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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Had some difficulties cause the canopy is so badly done imo...it pops off with the slightest touch. But I'm also very proud of my panel line job and tried very hard not to over do it in areas not really needing it. I gave him the beam saber and shield versus his rifle or hammer cause it felt more iconic to the character I think. Also, painting the cockpit was rather tricky. All I really did was blob a lot of white, let it dry, then a little gray on the VR hud, little blue on the controls and a little red on the pilot suit. It's not amazing, but it works.
  2. wel real grade is litterally the detailing and parts count of a PG and MG at the price of a HG scaled to 1/144...so yeah. I remember how bummed out I was when Bandai USA pulled out and shut down. It really feels like there's a HUGE gap in the anime market now and no one wants to step up to the bat and re-release any of the titles cause Bandai wants a large sum of money DESPITE everything they get already. I'd really like a second chance at owning some titles like Wing, G Gundam, 00, etc etc. Bums me out we'll probably never see this franchise DVD wise on shelves again.
  3. Hm, interesting, I think I'd wanna see how that looked before I"d even try that! It'll get a flat coat though in the end, give it a more metallic look I guess. I'm almost done with Turn A. I just gotta build the accessories and the core block. But I wanna work on the pilot still. Kinda odd molding it into the core block itself. just odd.
  4. If there's a TFAW in your area, I'd talk to them as well, good publicity and sales marketing. We do it all the time where I'm at. We're currently lending some stuff out to the cast and crew of Portlandia while they're filming. Nothing I can talk about though. But damn good publicity for us. That's better weathering technique than I could pull off. But's an idea. I dunno what I'd even shade it too, and there are so many lines on the Turn A and Turn X that it'd just be a real pain in the ass to do. BUT, I did start building my new Turn A, this is actually my 2nd attempt at the kit, and honestly, this attempt is turning out far better than my first so many years ago. I think...I wanna say I got that kit back in 09 and I enjoyed it, it was so different than others I've built. Was always a ton of Fun! I've always been a fan of Syd Mead's designs of scifi stuff...from cars, to buildings, to machines in general. Turn A was one of my favorite animes. Just wish there was a decent subtitled version of the 2 movies. God that's hard to watch as a bootleg.
  5. So I'm racking my brain on this. I have MG Turn A and Turn X....I dunno if I wanna make them clean builds or weathered. It's hard to choose cause they're "Super Hi-tech" mobile suits with Nano machine technology that repairs them and such, but they'd both been burried on Earth and the Moon for thousands of years....UGH SCIENCE MY BRAIN!
  6. I talked to Nippon-Yasan about it seeing how a 50 dolalr shipping fee shouldn't occur a Taxes and Duty charge imo, they pretty much told me TS, not their problem. I've sent an email to Fedex, I've had to many horrible experiences with them over the last few years and I pretty much try to avoid as much as possible on using their service or not doing business with a company that does. Lesson learn for me.
  7. well, I'm a tad upset now. First time since I"ve used Nippon Yasan for a couple years now, I just got a notice from Fedex for 20 dollar taxes charge on top of what I already paid for shipping on this thing.
  8. I say that cause a buddy of mine in HS was an exchange student to Japan. He brought back some adult H manga and Gundam kits lol. Weird combination but I got G-Savior and boy....was that odd.
  9. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29541&page=13
  10. nevermind man, nevermind, you didn't get it. Normally if you give them the number to the bandai kits you're looking to buy, many Hobby stores will order them up for you. Now discount wise, I dunno if they'd let ya or not...I would if I wanted the business I'd probably knock off 10-15% of my store price for such a big order. But I don't own a shop. Next up, variety of kits are easier to get ahold of than trying to get 40-100 of the same....that could be problematic as the Bandai rep might not be able to order that many of the same particular kit due to quantity on hand. Even if you get a variety, the principle of the build is the same. Grab tree C, cut parts 43, 44, 16 and 12, assemble as per the diagram be sure to follow any specifics to get the right fit, then move on. It won't matter to much if the person is building a HG 1/144 RX-78-2 or a PG Zeta Gundam...they all pretty much follow the same guidelines. Again, variety, if they're free kits to teach ppl to build they shouldn't bitch and moan that someone got 00 Riser and then someone got a Zaku. I'd be happy with whatever I got, even if it were G-Savior.
  11. That is the WORST headsculpt implemented for this gimmick BECAUSE of the gimmick. The side panels of the head are to wide and away from the face, and the V Fin/Unicorn Horn is freakishly HUGE! The body looks good, but the head is horribly off.
  12. haaaattteee the head sculpt ever since I saw that video. ASS looking really bad. But I would like something that could do that....I would I really would.
  13. I got one of those mini unicorns. replaced the clear parts with fluorescent pink and yellow. looks AWESOME in black light. I picked up MG 00 Riser, Turn X and Turn A. totally stoked!
  14. Well, I got a rather nice bonus check from my boss yesterday, I don't wanna use it all up before the weeks over so I decided to knock a third party down I've wanted all year and that was Warden. No idea where I'll put him!
  15. might of though the blue camo was dumb or to expensive I dunno. I'm still waiting on mine but I'm super patient on this since I still have HG Nu Gundam, jegan and PG zero to finish.
  16. Well there ya have it, think that's our third death for the month. Usually hollywood deaths come in 3's, We've had Robin Williams, Lauren Bacall and now Ricard Attenborough. It's a sad day in hollywood and for fans
  17. Now I saw it. Concept opening there, liked it more, had a nicer punch to it. The official, it's okay, it just doesn't have that same grab I liked. Episode wise...not bad, typical steven moffat I think. Capaldi, I like him, but damn he's hard for me to understand from time to time. I think it's just cause he's scottish.
  18. Okay so my initial thoughts on the Zeta Plus Unicorn Version 1) Look over your plastic bags as you remove the trees. as I was going over things I noticed I plugged the wrong barrel into the beam rifle. I started scanning around and I noticed the part was inside a bag I put in my trash bag (bag in a bag yo) and sighed in relief. Looks like I'm not the only one, guess during the bagging process it snaps under the pressure and gets rattled around. 2) Colors for the skirt armor cannons IMO are Tamiya Sky Grey and Nato Black, more gray and a pinch of black, mix well. Once it dries you'll notice it's REALLY close in color to the barrel and I liked it. Closest color choices I've come to in a long ass time. 3) Kit is SOLID compared to the Zeta Gundam so long ago. My Zeta after completion was kind of floppy and droops. My Zeta Plus doesn't do that and the transformation works better. I'd say this was a really fun, easy and thought out kit after the recall I think it's safe to say this is a winner winner chicken dinner (did I just say that?) and might buy another to customize someday.
  19. that's a guy with TO MUCH time on his hands.
  20. apologies for the bad lighting, only thing left are the side skirt armor parts...waiting till I get a close enough paint mixture to the frame.
  21. So today I worked on my Zeta Plus Bandai's latest HGUC kit...I must say that while it feels a lot more sturdier and more solid than the old Zeta Gundam, it's still just as much of a parts former. Legs, arms, crotch, butt, and side guns, wings and stabilizer are the only parts of the main mobile suit body that are yanked off and placed on an entirely new frame consisting of a solid chest and back part. It's practically 2 kits in one. Although I DO like this kit a ton.
  22. caught this a few weeks ago, wasn't bad. better than I expected by juuuust by a little.
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