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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. so buddy of mine thinks using the backpack of Strike Freedom would be good on the miss sazabi. anyone got a junk HG 1/100 of it?
  2. This weekend I'm hoping to finish my FA Unicorn Awakening, and begin prepping a completely customized MS for a friend of mine who has been begging me to make her a Mobile Suit. I thought to counter my Hi-Nu ver Kai I'd make her a Sazabi version kai using the Miss Sazabi retool from BF and add some additional flare. This will be a big revamp as I'll be purchasing the extra posable hands, probably going the MG rate since this kit is about 1/100 scale for a 1/144, a completely different weapons package since the BF version focuses on melee combat and will be changed to a multirange New type combat unit using a duel bit funnel shield system, one will be of course attached to the forearm while the other will be used as skirt armor for the rear. The backpack I haven't decided on yet on what it'll be...this is a tough one due to the scale of the suit being so damn large! So I'm completely open to suggestions.
  3. OUCH! March huh? Janurary to April are not good times for the box office as it's usually crap movies or chick flicks. So DC is just looking for an easy win for the March and April...pussies.
  4. really B? This movie reminded me of the 4th film.
  5. obviously a play on the word....but wow they're already done filming? That was fast....or did I miss something?
  6. if it was just brawn, not a big deal, but really? ....I don't need the other guy, I never even liked him or his 3 minutes of total air time in season 3.
  7. yeah....accessories like extra hands and beam sabers and stuff like that. PG Zero is intimidating. I'm taking it slow, 1 limb at a time. I think the arm I just built had 6 screws and 3 washers or somethings....and the armor parts don't fit well, they're very loose. So what I might end up having to do if I can find my cement glue brush is go over the seam lines very lightly so they'll melt the plastic and bond then just gently sand it even. I've had the elbow armor pop off once already, and the shoulder under armor doesn't fit well, neither does the bicep.
  8. not much to show due to lighting issues today. They both came out really well so I'm proud of that. Next Wing related kit I'll do will be Sandrock.
  9. A good mike is a dead mike We shall always remember him up till the day he took a gundam hammer to the knee. Chances are it'll just get put back into here cause it's a modeling thread related to Gundam. I finished decaling both my Shenlong and Wing Zero Prototype.....dear god, I used every single rub on transfer on my wing zero. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Still had a small amount left on Shenlong but seriously, why do I wanna put a designation rub on to it? And not too mention WHERE?! I'm sitting here right now looking at my EW PG zero and I feel super intimidated. It's not my first PG, I've built Strike with his Aile Pack, and a Zaku II. But this, this is like so different. Which is odd! Cause the Zaku II was an old kit too, but I guess this kit is even older as it has wiring! The others didn't that I can think back too! I've been told not to panic, it's not difficult, just breath and take my time when it comes to it. But I'm also sitting here thinking if in some way I should completely customize this, some kind of pearl or metalic white and blue and red, something to make it shine. Use gunmetal for the frame....but same time I"m kinda like "Naaaaahhhh"
  10. Well for my birthday i got a PG wing zero and a full armor 1/144 unicorn destroy mode.
  11. Here's some screen captures of the original squadron colors based off the PS2 game, the first shots of the valkyrie's fighter mode are more generic scheme of the VF-1A while the last 2 with the FAST packs are the VF-1S obviously.
  12. If che doesn't hook you up with the info lemme know. The squad logo I'm pretty sure exists from the PS2 game since that's what we based the squadron of the time on....color schemes a little darker white/gray with purple secondary. There was a mock up of it somewhere.
  13. I'd love to somehow be apart of this documentary as someone who's help english-ify (haha I made up a new word! ENGLISH!!!) Macross films in the past. Boinger can vouch for me.
  14. I'm currently working on MG Shenlong. Dragonfang, upper torso, waist and staff are done....and I even slapped some stickers on dem! EVEN THE RUB ONS! .......All the rub ons.....Holy crap I'd rather be doing decals. At least with those I can play with positioning....rub ons you can't really after you press....pre-press yeah, post-press.....no. I've been trying to drop hints to ppl I know that I want either the FA RX-78-3 7th Gundam or the Thunderbolt for my birthday. aaaannnnd all I got was a stupid Fing like.
  15. Yeah I'm fast when I find out wtf I"m doing and how. I use Krylon or Rustoleum Paint when I do paint jobs. There's tons of colors, different variety and you don't need to primer them most of the time to get the results you want. My blue I got on 1 coat of paint and still got plenty left to where if the MG Hi-Nu Ver Ka is any bit awesome as I'm hoping, I will get a 2nd to make the same color variant as this 1/144. Pondering on buying a customized decal set for this so I can further enhance it and make it even more awesome.
  16. Yeah, you're pretty much wrong, but no one will think of you differently for it. It's been stated since Zach Snyder took over that this wouldn't be anything like the Nolan serious type of batman...this would be more comic book like, but I don't think any of us actually understood what that meant until Snyder admited he's a big fan of the DKR story I'm all for it, I just don't want this to seem like a carbon copy of DKR's with just bruce being younger.
  17. I'm done! Hi-V Gundam Hikuro Custom. Let's see Star build take this thing on! I'll beat it's ass!
  18. More Zeon RG suits, I'm all for. Yeah I forgot, NT-Alex would be a nice RG kit imo. Maybe some GM kits? Like a Powered GM, or Sniper kit? I've started my own Hi-Nu, it's a mix of a different paint color to replace the black using the GBP yellow and white plastic. I gotta say I REALLY am digging how it's looking!
  19. I finished everything on my Exia.... I used every single freaking sticker I could to put all the detail and realism as possible! Legs and head are super solid..........and that's about it! I'm kind of scared to touch it really, I don't want things falling off...namely anything that holds a translucent part to it! Which....out of all those pieces the shoulder straps were the easiest. There are: 2 clear parts for the head (Yet no silver reflective sticker) you have to bend them and hold them in place while you put the final 2 parts of the side of the head in place. 2 Clear Parts for the shoulders connecting to the bicep sides. 2 Clear parts for the forearms, 1 for each arm. 4 Clear parts for the legs, 2 on the upper thigh, 2 on the lower leg. These two were the most difficult next to the head. 2 Parts for the torso, 1 on each side, which you have to squeeze and hold together while you put the other armor parts on. It's a nice looking kit, but unless something really wow's me in the future, I don't think I'll be buying another AU Real Grade kit. I have zero interest in any of the SEED models...I wasn't much of a fan of the Strike or the Destiny, and I"m not really into the retools of the other Exia based kits. I'll just stick to UC, and hoping for Nu Gundam, Double Zeta Gundam without a core fighter block unless it's seperate like the RX-78-2, and maybe even a Physco Gundam.
  20. Well......you gotta understand where the history of wonderwoman comes from afterall....she belongs in that mythology of the Spartans. As for me, I don't dig the gal in the suit....I want someone with some muscle to her! I'll wait and see what else they put in there before I go "Dammit this isn't right." The only thing I like was the nod to Frank Miller's batman armor.
  21. It's always nice to find a kit you want somewhere close versus waiting a week. This particular hobby store is over priced, I mean it can be a rather significant over price from not only online, but closer retailers of the same name. They had a RG GP-01 for 42 dollars, I bought mine from a closer retailer of the same name during t he holidays for 15 dollars cheaper. I almost wanted to go up to the guy and say "Really dude? You do realize the Wilsonville location had this same kit for 15 less? And the other variant of it for 11 less? Hell, Amazon is selling it nearly 20 less." But...nah. Full Armor MG Unicorn there was 130, another store had it for 90....I mean k'mon They DID however have a MG EX(S) Gundam, that 1/144 I built back during the 4th, and I ALMOST picked it up...but it's a transformation kit and well, Bandai's design team back then wasn't exactly solid on transforming Gundam AHEM DOUBLE ZETA COUGH COUGH!
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