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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. seems like it's coming together well for you. I wish I had one of these again, I failed mine 3 years ago. Now with all the knowledge I have, I'd probably rock the crap out of it.
  2. nope not married lol. I just live in a chemically sensitive family. leaves me very little to accomushed until June or July when the weather is nicer to be outside.
  3. garage is the only place I'm allowed to paint. on a little 8x8 piece of cars board for now. and I'm broke so no new additions can be purchased to help give more room or freedom
  4. Space, and no real place I can paint. Still working on breaking down the garage area since moving back in May. You'd be surprised on the amount of crap I got in there and still paying for a storage unit. Honestly, I'm not looking for pro level, I'm not intending for it. In the last 6 months I've upgraded my skill level considerably from what I use to do. Like I said, nubs don't bother me and I covered up all I could manage but for space and organization this is what I had to do.
  5. it had to be done on the runners but anything painted got cleaned up to mask the nubs. couldn't sand it either or is ruin the clear coat. personally I don't care about the nubs showing on my kits. I take care of what I can or comfortable with and leave it at that. not like I'm taking it to a competition or anything.
  6. No story, when you mentioned it that's when I first saw it, dunno HOW that happened. But that'd of had to of been during the airbrushing.
  7. Hah, I'm so proud of myself right now. The wash went flawlessly!
  8. Yesterday was the 2nd meeting I attended for a small group of nice guys who are into Gunpla. 1 is a complete newbie just getting into it while 1 other was just new to the group. The guy in the yellow is the leader of the group and I guess out of 21 members I'm the most experienced in the build, this other guy in the photo with the cutting mat and gloves and magnifying glass is probably a close 2nd. We were at a book store last night and built for a couple of hours and conversed about techniques and styles. 1 was build the Astrea F, another built the Duel, another working on polishing up his RG GP01 with some metalizer paint and then me working on the tallgeese.
  9. I was at a book store today doing a Gunpla builders group meeting. As thank you to the book store for not bugging us since we weren't buying books at the time, or even reading, I found this and picked it up. Figure if anything with my minature painting skills racking up this should be pretty easy to do....and the guys in the group are curious to give it a try.
  10. The issue is there's no instructions so I don't know other than the trigger doing this or that what else the brush is capable of doing. Same thing with the compressor I'm turning a knob above the filter and I get some pressure but if I turn it just slightly back the other way I get no air pressure. So I'm kinda stuck with a high PSI versus a decent one. At least when I messed with it thursday and went for my second coating of a bitter mix ratio, I had a lot more paint left in my cup after spraying down two runners with paint.
  11. doesn't surprise me more and more are using 00 designs. they're sleak and refined matching speed with power and mobility.
  12. actually bold statement but could possibly be I think the worst Gundam series I can think of. I'm not enjoying the suit designs, the characters are bland and boring. the story hasn't gone anywhere to keep you wanting to watch it every week except to see if MAYBE something will flip the proverbial table. this show actually makes me wanna watch Destiny again.
  13. you mean like.........the instructions that should of existed?
  14. Okay, phew, I fixed it. It was both the mixing ratio being off (Now I'm almost out of German Grey....) and the Gun. So mashing the button gives me the fine, and pulling back the trigger gives me the blast. Everything is looking MUCH better and I think I like this more than I do spray can.
  15. Okay........I've just figured out how to mix this better now.....now that my brain is working a little better! Now the other thing that I'm curious about is spray control. From what I've gathered, if you press directly down on the trigger you're gonna get the heavy spray application, if you press down and pull back the trigger you get the fine line application right? What I'm having issues with is that the compressor and the iwata came with basically NO instructions. They have "Quick Guides" but the compressor isn't clear on anything, and the iwata's is all in japanese. So I basically gotta mix the paint up again here little later and try doing another round on the dark parts that I have, cleaning this wasn't hard, it IS a bit of a chore.
  16. Here's what it looks like....I almost want to say this was a weather issue cause it has been fairly cold but not like below freezing. But I wanna say this is a mix issue. I may end up having to strip this with a large amount of the isopropyl alcohol I have.
  17. looks like my first attempt at airbrushing was not a success. while darker parts came out decently the white parts to get the tallgeese TV authentic look bad. I think it was way to much thinner as I swear I see like alcohol rainbow hue on the paint and it's not drying correctly which also suggests not enough paint to the mix. so, I guess the next step is to ask if this is salvageable? I'll send a photo later. I also noticed I ran out of paint super fast!
  18. whole episode in general was pleasent......unlike another series of a similar name..... >_>
  19. lol I didn't get gunpla for christmas either..............just before christmas lol. Yeah RG Zeta isn't my first RG Zeta. The first one I did was just a mess, was having a hard time with a break up and there were things I didn't read right on the instructions and just fubar it up. This time, it's coming out better.
  20. well unless it's changed from the fall they did say that the intention was to use the same exo frame for all the EW designs so all they really need to do is outer armor, new head sculpt and backpack and stickers. I'm sure by spring we'll hear which suit is next as the 00 raiser comes closer to release.
  21. as much as I'd love to build the RG wing zero....I'm pretty happy with my MGs and I'd want to wait until most of the others are released. I really want to see how those look. my second attempt at the RG zeta is going much better! I'm really only completing a limb a day as I'm spending more time cleaning the undergating and panel lining it the best I can. it took me all sunday night just to white line all the dark parts but not to thrilled with the turn out. looks a bit to chalkie. I'm even thinking I won't even apply stickers unless they're paint related like yellows and reds.
  22. I love learning new techniques, some I find here, some I find online. but using an oil based paint sharpie and iso. alcohol and a q tip I was able to make a very nice painted panel line. I know some people would use silver but I think the white gives it a nice pop! I liked it. What do you guys think?
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