time ago I stumbled upon an odd MIDI that claimed to be the UN Spacy theme, during that time I listened to that and then later heard the Macross Plus UN Spacy theme, they were TOTALLY different. Course I had this popped onto a A drive disk and since then that disk went poof!
  9. There's a poll that OCP's head of marketing shows to the CEO about the different styles of Robocops body armor and it shows a badly CG composit image of the old 1980's Robocop.
  10. Got my notification from Ami Ami but MAN did they rape me on the shipping! 45 bucks! it was 12 dollars more than I had expected.
  11. Animation is of course so much better than what we were given in the past, but it's still so damn stiff looking! physics are so weird...detail wise things look great, landscape, backgrounds, color tones, lil things like that are nice. That's about it though.
  12. caught it yesterday, it was okay for the first half but it just feels so rushed after the first 40 minutes. : / think they tried to cram to much to soon.
  13. Ahhh, I never put the connection there together, guess cause I never read those stories. I thought it was kinda a weak episode, weakest I've seen in a really long time.
  14. Yeah there's really nothing announced which sucks. I would of liked a Blu-ray 3D combo or some good extras to talk about the suit design process from concept to application to wear. Deleted scenes, maybe hell even an unrated version where they CG some blood spatter on all the bad guys robo kills. Noooooopppe, none of that!
  15. Cause the guy has nothing else to do in his life except be married, do some MMA fighting and raise his daughter....not like any of that matters right? Gotta get to those conventions to feel important. Maybe Lionsgate and Saban were inspired by his performance from Bat Under the Sun or something to spawn this mess? While somewhere I'll always like power rangers, it's just they've had 2 bad movies, but 1 only being better than the other. I loved the suits in the first movie, but dear god the special effects, the CGI, even some of the story was just awful. Now Turbo, that was just an ungodly mess of stupid.
  16. I've had that DVD box set before, the subtitles are virtually impossible to understand and ruins the experience. Not too mention it's not remastered footage and I don't think include the preview episode at the end (Can't remember, been 7 years since I touched it). My goal was to eventually dub the series like I did Macross DYRL, but the series got so annoying to me. so much rehashed battles and odd plot moments and translations that would just get lost in english.
  17. Seems fine to me, I'm sure I'll watch it seeing how it's AFTER ROTS with some original characters for once. It's a welcome to me.
  18. Not really, closest one is a bit over an hour of a drive but there is one available. I'm planning on going there maybe this weekend to pick up those Detolf glass cabinets for my collectiables. Just the consoles, my TV is wall mounted, space isn't exactly problematic, I was kind of hoping for something that'd be a corner piece so it isn't in eye view from watching the TV. Currently I'm under going color calibrations and I want the main focus to be the TV without any kind of distractions like the constantly on Xbox logo on the One, or the white/blue pulse of the PS4.
  19. Had a question maybe someone can help with. Been setting up a home theater after moving into my new house this weekend. Got everything except 1 crucial thing picked out and that's console storage. I'd like something that alone is just gonna handle my PS3/4 Xbox One/360 consoles, controls, chargers and games are kept in a seperate area of the room. Been looking at shelves but they're either to tall, not wide enough, or not enough dividers. Any thoughts?
  20. nothing there.
  21. well sometimes Sony's online store, Xbox Live, and Amazon have it up way ahead of schedule. I think I got star trek into darkness and spiderman about a month or 2 before they're actual release dates, and those were legits. That's what I'm poking about. I dunno if I'd buy a bluray or even dvd copy...nor would I actually dowload it. I'm back on the fence cause I only saw the film once and I'll only buy blu ray if it's packed with some good extras.
  22. yeah how did you get that? the movie I don't even think comes out for another whole month.
  23. cept, no one but those with clearance knows Coulson is alive. Which that's gotta stop, it's limiting the plot now imo.
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