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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Odd, when I bought these last month only options were the black/brown. Eithercase it went well with the room's colors. I had very few complaints on these cases. 1) Missing parts (Yeah actually had to contact Ikea on that one and wait a week with a case half finished) 2) Small, would of liked them to be 4 inches wider at least, or deeper, could hold a lot more that way. 3) Stability, I actually didn't wanna sit them on the carpet, they wobbled a bit even though the cases were level. So I bought 2 8 foot wood panels and cut them into quarters for the length of my display room and now they're perfectly balanced. 4) Bad directions, namely where those plastic strips to hold the glass panels go. Otherwise, when they're done, they're very pleasing and doing what they need to do.
  2. I'll have to keep an eye out. I wanted to dub this series some years back, shortly after I finished the DYRL 2.0 audio. However finding the english dub version of this series first 17 is impossible cause I wanted to continue from 18 onward to make the job easier. Guess now I can probably have my way.
  3. The detolf glass display cases I got after my movie have enough room to take my Hasbro Metroplex and let him stand in robot mode....City or Battlefortress modes though, thaaaatt's a big N O. But I can't afford a 300-400 dollar 18 inch toy when I got a 24 inch that's still good in my eyes. Granted, Utopia is detailed and articulated up the tail pipe, but like that Not Omega Supreme, price is to heavy.
  4. just got my Maniaking....liking this figure a lot! except for the no wrist swivle which could of been done as I look at the toy, it's pretty much perfect variant of the character even if the white is offsetting. Easily fixable too! I've been posting pictures of him with 86 movie quotes and buddies are responding back with their favorite quotes lol, I'm so easily amused. I'm gonna spend some time in getting my figures properly displayed so the right era is with the right figures.
  5. Not a patient guy, afterall, I can finish a basic build of a MG in a day. I've got other things on my list I gotta do anyways, I won't have time to build him, nor have I got my Turn A out of storage so I got no reason to build Turn X right now.
  6. This is damn odd. Turn x is out on HLJ but they never charged me or informed me of my order....I just went and canceled it. Lil miffed about this.
  7. Display events are notorious for mistransformed figures cause its made in a rush. I'm expecting him to be larger than most MPs just for the simple fact he's body armor albino optimus prime.
  8. yikes, fairly expensive kit by my standards. Only Titanium coated MG I've come across was the RX-78-2 which was at a hobby store in portland and it was 180 bucks. So good deal! But they do tend to worry me, I'd wanna wear rubber gloves so I wouldn't smudge the finish with my thumb prints which would be a pain for me.
  9. couple of 4th party items showed up with my YOTS Omega Supreme. I picked up the Xtransbots G2 Boosticus kit and DMY's Fall of Superion DM-02. I LOVE the way my FOC Fruity Bruticus looks now, far more game accurate. DMY though...wtf? They give you like a dozen screws, head pieces, whacked out arm pistons and boot extensions. But what could they NOT provide? FREAKING INSTRUCTIONS! It would seem that the peg hole for the left hand though is a little to wide....need a good filler idea to get the Fansproject fist to be more snug. Ideas?
  10. Considering I lived less then 20 minutes from that hobby shop just 2 months ago to now over an hour, yeah. Work is one thing though, that's lively hood, this is hobby. Big difference in terms of commitment.
  11. Went to the hobby store VERY far away, good hour drive from my house...(Cause they got good stuff sometimes...better than some) and I found like 3 MG Banshees! Some reason they've stocked up heavily on Unicorn and 00 kits...I don't know why. But I mean 3 Banshees and 4 Exias, a HG 1/144 Sazabi, a ton of Unicorn HG's and such. But I figured why not? The Banshee is something I've put on hold since it's release some years ago. Finding some areas that really need some glue like the crotch region. The piece that's suppose to pull down while you pull the upper armor piece upward to reveal the physco frame pops off really easily. I didn't have that kind of problem with the Unicorn...so go fig! 72 dollars though for it, not a bad price considering Amazon is 100+.
  12. Hexatron I think is just impressive in robot mode, but damn, transforming him? that's a pain in the ass like you wouldn't believe. Even with instructions I had a hard time, and some of his weapons didn't fit properly....I still need to try and fix those peg holes when I get time. Now, 4P stuff to improve 3P stuff is just hilarious to me but it's not all bad. I'm giving some of them a c hance like DYM's Superion upgrade to Fansproject's upgrades, and then the Boosticus G2 set for my FOC G2 edition. Those arrive on monday and I'm looking forward to that. Oh, and I also saw a 5P set for Superion. Someone on TFW2005 is doing shapeway pieces to give Superion more G1 of a look if you got the Fansproject and DYM's parts. That's another thing, Shapeways has been giving 3D Modelers the chance of just pumping out all the stuff they want to perfect their collections. I've bought some stuff and they're really good ideas but the materials that Shapeway uses are not great imo for Transformer products without tons of careful sanding.
  13. preordered mine earlier in the week, I've paid off a credit card recently and it's become the go to card for my Macross orders cause of it's good size limit. As long as I stick to no more than 2 items an order it's easier to pay off in general....interest on this card is a bitch but it's kinda worth it. So now that's a YF-30 and Luca I gotta pay for.
  14. AHHH CRAP! You just reminded me....guess it's a good thing I have a credit card dedicated to Macross items.
  15. I preordered but might drop it. Hi Nu is a bit bulky to put in my display cases, but, I can see some potential and fun in building it.
  16. On the fence, only M7 figure I own is the VF-11 cause it was all I could get of the VF-11 sculpt. I didn't exactly cry my eyes out when I missed the first release of the VF-19K, I didn't exactly crawl to a fetal position and cry harder missing the VF-17's. Plus the release of this, the YF-30, and the VF-171EX Recon are way to close together to safely buy. And honestly, a 282 dollar preshipping price tag for this is far to much for me to handle justifying this into my collection.
  17. key difference is that's a Hasegawa. I think they're more refering to a transformable model kit.
  18. I wouldn't even sell mine for 150, no way. Maybe 400 since he has all his pieces.
  19. Sega-man is friend to children. I saw it today, it was good...not omigod amazing, but, considering there's been some REALLY BAD Godzilla films, this was right up my alley. I just wish Bryan Cranston had a much bigger part to play for someone who got a lot of trailer time.
  20. I'd love to order that, but man, that's a 700 dollar bill waiting in such a short amount of time.
  21. caughth it tonight, thought it was okay, better than First Class, X3, and Wolverine Origins. At least fixing some of the problems helped.
  22. funny cause I actually used that as a tiny ass "decal" on my old 1/72 VF-25's back in the day....just to give it that extra flare. Worked pretty well.
  23. that's just life. It'll live on as one of those internet urban myths of Macross. Which is kinda cool.
  24. Oh god now that's reminding me Lol. I STILL haven't put my kits back on display and all the Gundam I built prior to 2011 are still in storage.
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