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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I think this movie is being produced by one of the misfits. so gonna fail.
  2. instead of doing one hard pressed cut do several light cuts over the same area you want to remove. it'll wear the sticker off before you do any damage to the surface part of the gunpla. let's say you got a complex sticker like those white or gray ones that go over shoulders or legs. you don't want all of that transparent sticker outside that pattern cause it messes with all that panel lining you just did and hides it. trace the pattern of what you want to keep with the tip of your blade a couple of times. then again with the tip pull away the excess transparent of the sticker. this will leave only the colored pattern of the sticker and remove all the clear.
  3. oh sorry! just now seeing the shades of red I didn't before.
  4. coming together well. Lemme know if you have any issues with the ball joint sockets to the torso. I remember mine years ago had an issue with the right arm popping out all the time when I moved it. My Vrabe appeared today, it'll go in the closet until I'm ready to work on it but I do like it, nice big box too. Sticker sheet is kinda small so that's either a good thing or a bad thing haven't decided yet.
  5. I just want crossbone. it's the only suit that hasn't been tweeked from it's original design in that show. I just hope it holds together better than its MG which is possible! funnels in Nu Gundam click together better in HG than MG.
  6. Seeing how Longmire isn't filming she's been doing lots of odds and ends stuff. Met her a month ago, she is actually very sweet. Great to crack jokes with. As for this....I dunno wtf I just watched but I didn't like it at all 0_o and I'm not saying that as a purist or anything it was just...............not good. Maybe power rangers just in general no longer appeals to me as a whole regardless of who does it. Hmmm, could be. But it could also be that there wasn't much of anything to see out of this that really said power rangers. Out of what? 15 minutes we got 3 minutes of ranger?
  7. got it, work caught up with me couldn't reply. Looks like my Vrabe showed up but no one to sign for it until tomorrow, that's okay. It'll just go into the pile for a while. Might not even work on it until sometime next month....things are gonna be busy for a while. I picked up a Dark Matter Exia....I had this idea for a board game today and it just inspired me to go get this and work on it soon. Basically the game would be a big table top with different boards as fields like what we see in BFs. You'd have a MS Team of no less than 3, and a ship controller which is optional, so really no less than 6 people preferably. You decide your mobile suit HP by roll of 2 dice twice. So if you roll twice and you get 20, your HP is 20. If you roll and got a 10 your HP is 10, which would suck for you. You can gain bonus HP by having a customized unit. If you panel line you get +1hp, if you change out to customized weapons or minor repainting you get +2, and if you fully repaint you get +5. Course all of this is using HG 1/144's and can be ANY kind of mobile suit, even if it's a Ground type unit. The object of the game is for the strongest MS platoon to wipe out the enemies flag ship. You have squares which are sectors which you roll 1 dice to move those squares. If you encounter an enemy mobile suit combat begins. You roll 2 dice for your attack and your enemy rolls for defense. Whatever the difference is between them is the number of HP the defending unit lost. However if the defensive is higher than the attacking, it leaves the defensive mobile suit with the ability to completely dodge and counter with their own roll which means the previous attacking player now rolls for defense. If the same occurance happens where the defense is higher, the attacks are completely negated and the turn ends. Once your MS has taken to much damage it is out of play and the player is removed from the game until the next game begins. Ship controller can attack Mobile Suits using 2 forms of weaponary, a Mega particle cannon which only works within a certain blast radius or use a missile barriage. A Ship Controller also has the ability to heal missing HP but takes away a certain number of turns which will leave the ship open to attack. I got a lot to work out, but the game idea sounds really fun to me.
  8. I had a meteor unit way way back, sucker needed some paint! only complaint I had was the size it was just to big to put anywhere
  9. So my Labor came in from Fedex like I said over the weekend. Of course I dropped everything I was working on kit wise and began my work on the model. I did glue a couple of pieces like the rollcage on the sensor eye on the head unit, the tie-down hook on the crotch stuff like that....small flimsy pieces that popped off a lot. Added a bit of paint, silver on the pistons on the ankles and neck joint, gold on the rear ankle for insulation pipping. Painted the pilot figure which I hated....very generic looking, not so inspiring, the feet and back area were painted with a semi-gloss black cause I hated the stickers. And of course console detailing. Finishing touches was a flat black enamel wash which I think turned out well. The kit was fun, very refreshing to build after doing nothing but Gundams for so damn long. The coverings were interesting, I wasn't expecting stiff plastic bagging more like rubber molded pieces so this gave the kit a much more realistic look! I enjoyed that!
  10. I'm a bit excited for the revive line but it's still not origin
  11. to me what it seems to suggest is somewhere there's an underground facility that hicks and Ripley are stuck in, almost kinda bio dome like and the company is trying to reverse engineer and possibly tame zenomorphs. that's how the concepts look to me.
  12. Weaver NOT doing an alien film is like Arnold not doing a Terminator film............it just wouldn't be right when you've already been in all of them in some fashion. I think visually, Blomkamp can wow us with effects and environments and all that fun amazing stuff. Hell, iMax? Ooooooooo. Storywise....it's just not scary anymore. It's gotta be something different, really really different. And how can you top and max different after 4 films? ......techincally 6? We had the intro into our nightmares with Alien.........we had the edge of your seat wanting to cry cause there's a hive in Aliens......we had a twisted animalistic style in Alien 3......we had whatever the hell Resurrection tried annnnnddddddd we had 2 AVP films we wanna forget. I want to see what Neil can cook up I REALLY do wanna hope for the best cause I think he could do something amazing. He wowed me on district 9, but he dulled me in Elysium. I'm looking forward to Chappie, but my expectations are low. Also, he has to sign Michael Biehn. He was pissed he got axed in Alien 3 without a single thought. They obviously can't bring Newt back, but dear god bring back Michael he deserves it.
  13. My kit came in 3 days ahead of time way to go Fedex for once! I had to paint the feet so far....I didn't like the stickers I felt like they'd fail me pretty quickly so I took out my semi-gloss and going over it then I'll clean it up so it's less messy, not to hard to do. This kit will so need a wash when it's ready.....oh yes, it will reallllllyyyy need a wash.
  14. well my vrabe shipped, cool cool.
  15. well the Zero type 2 by D-Arts is getting a re-release this summer as well. and there was the new Megaman Zero ah figu arts that was released in winter.
  16. I may have to back this up being an X fan and liking that design.
  17. no it's an acrylic. 75% of the model was used with acrylic, all the trim pieces were a combination of lacquer and enamel to perform the reverse wash to get the right pattern of color for the raised details. I've never see it before it's just so odd. its almost like you can't clear coat anything when you use a combination of paints to ring out certain things of a model kit.
  18. gotta build on it right? he's a man of simple tastes. now it's knives....then gunpowder and finally gasoline!
  19. no idea what just happened. I got 2 problems, 1) I got a gater skin like cracking going on with the enamel black after I sprayed a semi gloss over the kit tonight. 2) Some reason the white boosters on the backside have become slightly pinked due to somehow red paint SOMEWHERE possibly on the clips spread onto the parts. Just a bit bummed that now this is looking really amateurish.
  20. Well no ones been commenting so I guess I will. Gotham has had it's fair share of hits and misses....stories like the Goat or the love triangle that's brewing for Gordon, would be some of the misses scratching my head while the 2 part story of Scarecrow was a hit imo. This week was really a mixed thing....we're given a glimpse into a new origins of the Joker, and lemme tell you, big step away from The Killing Joke. I dug it, I thought the kid playing the Joker was great. He used a hint of both Nickleson and Ledger that's a nod to them for sure.
  21. well, I just bought the 1/48 Next Generation Ingram. I like the overall look a lot. If I dig it, I'll get the anime versions.
  22. thanks. Caught a couple of scratches during assembly cause I hadn't clear coated the entire kit yet. Usually I wait until I know it's done, then disassemble it into sections and spray. I seem to be missing a PC-2 for the left leg at the knee area. Either I lost it or I put it on an area of the kit that didn't need it. I'm noticing I seem to have a PC-1 still left, but I dunno where the first or second would go too....I think 1 was at the bottom of the crotch for the action base....not sure. For now I have a PC part from another kit that's finished acting as a substitute. problem is it doesn't fit to well and the leg is extremely flippity floppity.
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