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Everything posted by Hikuro
I was sitting at one point in the tower cause I needed to text someone. I look up and I see someone sliding back and forth slamming into my character. I eventually got up and left but this yahoo followed me and when I stopped to buy things he's be running in a circle around me or dancing. similar incident when I was doing cosmodrome patrols and some hunter kept dancing as he took my kills and pissing me off. he's then shoot at me.
Agreed, the last few days was just boot and given codes, Centipede, Marionberry, etc etc. I didn't realize you can sell the spin metal to the crucible quartermaster cause I've just been collecting these suckers and I must have like 50 of these sitting in my vault and another 20 in my inventory. And I got tons of other stuff I've been given for dismanteling equipment that's incredibly low level and other odd items. I discovered the shading deal and bought a couple of colors but really partial to this blue and orange combination I got with my Nemesis gear. I look snazzy.
I am now in the 20+ crowd. and this is where things get hard for me cause I dunno how to improve my vanguard ranking without it taking WEEKS cause you now need vanguard marks to purchase armor and you're capped at 100 a week.
I'm doing okay, I'm almost at level 18. I just completed 3 bounties all having to do with multiplayer and that got me 12,500 exp...that's not a bad haul within 1 hour time. However I'll only play Crucible if I have a bounty to complete and think it's doable. Right now the toughest vanguard bounties I have are 20 sniper rifle kills without damage and 3 kills 20 tries with my super kill, THAT one has been my hardest. I should of gotten it but ppl in the game get in my way and ruin a kill and I don't get the achievement marker.
Okay, I'm gonna be totally honest...Bounties are certainly the way to go for quick level ups, and even doing Crucible match making will make you level up faster than playing the story mode. However, I'm a little pissed off over the fact I'm playing mostly with ppl who are in the 20's or close to the max 30 level, have all these abilities and skills that I have yet to achieve and then some of them messaging me telling me to "Suck a dick" or "Go back to playing co-op n00b" which that had me scratching my head. I try my best, I don't jerk around and I take my playing as serious as I can while also trying to have fun. But it doesn't help me or my team that everyone is at a much higher level.
floppy knee armor, snap off crotch plate, and snap off upper shoulder armor. I miss anything else? I can understand them choosing a special kind of plastic to get the red glow to be more noticeable. You'd want a nice even brightness thru all the physco frame parts and that makes sense. I wouldn't want a clear plastic and only get the brightness of the LED itself and a dull look to locations where the LED couldn't fully express.
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For all you guys who are theorizing on the PG Unicorn, here's what's announced (Taken from Gundam buy blog post) WOW! 30, THIRTY LED units.
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Had one hell of a time trying to play today. I think I was booted off the server more than I actually got to play and it was pissing me off. I probably could of hit lvl 11 or 12 today and that would of been monumental.
at lest we're getting proper EW Gundam types, not concepts like the MG series line. But god, PG Unicorn? That just makes my day. I will have to pull every stop I can to get this ordered. I'm sure it's going to be a hot hot model kit.
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Doubtful, 2 different networks have to fight over legality issues even if it's owned by DC and WB. Arrow and the Flash are easier cause they're done by similar production teams on the same network. Even though so far from what I watched there's been no knowledge of WHEN in Gotham this takes place.
- 61 replies
- Commissioner Gordon
- DC Comics
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Found some additional photos of both the RG Wing Zero and EZ-SR. I'm really just waiting for preorders to pop up. I can almost see doing a Blue-Destiny custom to the EZ-SR it's that cool looking of a design.
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this is actually going to be very interesting, it almost makes me wanna build a MG variant just so I have 3 sizes. The PG came out okay, the lighting no longer works, it's just to damn difficult to get it right my hands aren't steady enough for the tight spacing you're given to get it right. I just have the left wing and buster rifle to go and it's done. Oh another note, I got Fenice Rinascita waiting at the post office for me to pick up in couple of hours. We'll see how much of a touch it this'll need.
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well I'm home sick with a cold, I don't have much to do so I was going to try again with the wiring annnnnnddd I lost a clip and a screw. No idea where or how. I think really I'm just ready to go button this thing up and just say I'm done.
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I'm okay with this decision, but I think we'll hear a lot of griping over the gattling vulcan guns.
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I tried all night to get it going....I F'ed up bad on it somehow and I dunno where. I think it's just more of the line that it's hard to get the screws in place with those damn metal pins.
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Yeah still a little hard to tell. I've seen this guys video and from what I gathered he couldn't even get his to light up so he goofed somewhere. and I think it was that he just placed the wires wrong area. sadly my day is pretty busy I hope that after I come back from puppy training I can sit down, look these over and figure it out better. It DOES show like what was said couple days ago, you got a ton more slack in the wiring than what's really needed...I could almost see where if you're not careful and you put in to much pressure on bunching them all up you could pop a wire out of place. It was interesting cause when I did the screwing on the chest piece, the screws were very loose fitting, but the time I got to the head unit, VERY tight fit, no way those were going to wiggle off like the chest portion did and that's what took so damn long to do. Just gonna contemplate it for a while, I don't wanna muck this up.
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Okay so if I'm understanding it, on step 54 it's telling me to cut the exposed ends of the wires and screw them in place which that'll be interesting cause the screws can't punch thru 1 wire let alone two. But which set of wires? The wires connecting to the chest portion or the wires connecting to the head portion? Does it really even matter? Step 55 is that showing me I need to take the last 2 bits of wire cut them to 25mm and some how loop them around the circuit board? How the hell do I do that with tiny lil wires? Then it doesn't even really tell you where those wires really need to connect too cause they cut the diagram in half!
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I don't mind the Version 1 GM, it's a quick and easy build but it HAS TOO have a paint job to get it right. Version 2, not so much. It at least has more of an inner frame than the Version 1 did. Kind of like how I just built an arragement of GM's last month....all the latest versions, and then I built the original RGM-79 1/144 from WAAAAY back and the articulation and detailing is VERY basic and not so exciting. But gosh darnit, it was fun. I dabbled a bit on my Wing Zero....I mainly attached some skirt armor and finished building the head. I'm at a loss on the wiring, the diagram just isn't helpful enough. I'll take a picture tomorrow morning I had a long day, but I could use some guidance to see if anyone sees something I'm not.
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The War Doctor only made hard choices because the 8th Doctor wanted no part in the time wars, but after his accident and the death of someone he tried to save who declined because she thought the Time Lords were just horrible people, he felt he needed to find a way to end this fight himself. 9th Doctor, I dunno how to really place him. Because in that first episode he makes comments over his regeneration like it had not happened very long ago. Yet when Rose is researching him, there's pictures of him all over different ages and history lik ehe's been around for centuries in that body. Even in the end of the first season he exclaims it's been a long time since he regenerated. 10th Doctor, he still had some anger built up and even defied his principles as a time lord cause he was the last. It was always about establishing who he was and what he could do and to damn with the rest. But this attitude of his got a lot of people killed. There aren't a lot of episodes I can think of where there were many, if at all, survivors of his battles. 11th Doctor threw all of that away, it was like he was saying time for a fresh new start and saw that happening with the help of Amy. And with this new face and attitude he tossed everything aside and made peace with his mistakes. Though the mention of it tears him up and he tries to run from it. This doctor, he hasn't established himself I think, and like many times after the Doctor regenerates he gets jumpy and misplaced and takes time to adjust. Memories get jumbled and sometimes lost. Is he good? is he evil? He's a bit of both. I dunno, I"m getting deep and rambling. But he's only 4, now wha? 5 episodes in? It took a while for ppl to grow with Matt Smith, even I wasn't big on him. I think Capaldi is trying to be a doctor that everyone related too way long ago. But we got so use to Matt Smith's version that we're forgetting what the Doctor really is.
- 1136 replies
- Doctor Who
- Sci-Fi
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Oh snap I got my LED dealios in and they were actually 2 sets. So now either my Sazabi or my 1/500ever Yamato can has lights. Well, if I do Yamato I need a red one. Oh woops forgot, wing zero's head now lights up, which is a plus! Most of the torso is built, tomorrow I'll be building the armor around the head and getting that back pack up and running.
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was having enough problems holding the wires in place so I can screw them in. I wish had had a soldering iron to seal the deal!
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I've built a PG before, long long time ago....I wanna say 2005 when the Strike PG came out. I was at a convention and stumbled upon it quite by accident. Paid I think 200 for it : / which was pretty steep. But I had a huge cash flow back then and it was just one of like a dozen items I picked up. THAT didn't require any wiring at all. And then I built a Zaku II when Amazon had an oops and I believe it was being sold for dirt freaking cheap (think like 75%) and they had no choice but to honor it. That one I don't remember having wiring either. But in any case..... I F&8KING DID IT! It was a pain! It took me 45 minutes. I stripped both ends cause I thought it would be a little easier with less insulation since the screw do NOT fit into the holes they need to go in. The black wire kept popping out so I'd have to stop and rescrew it in. I'm a little worried though cause I cut like a small bit off, maybe like a millimeter by accident trying to strip it. Then I thought of a safer way to do it. Gave it a test like the instructions said, so the Gray wire is the negative and the Black wire is the Positive just as the manual instructs. That's all I'm doing tonight. Oh, and tomorrow I have a Bandai green LED light system coming in for the Hi-Nu to decalre it 100% complete.
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Here's where I'm at after nearly 2 months of working on my PG Wing Zero. Wiring....wiring....wiring. but despite some issues, the overall look of the Hi-Nu Vers Ka came out well!
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good job! pretty clean assembly. I've been moving onto my PG wing zero and now at the wiring phase. as I look and study hard my brain says "oh this shouldn't be to hard!" so my confidence is building.
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it'd been nice if they gave you the options of either or. Honestly, there's almost nothing about this kit where stickers couldn't of been used. My funnels are done, not that pretty but they'll do just fine. Shield is done as well...I skipped the smaller stickers, they're distracting. Leaves me with the beam rifle, hyper bazooka and the boosters to go....I really just want to finish this damn thing and move on.
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