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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. indeed. that to me almost makes the show unwatchable when an iconic gundam character can't be played correctly. felt the same way when I heard bright in unicorn.
  2. Gotta say, I do seem to be enjoying this show and to the point I'm not even watching Shield anymore. Maybe because Gotham is less hockey super tech.
  3. I have a spare ps4 copy still sealed and I can't even get rid of it without it turning "used"
  4. you do kind of have a way to combat the alien but it won't work 100% of the time. really all it'll do is scare it away or make it back off a bit so you got time to strategize but I won't spoil what it is.
  5. you mean his 3 lines and 2 minutes of screen time? God I hope so. so I'm confused though. rebels airs on ABC or Disney XD?
  6. Yeah Japanese pricing is just so damn high on their DVD and Blu-rays. I guess we don't exactly have a right to bitch and moan in that regards.....eeeeeh yeah maybe we do! lol. Turn A finally getting a release will be nice, but I'm mot interested in the 2 part films as there are NO good subs of t hat ANYWHERE. Something about Tomino's stuff when it's translated just feels off to me too, anyone ever notice that? There tends to be such random conversations or mannerisms, it's worse on Turn A than others, even the new series is kind of that route. I DID get a good laugh that now your cockpit seat is your potty....WHY after a thousand+ years that's apparently a now thing versus early parts of the UC calendar I'll never understand. But also, don't think that was seriously necessary to include. I think that's something I'd mark as random Tomino mannerism. I'll also be interested in if they're doing this for all the Gundam shows...I missed out on buying a lot of the series, OVA's and movies because they were so highly priced in my area. Be even better if some of these old ones got remastered.
  7. I can't stop laughing when he freaks out in this game it's hilarious. but I'm still terrified to play this game!
  8. androids creep me out, but I've done very well so far to avoid them. I have a motion tracker now and I'm glued to this thing although im pretty sure I won't be encountering the alien at full force just yet. but now I'm creeped out cause areas are dark and my tracker keeps giving me bleeps and there's nothing!
  9. lol! So I made a little progress today. But I pretty much threw the controller and said "FU$&K THIS! I'M OUT!" after I saw it claim its first victim.
  10. I'm more curious how a fighting type combat mobile suit will fare against militaristic weapon holding mobile suits. this isn't a gundam fight
  11. interesting how delay and his sister mirai look very much like aila and reiji. hmmmmm
  12. lol. I see it as the usual alien pattern where an hour into it and the alien will make its appearance. just like the original 2 movies. I found my mistake, there's a hatch I can open below me but the way my character moves and the limited viewing angles and lack of guides really make it difficult for me to progress. I've gotten to use to the game telling me where to go with icons and there's NONE of that. try again tonight, hope to see the alien then.
  13. Okay, so I'm playing, and so far I'm not liking it. The cinematics are some of the worst I've seen in a long time, very plastic looking. But I'm also hating how I gotta keep back tracking and afraid I missed something cause I can't find the damn Ion torch to move on!
  14. I have 2 ps4 copies, 1 was an accidental receival. can't wait to try it!
  15. even after patches there were still errors. I remeber I kept getting health depleted on a level and I couldn't figure out why until I looked down and there was an alien who merged with the floor and could follow me around until I got to a door that could shut. then it got stuck in the door! I'm giving isolation a try just for the cheap scare. it's arroving off amazon tomorrow and comes with the last survivor of the nostromo map.
  16. Some kits do kind of have undergating. Hi-Nu Ka, newer RG's all need extra trimming as the sprues tend to connect under the model part just a hair.
  17. something about t it where you wanna add more detail, rusting or scratches it really begs for that attention. but I can't seem to justify picking it up for 39 bucks at the hobby store. would that be a bad decision cause there is one right now.
  18. I've seen this too! where pieces of the runner break off. my theory is they're not injecting enough into the mold press or there's an imperfection somewhere. this happened non stop with my unicorn zeta and my wing Gundam Ricardo kit.
  19. Given the amount of attention to detail and styling they gave the level graphics, I would like to explore the space station and not feel like I'm gonna turn a corner and get face mauled by an 8 foot acid bleeding monster. I think what some reviewers dislike is that yeah, it's kinda scary, the alien is very unpredictable and at times you could be in the same spot for 5 minutes waiting before you can move another 10 feet. But more that you don't have that jump factor from shadow play or random sounds. I saw a gif from Kotaku.com of the player checking Ripley's email and suddenly SPOINK! tail ripping right into her. Isn't that what an Alien game SHOULD be? I dunno, I would of liked maybe a way or two to combat the alien scare it with your flame thrower or shut a hatch at it so it can't get you. But guess none of that is possible. And once you come into contact with frantic humans and working joes the Alien is more likely to get you as they're causing to much noise and drawing it's attention. Which could help you if you're smart and you avoid these people and use them as bait to distract the alien. Another is how clever you got to be in order to avoid it, lockers, tables, air vents, storage bins, noise makers, flares, holding your breath, they're not always going to work as the AI learns your habits so it can get you. I get that, but I don't exactly wanna die 15 times in the same spot cause I'm stuck on my choices.
  20. So with only a few days left for a possible redemption by Sega after the colossal failure of Colonial Marines, Isolation is already in hands by popular game reviewers and bloggers and it's..........a mixed bag of bad nuts with the lowest score I've seen being a 5.9, which in my terms is still an F. Many have agreed that while the graphics are good, and the atmosphere is brilliantly put in place with everything you could hope for to recondition and authenticate Ridley Scott's image of the ALIEN tech and verse, the game play is still not amazing, and even at the easiest setting you are bound to be frustrated as hell and bored after the first 10 hours of the game. Reviewers clock the game at 21 hours which is a plus considering that many popular hit titles usually only last maybe 8-12 hours from start to finish. However the reason for the long play is due to your character Amanda Ripley being constantly killed as you're being hunted by the notorious Xenomorph. With the alien following a non-script like programming, it becomes very difficult to anticipate let alone truly be scared after the first couple of failed attempts. Using techniques like hiding under tables, lockers, behind storage bins and waiting long periods can get you caught by the Xenomorph after a few attempts. You have to use a wall mounted telephone to make your saves and since it saves in-game the alien could suddenly appear. I've witnessed footage of someone playing and while getting ready to save are impaled by the aliens tail resetting them to a previous check point. This game doesn't seem to be everyones cup of tea, unless you wanna see how many ways and times you can be killed by the alien in a single sitting. if that's the case I suggest turning it into a drinking game if you feel ballsy enough and got an ample supply of spare livers.
  21. I preordered that sh1t with out a second thought
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