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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. The more I see the Double X the less I want it.....it just doesn't feel as epic as I'd like or how the X felt when I saw it....I dunno just something about it! I'm working hard on my Astray but I wish it had the optional parts to do the actual backpack even if you don't get the standard shield! I don't like this giant ass flight pack/sword. And the detail work I have to do is taxing, I'm getting very little done cause I spend an hour doing panel line work.
  2. this is great! bluefin finally sent me a usps notification saying my parts will arrive end of this week! no call, no bill, nothing! I'll finally have the strike freedom done this weekend!
  3. guess it's time for the big boy pants to come on.
  4. I actually saw this in person at a things from another world and was shocked. 100 for the box which was fairly small! another 40 for extra figures which was a third the size. heh i dunnnoooo.
  5. Cause it's a good way to make a quick buck is why. I'd probably get a Casval RG if it exists in the future. I don't know why we have to wait until April for it when it's just a repaint and using magnetic coating covers versus the servo variants. There's almost no change to the design. I began work on my RG RX-178...I mean I've had it since October and it's just been sitting there by my bed since I picked it up I should build it. I HATE the fabric pipping, it annoys the crap out of me that I gotta cut that crap like I did with the previous MG. Actually, I don't even remember if the 2.0 had that same feature or they did away with it using rubber tubing like the Gera Doga and I think the Sazabi Ka. Can't remember.... But still I had kind of a hard fit for one of the areas making up the knee....it just wouldn't snap in right and the fabric was fraying from moving the joint around. Is it just me or does this thing have more stickers than usual on a RG? there's a couple hundred I think....
  6. The next version Ka's out there are the Sinaju and Sinaju Stein for recents but I don't believe they take LEDs. The 3.0 is basically just an upscaled RG RX-78-2. And now I'm seeing that they're releasing a RG RX-78-3 as a web exclusive which pisses me off a bit as I've been reading Gundam the Origin.
  7. Gera-Doga, Gundam 3.0, I think the Murasai (Don't remember), Jesta, Exia and MG 00 kits, that's it to the best of my knowledge.
  8. If I did it'd be the crotch area but I don't got a red that'll look good. it would be over a blue area and that never comes out right after you put blue on something. It'll look blue and red but not even purple....it's weird. Overall, I got a lot of work to do on this kit I mean a lot....I don't really like it. parts scrape against eachother, things don't fit as well as I'd like due to the white. the weapon pack is to bland for my taste and needs a lot of touching up....nah overall I don't dig any of this right now.
  9. finished the base work on the EZ-Blue Destiny. I'm not in love with this as I'd of hoped. Even bought an expansive pack for weapons since it is rather dull with just a beam rifle. But the packs are so limited in what they can do and plug in so loosely. I feel like I"m missing something and I'm not even sure what yet.
  10. You know I was watching this video from HLJ.TV and it featured them doing a wash on a MG Tallgeese using watered down enamel black and then wiping of with the tamiya enamel thinner to remove everything. Apparently the thinner is practically lethal to the plastic Bandai uses. They were showing off the cracking going on because there was so much thinner used to wipe off all the excessive amounts they applied : / and honestly.......I don't like dirty washes so this is certainly a technique I'll ever wanna use. But in other news I checked things out, I'm cool. No problem, parts were fine. Although I just hate white I really do lol, I'm never using white paint ever again it never stays on right even when it's mixed with a primer.
  11. I am currently working on the EZ-SR which I'm repainting into what I call the EZ-Blue a spin off of the Blue Destiny units using the GBF EZ-SR of course. If I find a suitable backpack I'll probably change it but for now it's the one it comes with. I'll be using a mixture of Blue and white....Except for 1 armor area 95% of the mobile suit is a satin blue and the mobile frame will be white. I kind of have this fear I bunked it up but I'll be finding out little later. I think a particular area I needed white was accidentally sprayed blue cause I wasn't paying attention. It happens : / been exhausted since I finished the Unicorn.
  12. Okay so I fiddled around with the kit a bit, transformed without instructions, not difficult to do at all AND I was a bit surprised! The stand can give you a bit of a free floating Unicorn, not much just a bit. enough you can get a few decent poses from it.
  13. 0_o what the...............robotic samurai from hell.
  14. I finished the Unicorn, pics maybe over the weekend but now it's jsut relaxation time. It sadly does not fit in the case so Detolf cases aren't gonna be good with this thing if you use the stand. Which you have to if you use the LED's dammit what a world!
  15. I caught 2 episodes and all honesty? I thought the animation quality was not impressive and boring to look at and the stories to me are to similar to the old series since it's all based on the manga. and to be 2 episodes a month really made me lose interest in giving it any further viewing.
  16. just was kind of expecting a bit more strength on that, it still wiggles a good amount. fairly disappointing there. Having trouble getting the top of the head to snap in place right now been working at it for ten minutes. If I didn't have the wiring there I'm sure I could take the face away and snap this piece in but I can't : / gotta keep workin it.
  17. I just cut all the pieces for the head.....and well......I thought the big deal behind it was that it was suppose to be magnetic?
  18. When I was on youtube it just showed you can play it but it flashes the trailer with an icon saying "Watch it for 5.99" .....I'm not paying 6 bucks to rent it are you Fing kidding me? Sure, cheaper than a movie ticket but come on : /
  19. If you're good with wiring and can figure it out I say go for it if you wanna. But yes it does have to remain on it's base. There are two locations that have to be connected to get the full effect of the Unicorn's 30 LED's. After switching on the power box pressing the circular button once will light up the eyes which is connected to a smaller pigtail which I dunno right now where it all connects too cause I'm not done there. However a larger pigtail connected to the power pack after you hit the circular button again will light up the entire frame and eyes. Is it a bummer it has to be on it's stand? Yes. Is it a waste of money buying the LED's cause it has to be on the stand to power on? Matter of opinion. Best way to look at it, is without the LED kit, you have NOTHING that even gives you the Bandai tradition of a light up head! This is the first Perfect Grade which has no power box and LED to light the infamous green eyes of the Gundam, truly sad. A seperate kit just for that should of been included and also would make it one less thing the frame lights would have to power. Truly a waste. But the overall affect it gives when powered on is very nice. There is bleeding though! Under the ankles there is light bleeding sort of purplish. The feet have psycho frame parts, but they don't give you any wiring for it that's a bummer. The sides of the shoulders which you can peek thru are bleeding as well, no way around that, and the back skirt has a bit of bleeding when you open them up. There's freaking reflective stickers to help direct the light too, you would think there would be some for the ankles to help with that bleed or something. Tomorrow is a crap shoot, it's christmas but I mean I could be busy I could be bored off my ass and not participate in anything and just finish this build so I can move on and relax lol.
  20. The stand it comes with is just like an MS Cage, you just store it there and that's it. It stays at attention standing straight no more no less. The back pillar is just to keep it from falling. Right now as you can see up top above my previous post, the model stands just fine on it's own right now. It's insanely tall I'm just floored but it. Depending on how well the antennas close together I MIGHT just keep it in it's Unicorn/Normal form. Well the LED kit takes I think 5 AA batteries to power it all up, it's doing a fairly decent job at hiding all the wires cause it gives you plenty of slack cause my stuff isn't lining up as nicely as I"d hope so there's a little wiggle room to make it work when you snap these into the armor parts. I'm completely done with the waist and it tells you to start connecting it to the base and try it out....I had 8 AA batteries I purchased recently and I can't find them cause my room is such a damn mess and I've been spending my time christmas shopping and working on 1 section a day on the kit. I'd like to say this should last so long as you don't leave it on for long hours, and LED's are suppose to last thousands of hours but....I've proven that wrong with the LED light that was attached to Exia that crapped out big time. I'm kind of wondering, once this is done what's the next PG I should do? There's Zeta, RX-78-2, Zaku and Char's Zaku, Strike, MK II, and the GP01 which if I did GP01 I'm doing the first version I hated the Full Burn with a passion.
  21. I'm gonna need another can....
  22. I MIGHT get the EW Wing Zero, but it's a big might. I haven't even finished the MG line up and I think all I'm short on are the Deathscythe and Epyon. I"m not gonna bother with the exclusives like Tallgeese II and III....it's just meh for me. I have Tallgeese sitting in the garage boxed right now and I should of gotten that damn kit somewhere else as it was 10 dollars cheaper at another store and kicked myself for it. I'm coming to hate the LED gimmick of the Unicorn....for really a simple reason. This kit has to remain stationary on it's stand and can not be properly posed. Basically I have to treat it like it's inside an MS cage if I want to use the LED's....I mean come on! Couldn't there of been a simpler way of doing it? Maybe have the backpack a little more hallow? Or build something into the torso? I feel horrible that I can't give it one of it's classic poses with the beam saber, or look like it's gonna fly over and rip something apart all judo chop like to the Neo Zeong. It's just a big bummer! You know Iw as just thinking how interesting it would be if there was a PG Neo Zeong.....I think t hat would stand about 4 or 5 feet tall wouldn't it? Right now I have the torso and legs connected to the waist. the G LED parts are connected to the B and A sides and kind of tucked inside. Now it's telling me I need to connect all the B links to the stand for a test and I dunno if I really want too or not. Haven't decided....I don't exactly want to connect anything and find out I screwed up big time. But also I'm realizing that if you haven't stickered up your Unicorn before finally assembly you are kind of screwed as I like to tear everything apart so it's easier to sticker without something in the way.
  23. I'll live since I completely forgot today was a new episode and I have a number of new kits to work on. Even gonna try my hand at the Lightning Gundam as it's my favorite of the trio.
  24. Hah.....am I the only one who finds it a swift kick in the ol' sony scrotum when it's available on Xbox video but not Sony? I mean to me t hat's very funny.
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