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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Welcome, both legs are done now. And no, I didn't split the insulation open, just the two wires insulated are kind of glued together and that's what split. They're fine, or at least they should be for the money, I would hope Bandai really did well on these. Apparently once I'm done with the waist I can test the LED's out or something. Oh yeah this thing towers all. I think the Nu Gundam will come to above the waist in terms of scale. This thing is a monster I'm telling you guys, a white devil!
  2. This is kicking the crap out of me. It's taken me 4 hours to get the bare bones of the legs assembled, an extra hour just to figure out the LED's and then snap everything in place.............for one leg. I DID have to look at Syd's video cause I felt like I was seriously missing something and I realized what it was, 2 things. Near the hip just before you insert the LED underneath the ball, you need to tuck it underneath where there's a little groove. But it's really small and slim so the insulation kinda split apart but the wires were just fine. Then you have to take the top portion of the wire and tuck it above the LED so it can clear and remain inside the leg. After that it's just snapping the armor parts in place and you're done. I'm just astonished by it's size so far. Just whammy!
  3. buddy of mine made a meme of me.....he's also the man who wore that infamous halo master chief suit in front of a bbq if anyone saw that.
  4. yeah if it gets to confusing I'll look at syds wiring guide. it should be just massively more simpler than the wing zero
  5. I know that the newer Version Ka's and RG's over the last year or so use the undergating mold....I would certainly like to see it incorporated more into the future release of all including HG, even if it raises the price point just a bit more so we can have a nicer quality product to build and look less chewed on. I was going through the next section of the instructions which are the two legs and it looks hard, mainly just the wiring portion looks hard the instructions aren't very clear I think. But I also don't exactly want to work on it tonight.
  6. Alright guys just finished about an hour, hour and a half worth of work. And let me tell you that doesn't say much! Most of my time was spent here, trying to feed all the LED wiring into the proper grooves and slots and takes a bit of working them in to get a good fit. I was more worried of puncturing something on the insulation and ruining the wires than anything else. There's a lot of zigging and zagging and weaving the basket kind of thing imo....BUT I think I did it all just fine and that's what matters! This though is where it's all at, I love how well everything is closed together, and the gaping there near the center of the torso helps give it a nice bending level of articulation I don't think exists in the master grade. So far, even though they took a lot of things from the master grade, they've spent more time in redesigning new things to make the model pop! I'm really enjoying it and not being able to see the sprue stress marks on this kit is just heaven for once.
  7. I did a lot of research on closed glass cases, they're not cheap. i like these, if I had more the display would be less crammed, but I like them better than book cases cause if something shook they won't fall. I remember my ex bumping into a case and my MP-10 Optimus made a nose dive from the top shelf. I almost had a heart attack.
  8. Well you're not really suppose to just cram the detolf cases, but when yo're like me and you have a ton of crap you kind of just tend too. I'll tell you what though they're not very Macross friendly. I got so many of these and delivered because when we moved into our new house we decided to get everything we needed to make it a nice place. So I was originally going to have 3 rooms, bedroom, theater room, work room. The work room was going to house all my stuff but in the end we changed our minds and have 2 rooms each, 2 bedrooms, and 2 places to call our own and then 1 room being a study and 1 room being a work out or guest bedroom. In the end after measuring the room I had for my theater stuff I could only fit 7 detolf cases. I wanted like 12, could of gotten 12. But the only wall I could put them in could fit 7. Unicorn is coming out well I had to burn off some caffeine so I started building tonight after the christmas party. I like how everything services a purpose for the parts, no matter how odd they look. I have 3 sections left to go before I begin the wiring of the LED's and getting them placed. I'm very nervous as I dunno if I'm looking at the booklet right on what it wants me to do. But today was also a lot of fun. Gonna be a good vacation.
  9. I'm actually almost out of space. I have 7 Detolf cases and they're pretty much crammed. So this means I need to start figuring out what can go back in their tubs or boxes. That might happen this week.
  10. Except the area it needs to go in has to be able to turn on and off thru the gunpla body piece. It hurts my brain thinking about those things. No, it doesn't fit. The height alone on the kit is 15 inches when built. I think the opening channel is 14 high 11 wide. Which is why I'm cringing right now on my PG unicorn, I think it's to big and that's not including the stand
  11. If it were it's probably because I stopped buying Macross stuff to support Gundam. But I also remember that Bandai's LED's aren't always reliable.
  12. Well, now I'm full blown pissed off. These should of shown up 2 days ago, they finally show up today and guess what? Both are duds, they won't light up. Even went to the store, spent another 12 bucks on 2 lil batteries and neither of them will light up. Contacted amazon and they only will issue a refund which I'm already getting so what's the point? Can't reorder them either without spending anywhere from 6-20 dollars depending on when I want to get them, why? Just so I can have bunk again? this is just........disappointing. I forgot how much of a crap shoot these lights can be.
  13. imagine if hot shots 1 & 2 were made today.....think Sadam would threaten us?
  14. Yeah sadly Exia's LED is busted. Which doesn't surprise me I got this kit around 2008 when it first released. I would think batteries would just be the only cause but it looks like the whole unit is dead. That kinda says something about quality : /
  15. Since it's an X-Men movie there is no continuity. But they've made it pretty obvious that the original wolverine movie was pretty much thrown out the window too, along with the 2nd film seeing how he got his claws weren't bones again in the future.
  16. All I'm seeing here is they just not gonna release it on Christmas....which was a horrible date to begin with. But whatever, didn't wanna see the movie anyways, it's sony's loss but also shows that we can't protect ourselves without big brother stepping in : / bring on the government control.
  17. I think it's the curse of the 00. gotta find those matching drives so I gotta test the one I had for exia and the one on hi nu or nu gundam little later. but yes I do blame Amazon. I ship stuff all the time, almost daily. if you don't put the right shipping type on there you're screwed. either way, got my unicorn! box is HUGE!!
  18. considering the amount of times I buy from them it alone is worth prime, but when you've had several bad things it makes it hard. start of the year they missed a delivery by several days, another where it went to the wrong address and a few damaged. but yeah I guess I'll just have to sit still and wait and just kinda work in parts not related to the leds which won't be to hard just boring.
  19. I know it's the busiest time of the year. I understand that. my problem is the item shipped Monday under the 2 day agreement. problem is don't advertise it to arrive on X day and when X day comes you suddenly get a notice saying "we screwed up and your package won't be showing up for 3 more days after our initial promise." where I work if we say "yes we can have it there on X day" and it doesn't show up on time we take the heat for it not ups.
  20. it just doesn't fly with me when you use your prime and say it's shipped but then delay it almost a week after ordering. it sent Monday and now I don't get it until the weekend? and they pretty much said "hey that's life." so I just told them what's the point of spending a hundred dollars a year for hardly any movies worth watching that are already available on Netflix and Hulu then delaying packages with a 2 day delivery? I'd be okay if it were a day late....but 3? and being the 2nd package this week to be delayed? come on!
  21. speaking of which, Amazon just dropped the ball and now my led set won't arrive until the weekend. I called Amazon asking what happened all I was told was wrong tracking info and pretty much oh well. I told them as a prime user it's unacceptable to have advertisements stating 2 day garuntee and not recieve it a week after ordering. so I got a 90% refund, close as I'll get. but now means this gundam won't be complete until Sunday or Monday.
  22. I've got 2 leds arriving today so I only thought it needed 3. the instructions don't indicate 5 until you are in the middle of assembly and I got this at a hobby store so they wouldn't of known. if I got too I got spare lights in the Hi-Nu, Nu and old Exia. I'll be fine. just means more batteries if those are dead
  23. theater premiere was canceled and a number of theaters are deciding to not show due to the vague threats of guardians of peace. hypocritical much for the name?
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