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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Good job. I'm waiting on paint to dry on my GM's before I start trashing them up....sooooo I started working on the MG Wing Zero Prototype....hm, not bad, it's coming together nicely at least! But the build is going so fast! I gotta slow 'er down.
  2. funny cause it comes with the Big Ghinna mobile armor and Im waiting till I have the right kind of paint to detail the cockpit and Ironmask. Thought did cross my mind of just beating the crap out of it since it's not a great build imo. I ended up having a much easier time building my RGM-79SP and did just a smidge of custom paint to it. Mines a MG, but once in a while you get a bad molded part, or parts. I actually just ordered the RG Exia, LOVE Exia...one of my favorite modern designs. PG's were nice and not so expensive back in the day, I've built 2, PG Strike Gundam with Aile Pack and Skygrasper set, then I built the PG Zaku II when Amazon flubbed up big time on the price and had to honor all the orders. I don't mind a few bucks I mean it was I think a 75%+ mistake off!
  3. finished my F-91....not a big fan of it.
  4. I'm currently working on a MG F-91 and it's.....lacking. Even using these real touch markers it's not making as much of an affect as I'd of liked. I got a RGM Sniper and Cannon Fodder coming in tomorrow, and Wing Zero Proto on Wed....I'll be keeping myself occupied.
  5. with Fansproject announcement and preorder of their Sludge figure due out this august, Planet X has put theirs out for preorder due out October. I'm kind of torn. Fansproject's looks real good, BUT I don't need a robot partner with him, and I don't think he's going to be big enough. Planet X is same size I think from Grimlock, BUT I'm not big on the design. DECISIONS!
  6. I too just finished a kit today and already starting a new one. Over the 4th I painted and assembled MSA-0011 S Gundam, and boy was it a pain! A very large portion of this kit is hand painted....very large portion. Right now I'm working on Moah's Gundam X, and also got his Crossbone which will probably be next week. I also went to my storage unit and after a little climbing around I found a few of my kits, not all of them though, I'm missing a ton I think! But I found a OYW Zaku II, Gundam MK-II 2.0, MG Kampfer, MG Aile Strike, MG Exia, and OYW Dom. both the Dom and the Kampfer I painted in Desert Warfare like colors. I also found my first attempt at RX-0 Unicorn that was really badly done, I had a 2nd version but god I don't know where him, Turn A, my custom RGM-79, and a number of other kits went too!
  7. drove the hour drive to my favorite lil hobby shop (K not little...big place) and felt like a kid in the candy store. usually this store specializes in HG kits, maybe 1 or 2 PG's....about a dozen MG's, but they'll seriously have like 30 or 40 HG kits. Tons of BF kits so I picked up Maoh's Crossbone and X Gundam and an EXS Gundam for the holiday weekend and gonna go pick up a few deals of paint to get started. fun weekend!
  8. which means we will most certainly get a sequel by 2017 since there's some pretty quick turn around. But seeing how there's not much story or essence in these films, that's no surprise.
  9. Okay, so here's the answer the questions some may ask, cause I read those damn comic books. Now take note cause Dark of the Moon's comic book ending was different from the film, namely that instead of Megatron getting decapitated he survived and banished to cybertron. So first off 1) Bumblebee regained his voice at the end of the Movie 1 due to the All Spark's effects kicking in. However, by the rest of the films his voice box seemed to not of been fixed. Answer: During the story lines between Movie 1 and ROTF, Bumblebee is on escort duty. During which he comes under decepticon attack by I believe Starscream who smashes his voice box once again. 2) Whatever happened to the Trio? Arcee, Chromia and Elita One? Answer: Again during the comic books, Arcee, Chromia and Elita One are attacked by Decepticons. Elita One is the only one who manages to escape while Arcee and Chromia try to hold them off to bring news to Optimus that Shockwave is on earth. Just as she manages to arrive in time Shockwave puts the Cybertronian boot on Elita-One killing her right infront of Optimus, and Arcee and Chromia were also killed during the battle. This also ties into what happened to Mirage and Wheeljack as they became heavily damaged during the onslaught, Jolt and Ratchet repair the two fallen Autobots but the repairs are so extensive they both became entirely different bots, Dino and Q. 3) Skids and Mudflap, some of the most hated stereotyped characters EVER, yet, beg the question as to WTF happened to these numb nuts?! Answer: This is where DOTM really starts to differ from it's comic book counter part. In the DOTM comic, Ironhide was the first to be killed by Sentinel's Cosmic Rust cannon. In retaliation Skids and Mudflap arrive, one is killed almost instantly and the other attempts to avenge his fallen brother only to get killed by Sentinel as well.
  10. actually reason for the kids faces to be blurred is due to legality issues. They don't have permission to use the kids likeness. It's just easier. They've been doing the fuzzy face thing for a REALLY long time now when it comes to those old commericals.
  11. I'm not terribly upset anymore about Mania King....I can paint him up and he'll look almost as good imo. However that Unique Toys Metroplex head is ASS ugly.
  12. WOAH! I was just comparing AOE to ROTF.....According to Rotten Tomatoes, AOE is WORSE I repeat WORSE than ROTF. How.....I mean.....wha? .......Holy crap I mean I know it's been 5 years since ROTF, but AOE is already that much of suckness in comparison? Wow! Case anyone is curious, as of 6:11PM Pacific Time, RT has ranked AOE as 13% with ROTF at 19%...yikes!
  13. There's a ton of BF kits at a hobby store near work. Came across both variants of Build Strike's, Miss Sazabi, Dark Matter Exia, X Maoh and that GM Sniper amongst others. It's kinda easily to walk away from these kits lately. I need something challenging
  14. anyone seen the CG render for the Not-Sunstreaker? Looks very impressive and supposedly in the final stages of it's design with possible options of making it either Cartoon, G1 Toy or Comic accurate. Hm....maybe they'd be nice to add a headmaster gimmick?
  15. well so far all 3 MP's are within my tolerance, and I don't see that changing any time soon. Now....Sunstorm....no. Hasbro REALLY needs to release the rest of the original Trio before I go over to their offices and dispense some justice, aka, skull cracking.
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