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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. At least your strike is coming along. Washed the parts for my Dark Matter, I'll pick up paint for it after work or something tomorrow. I ordered some HD builder parts for my Zaku 2.0. Not bad for 15 dollars worth picked up the mono eye and spike parts. I'd like to custom paint the zaku too but I can't find the greens I need do the job and the kit isn't exactly as highly detailed as a RG. I do wanna do a little bit of something to it, I just hadn't decided on exactly what, nor any clue how I'll paint the spikes as they're gonna come as a light gray color. Anyone know a Tamiya paint that resembles very closely to the Zaku?
  2. Thanks, it was a good GM kit, much nicer than the original of course. I went over my instructions to the GM Powered, Alex NT-1, and GMIII.......they all use a different mobile limb system which I thought bandai was gonna start making these things all similar so you COULD create different unique units? Ah well. Sadly my idea of parts here and there just wasn't going to work without taking the chance to cut and destroy and snip certain areas. I still got a couple of ideas to maybe make it work but I really dunno. It's kind of hard to envision this Gundam in my head....or place it UC time wise.....somewhere after OYW, but maybe not before the end of the Gryps conflict? I dunno. Either case! I noticed that Bandai had released a Real Color Type Zaku 2.0 that's just a glorified RG before RG's came out. There's decals available and thought that'd be good to have and do some color job on my Zaku 2.0 I got while back. Problem is, like we all know the decals you can buy seperately don't come with instructions. Any idea if there's an image laying around the net of the decal placement from the Real Color type Zaku?
  3. I'm all finished! GMII Before Weathering and Decal Application. GMII After weathering and decal application. GMII ready for close quarters combat. GMII thought it could take on my EZ-Blue Destiny....bless it's heart!
  4. my weekend is going splendid! After doing some house chores, mowing 80% of the lawn before the mower went "Naw I'm done for today" I built my GMII and I love it! It's coming out fantastic, wash is done, assembly was very simple and clean....didn't even really need the instructions other than knowing which PVC is where.
  5. On tight areas where the marker uses up the entire panel space leaving you a black or gray glob, I use my thumb or finger and wipe away the excess area. Works about 99% of the time just fine. You'll stain your finger for a little while but it's no big deal. That's what I did in the past. Today though? I'm mainly doing the enamel washes instead. They're a bit faster and the lines are thinner and they'll follow the edge details much nicer than a marker can. But once in a while I still like doing a marker for certain details. I met up with a friend and her son who adores me, pretty sure I've made mention of this a few times hah. It was Kifa's birthday a couple weeks ago but I got slammed with work so I couldn't drop off a HG Strike Full Package until last night. We met at the hobby town in portland oregon and they must of just restocked cause I was shocked at what I saw. I ended up kinda caving in and picked up the Thunderbolt Full Armor for 24 dollars, I couldn't argue with that when another store last I saw wanted 45! Saw a Titanium Sazabi and did a double take on that, almost a hundred bucks for that mother! But I managed to pick up a few paint supplies and new detail brushes I need for my HG's, and we decided it was time to upgrade Kifa from HG to RG since it was still in the price range. We also got him hobby snippers cause he'd been using a knife and I warned him of the potential dangers to plastic bits flying off or cutting into his parts by accident. What was really neat though someone must of donated to the store cause their ceiling was littered with super old Gunpla. Whoever did it though wasn't very good as their detail lines were massively thick and wobbly like they couldn't handle the marker direction or used a felt tip pin.
  6. I typically will cut, trim off runner bits then carefully wash with dawn dishwashing soap and leave them to dry over night or longer. It's kind of a pain, so far my best time for a complete repaint was 3 weekends. Not fun at all. Mentally draining and it wasn't like I was doing anything elaborate like some modelers try.
  7. well, I'm on my way to building my GM II. Just a neat thing, but when you got the right tools to do brush work, you can do a pretty decent job of coverage in tight spaces with fine tipped brushes if you spend a little money. All in all, I like how my paint job came out on my GM II. if I really wanted too I could finish this sucker tonight but nah.
  8. The only thing I took from this episode was that even a stock mobile suit like the X1FC can do go toe to toe to OP 00 scratch build kits like those. The ONLY thing not HG about the X1FC was a scratch build core fighter, which I'm not against but everything else about that kit were items that come on the X1FC master grade. It wasn't like it needed to rely on some super power pulled out of the ass of a 15 year old with a fighting spirit kind of crap.
  9. I binged watch the series yesterday. That wasn't bad. I didn't really dig the beginning few episodes but as it got further along and the characters build I grew to enjoy the series so I'll look forward to season 2.
  10. CG for Cuteness Grade. it's how you get the nerd chicks. HLJ has more gunpla for preorder. Origins Guntank, Denial Gundam and Hyaku-Shiki 2.0 are all up. really surprised by the Hyaku-shiki price point. everything I was seeing online states it was going to be just about 70 dollars list. HLJ has it for just under 50 list.
  11. I finished the God Gundam last night....really didn't put a lot of effort into it cause it got blah for me. I mean 30 dollar decade old kit it's not gonna have as much appeal to me as a UC kit would of that age. All in All it came out fine and as I'd of intended it to be. now I got 13 other gunpla kits to work on.
  12. when you start seeing the pattern of what goes where you build faster. I practically did a HG nemo with no direction except which poly caps go where.
  13. That was a challenge? I think I finished that with stickers in 4 hours.
  14. Honestly, I've NEVER applied water onto an adhesive decal....that can potentially weaken the decal and leave it susceptible to coming off later due to things like dust and wear. Then again, I don't use tweezers either unless I'm doing water slides. I just use the tip of my exacto knife and a finger nail to ............nail the sticker in place. I do a pretty good job at it myself. Stickers in general man, they're just frustrating no matter how you slice it.
  15. Michael Beihn on record stating "Yes" he will be in Blomkamp's ALIENS movie. http://www.avpgalaxy.net/2015/03/01/michael-beihn-contacted-about-alien-5/ Michael Beihn was at a convention, asked by people if he had been contacted over returning as Hicks, his replay, "Yes". Later someone else approachs the actor asking "Alien 5! You doing it?!" Which Michael replies again, "Looks like it!"
  16. there's never a wrong way just your way or what you feel comfortable in experimenting well. some years back I'd look at what I'm doing now thinking impossiburu! now I'm v8 head smacking wondering why I never tried it in the first place! I'm out helping my dads shop today but I easily whipped out the head and 2 arms for my MG God Gundam....I'm hocked up on caffeine so I may keep going when I get home!
  17. judging by the photo I'd say 80s inspired.....or its a German porn flick.
  18. Only seems that way, but it's so easy.
  19. Just finished Origins......not happy with it. Long ass wait for that. It wasn't the lack of mobile suits or anything like that. It was just................it wasn't there for me. Some stuff made zero sense.
  20. There's a skygrasper at the hobby store near work but I really don't want to pay 40 dollars for something that's a dinky plane and weapon packs. Honestly, only way I'd even build a skygrasper is with 2 more Strikes to go with them, but that also means 2 extra Aile packs which 1 could just get tagged onto the skygrasper. I dunno if you wanna go to this kind of extent David, but if you take some acrylic semi-gloss and do the trim of the canopy, use some isopropyl alcohol and a q tip to wipe away any excess of paint on the canopy, you'll get a nice looking canopy hatch. Or, if you use enamel, lighter fluid takes it off. I did that on my Bandai 1/100 VF-25, worked pretty well. Ugh I really gotta start getting into the tutorial area for my build group. it's driven some of those guys nuts on what I do and not explain it.
  21. I panel and sticker as I build makes it easier.
  22. if the movie takes place several decades after the first than that means deckard wasn't a replicant
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