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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. ok my clips came! this is so awesome why have I not used these before!
  2. oh no I just meant the V-Dash. Hi-Nu VRabe comes out 2/18 for us. Likewise on the Z3, I may get the Wing Zero next week I'm not sure. I wanna wait until there's another Wing release but we'll see.
  3. Weapon systems are always nice, but I've also been super picky on my weapons too....there were some I'd probably buy eventually depending on the design. Sadly it seems I'll have to traditionally kit bash the Stargazer/X Gundam design which I'm not even sure how I'll go about that either.
  4. hm.....crap guess that means I'm not gonna get those again. hobbystore by work sold them for about 4 bucks a bag and never restocked again after they were all gone so that should of raised a red flag, except they hardly ever restock.
  5. K so I wanna do a kit bash kinda. I wanted to take a Stargazer and the backpack of the X Maoh. Problem is the backpack has a rectangular open port and the stargazer is a 3 peg open port so it's just nothing to connect too. I remember last year there were gunpla parts that were Marked A-F I think. Each one came with a weapon and optional parts to help mix and match limbs and backpacks. Problem is, I can't find them nor can I remember what they were exactly called. I do remember they came in bags like the action base stands. Anyone remember these?
  6. just finished my custom Jesta with heavy battle wear. I call it the final battle jesta as this pilot has been dodging, scraping, and fighting his way to the end but who knows if he'll actually survive! I used Tamiya weathering soot, a grey and black panel wash and a ton of dry brushing to really emphasize the paint scratching away.
  7. all I can say is painting is gonna be a bitch even for my comfort level I don't wanna screw these up.
  8. you don't know the anime or anything so you're gonna give it a 1.2? woooow that's rather harsh.it's part of the MSV line in the SEED universe. it's really a heavily modified astray gold frame which was one of Orbs prototype mobile suits that was on Heliopolis when ZAFT attacked the factory where the original GAT machines were held. Lowe Gear a junket and Gai Murakami a mercanery were able to recover the Red and Blue but sadly had to leave the incomplete Gold Frame behind which was recovered by some nasty people. I think the frame had undergone several modifications even using recycled parts of the destroyed blitz Gundam after its destruction by Kira and the Strike. I think the popularity behind the gold frame is there's not much out there of it. I only remember a rather crappy 1/144 kit.
  9. well sadly that didn't show much of anything new really. cept the new t-1000 has muscle structure......which is odd.
  10. it's kinda sad cause online exclusives are I think normal price gunpla....but they sell out fast in most cases and prices sometimes triple. I should of jumped on that bandai wagon when I had the chance in some of these. not 100% sure but I think the phase shift down lots are all online exclusives too.
  11. sorry would of answered that this morning but house alarm signaled a break in. imo I wouldn't even build the 3A simply because it's Online exclusive so it's worth some bucks right now. but can't say I wouldn't buy two so I could
  12. thered a scene where kitty has him under her powers fighting in the past and his current/future self accidentally cut her with adamantium claws.so still wondering how he got those back. does the adamantium grow because it adapted to his cellular structure with self healing or what? SCIENCE IN MOVIES!
  13. I think the last Seth Rogan movie I ever even watched was green hornet. I mainly wanted to see how they portrayed N Korea was all.
  14. Wow I just finished it.......didn't even laugh once. More like "This is the dumbest piece of crap I've seen in a long time."
  15. True true, he said he would love to go back to Almost Human or Dredd. He got on the phone talking to a friend of mine who couldn't come to the con after I told him she's a big dredd fan. What's even funnier is she was watching Dredd that exact moment cause I told her I was gonna get his autograph soon. Next thing she sees is my number answering the phone: Her: What? I'm watching Dredd right now. Me: Sorry, but I'm kind of in a bit of trouble.... Her: Oh god what did you do?! Did you embarrass yourself infront of Urban? Me: Sigh.....here I'll let the Judge explain. Her: Wait what? Urban: This is Judge Dredd. I am the Law. Her: ................... wait.............. OMIGOD! Urban: Sorry you couldn't make it to the con. But thanks for being a fan. James seems like a great guy. I'll let him off with a warning. *hands back the phone laughing* For 4 hours she was either screaming, crying, or hyperventilating. That movie holds more ground for her then ever before.
  16. I was surprised! I expected maybe 1 Macross item if I was lucky, but there were actually 7! Bought most of them . It's gonna be tough! the Brownie is all brown not an ounce of white on the poor thing.
  17. Not exactly on topic with the film, but I just met Karl Urban today. This guy was amazingly nice! I didn't expect that, I've met some celebrities but I never encountered one who really went above and beyond for a fan. Great to meet him wished him luck on this film.
  18. I just got back from a con and I got wave 1/100 VF-1A Battroid and Fighter mode model kits and a 1/100 VF-25F kit. Now comes the long painful process of building But I got great deals on them all! Cheaper than MSRP.
  19. Hm intersting. I actually just got two of these today at a convention for 40 bucks. Rather curious how I'll measure up since they're brownie VF-1A's in fighter and battroid
  20. When I built the first RG Zeta I thought it was a mess. The clips connected from the legs to the hips NEVER stayed in place cause I screwed it up and forced it in the wrong way instead of taking time to look at how it was suppose to go. And I didn't fix to much of the undergating that existed on the kit resulting in poor fitting. Now that I've made several changes to the way I build and look at things through a better perspective I have to say the kit really isn't all that bad. Yes, some areas are flimsy, but if you take the time to look at how things are suppose to fit together you'll see that certain areas don't come undone as easily as they look. I've been able to play with it and move it around with a better degree of understanding how it moves without popping sections off. I still think the whole connecting areas the B parts from back to the wings are horrible and if I get time I may cement glue those puppies in so they don't slide off while moving things around. There isn't a lot of articulation though....some areas just feel to damn stiff to wanting to bend or rotate the way I want right now. But all in all, it was a better build than the first one I did. So yeah, maybe a RG Zeta is something to avoid on your first time out. You need a better understanding of RG's and Gunpla instruction reading and assembly before tackling this.
  21. Well that's it for me this week. Got a convention to go to starting tomorrow so that gives me a good few days off from building.
  22. I looked over the page and file, yeah I mean there are bleeds on the file so it does need to be cropped on all sides, good thing I'm total expert on that stuff! Thank you job Still I like this file and I know a lot of people who will want to have their own custom stands.
  23. Good find. I'm gonna have some fun with this one for a while.
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