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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I didn't realize this, but it would explain a lot, but Krylon unless otherwise stated is actually an enamel base paint. Interesting huh? Never knew. I'm taking a chance and I did what I could to salvage the two parts that got nailed best I could....this is where it kind of pays to be in the job I'm in....we've been messing a lot with plastics and shaping recently for a proposal project demonstration and been doing a lot of tap plastic runs. Anyways, I think I might of fixed the parts just enough to make them useable, then I resprayed the gold and clear coated the about an hour or two ago. While that was going on I took one of the other pieces with the krylon and sprayed it, let it cure for a while then went up to my room and tried my hand at the wash. It worked! It gives it an interesting brass look despite it originally being gold. I think this is due to the flat black having some kind of an affect on it. Either way I didn't have much to touch up and I think it came out rather nice. So right now the other parts have been sprayed and later tonight I'll start to clean the parts off of their excess paint and maybe I can finally assemble tomorrow!
  2. scrapping my Sinanju. Everything went fine until this morning and now all my work has gone to waist on 2 parts. I was doing the wrist parts and the enamel black I used clogged my Airbrush even after using thinner mix cause it's way to thick unlike Acrylic. It came out really goopy and spotty for what paint applied. So I wasn't happy and wanted to clean it off. Instead the enamel thinner I used to clean the black off ate right thru, doing damage to the clear coat I put on, the gold, the previous black and even the plastic is now partially warped. there's no way I can get replacement parts for this as there's no blue-fin logo on it. It'd be faster to buy an entire new kit for it. But broke until next month.
  3. I got it off with a flat head. My idea failed so I repainted for a reverse wash using Lacquer Gold, which right now is being clear coated. I was gonna do yellow but guess it just seemed to cheesy in the end. tomorrow I should be able to do the enamel gloss black. I mean in the end, even if I used a flat red and yellow they'll get glossed up with the clear coat.
  4. I basically finished painting my Sinanju. But now my iwata's cap won't pop open it's jammed. I dunno why either, no dings on it or anything it's just stuck after I did a round of cleaning. Either way, I had to completely repaint the red and black of my kit. I was NOT happy with the turn out after I did the next round of parts which came out rather smooth and vibrant. The difference? NO THINNER MIX RATIO! Here's the torso section after a complete repaint. That sucker looks smooth! I'm going to use an Enamel Yellow so if there's any mistakes it'll be an easy clean up with the lighter fluid and it shouldn't do any damage to the black. Luckily there's not a ton of these trim parts that need to be done.
  5. quick question can't remember if this was covered. The new AV-98 Ingram kit that's out based on the live action adaptation, some sites list it as a snap together, others say it's a glue together. Which is it? Depending on that I might put it in my backlog of kits.
  6. He'd be a good fit for the role, I can see that. Tom Cruise for Rameriz? I doubt it. He wouldn't take the role unless he was gonna get 150% of the film being about him. But I get what Lambert is saying. Why? There's no point in doing a reboot unless you're gonna make it different. Which, whatever they do, will stomp all over the original and be bad. Just the fact that they'll have characters like Rameriz and Kurgan says it right there. It'll be nothing but a modern re-hash. Also, no Queen, no good. What are ya gonna do? Have Adam Lambert in it give a weak ass styling? I hate that guy.
  7. I had to go through a company called Blu-Fin which I think was suggested here. But I think the only way you can use them is if their sticker is slapped on the side of your box. But I'm not 100% sure. I do know you need a picture of the kit box, your receipt and picture of the broken part, and the coresponding part # like F1-8 or D-12 etc. Usually if it's your first order it's free. But if you use their service again or the kit is beyond the 30 day warranty for free replacement they'll charge you accordingly for the part and the shipping. And shipping is a pain. I ordered a replacement part in October and didn't get it until January. It's case by case, order by order basis. Mine looked like they just took it off the mold and snipped it off the runner, put it in a baggy then in a bubbled packet and off it went. I didn't get any information until it arrived. If you don't follow their guidelines exactly they won't even bother with you. HLJ might be able to help you. OH! I found this tonight and I'm kicking myself as this would of been perfect for my sinanju
  8. means can be either or. it might not come straight from the normal factories or could acquire somewhere else. usually if it's gone they'll list it as discontinued.
  9. well I scored. I found flat, satin and gloss 4 bucks a pop. I picked up satin since that's essentially semi-gloss and gonna see how neat it is. apparently what I'd been using in the past has been enamel and explains a lot.
  10. 20 bucks on Amazon with a month wait isn't what I call amazing either.Krylon Crystal Clear seems like a good alternative at almost half the cost and more readily available I think. I'm about out of what I use so maybe it's time to try something different!
  11. Well, couple packages came. my RX-77 Guncannon, GM Command unit showed up. And one of the guys in my build group reported in on a fresh stock of some new items one of them being a couple of RG Wing Zeros. So I flew like a man on a mission and picked it up along with a new bottle of Flat Red for the Sinanju since I ran out last weekend.
  12. Because that was the most perfect moment to re-introduce sei and they passed it along for a stupid China moment who pointlessly flew maybe 10 or 15 hours JUST to drop off stupid stuff and fly right back. Way to waste a good thing Bandai, way to go.
  13. That's the place! he went photo city on that finding all kinds of stuff. how high of prices are some of these? there's a place here in portland that wanted 150 for a nightingale which we all blew off.
  14. Ya know what, I know this guy in my group meetings he was somewhere east coat and he posted images of this aile that was nothing but Gunpla. There were things I saw that made me go "WHAT VARIETY! THIS IS MADNESS!" It wasn't just 00, Wing, SEED etc etc. There were tons of UC kits, old and new. I wish I knew where he was cause he didn't post the location at all. It almost looked like the place we always go to in Beaverton but it sure as hell wasn't! As for what I'm looking for? I dunno. I always have a soft spot for older MG kits....they're cheap and there's a lot of playability with them. Easy to customize! OH! I also pre-ordered the Side Stories RX-80-PR Heavy Equip type. That thing just looks amazing.
  15. Yes, spots, there's several. In Beaverton there's a Tammie's Hobbies and a Things From Another World. There's another Things from Another World in downtown Portland and Oregon City. There's a Hobbytown USA in Clackamas and in Wilsonville. There's also a Barnes & Noble but I never seen them there but others have. There's also a place called Guardians & Games in downtown Portland that periodically sells Gunpla. Problem with most of these places is they pick a lot of the same things again and again cause they think that's all there is. So I tend to see a lot of BF/T models, some unicorn and SEED and Wing kits. I like variety of all kinds but mostly never see that. Amazon I picked up HGUC 1/144 GM Command, RX-77D GunCannon, RGM-79 Powered GM, RGM-86R GM III, GM II and NT-Alex. There's kind of a theme there but threw a few items in for kicks. This one is mostly mass production mobile suits. Right now I'm doing paint application on a GM Custom which is a slow go.
  16. Wow I didn't find squat! All the normal spots I go to were picked clean. I did however start working on my Sinanju and I'm not to happy with the results. I did a proper 2:1 ratio mix of black and after it dried it kind of has a faded look to it. So as I did some of my red parts I used only a couple of drops of thinner and sprayed. Maybe it's just the fact it's a flat color but it to had a though present, yet slightly faded look to itself as well. Also kinda spotty which means something isn't right with the brush. I had to stop for the day cause my light is natural outdoors and it was pouring hard and getting into the garage. So I did a big cleaning job on the air brush and hope that helps tomorrow. For now, I guess I'm doing a big purchase on Amazon.
  17. I'm going Gunpla hunting in a few minutes. aiming mostly for HG kits cause it's cheaper and get more out of your buck. But wouldn't mind stumbling upon a few MG's along the way. I finished priming my Sinanju last night which turned out well. When I get home in a few hours I'll start working on the paint job and at least get the black parts done and ready to go.
  18. haha honestly, that should be something given with every purchase not just some lucky draw deal but that's japan for you. I put in an order for hopefully authentic gunpla decals for my HG sinanju and with that I have a question cause I doubt it'll be present on my decals. Is there any kind of application guide for them? I don't wanna just guess and be wrong.
  19. Yeah it's a HGBF, but right now, the CAD design doesn't show anything other than the fact that it's a straight out Full Cloth HGUC. Paint scheme is even the same.
  20. This just in, repeat this just in. HGUC Full Cloth and RG 00 Raiser are now up for preorder on HLJ. http://www.hlj.com/product/ban996431 <<<<<Crossbone http://www.hlj.com/product/ban996427 <<<<<<00 Raiser
  21. Didn't like it to much. Opened up well like others but it went downhill in excitement after that.
  22. Even I'm curious to see how this'll turn out. I did a light coat, just enough that it doesn't completely cover the parts, but enough that it won't damage the parts or thicken to the point there's no more detail. I still got another big batch of Red armor pieces, then the black....I don't know how I'll do the yellow but I got a pretty good idea for the bigger pieces. This'll be the first completely repainted kit using the air brush too. HLJ is also putting pre-orders up on the RE 1/100 GP04 and HG Origins Char Zaku II. Couldn't pass on either of those, they'll be hot. Those seem to come out in April.
  23. Indeed. I have yet to decide if I'm going to just give it a matte color or if I shall titaniumize it or whatever. Chances are, Flat Red, flat Black Flat Yellow. Because I got lots of it. He was on the wrong forum. it meant to be on the figure thread.
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