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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. http://www.amazon.com/Just-Dab-Combo-Pack-Microbrush/dp/B000BPOJFG/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1426878928&sr=8-12&keywords=Microbrush+super+fine This is just to give you an idea of what I use. When I'm doing really small paint applications for extra detail or even pilot figures I use these Microbrushes at their Super Fine ratio. I get a pack of 10 for about 2.25 at hobbytown, and nearly any model shop carries some kind of brand in relation. I ALWAYS buy a pack when I go to the store. My mom has this phrase, "I see butter, I have to buy it, it's like a fetish" for me it's "I see these microbrushes and I gotta buy them.....not cause it's a fetish" The best thing to do is to just apply a small amount onto a container for your paint, never actually use the marker to apply on the part. Take one of these microbrushes on it then gently apply the needed area. You can even use these brushes on the rubbing alcohol to get tough areas. They're 1 time use sadly, but for their price and ability to get hard to reach locations, I highly recommend a set or two of different sizes. This is how I get some really good extra details painted on my kits for the last 2 years.
  2. Ahhhhhh I see what ya did there! It'll be a complete repaint to really help bring those seperate reds to life. The tones are there in the plastic but it's still to subtle for my taste. The bad news is, I caught a cold : / well I didn't catch it, it invaded my being.
  3. Well....my weekend is gonna consist of Amazing Red Warrior......I dunno how I feel about that honestly XD
  4. He'll obviously be back as he's in the previews of the next episode hostage courtesy of captain cold. Barry will probably abuse this new power to fix mistakes creating that paradox point were all waiting for.
  5. only time I ever paint pilot figures are with PG's and MG's.....never go smaller, they're just so damn difficult. you typically need a mounted magnifying glass, tooth picks, very small brushes, tweezers or clips and prayer. When I do mine I typically leave a small amount of runner plastic connected to the pilot figure and I clamp that piece on a clip so I got free range of control and movement while painting. I use these ultra fine brushes I get a hobbytown for about 3 bucks a pack for large base colors. Then I use a tooth pick to do finer details. If it's a PG figurine I'll use one of those really ultra fine brushes that cost like 5 bucks and just work very carefully. I'm not super awesome at it, but I do a passable job to where some of the guys I build with are just surprised. I always thought that my Char and Amuro CCA figures were the best painted, and my Flit Asuno being 2nd best.
  6. I actually thought Amuro's dad might actually be a bit on the abusive side the way he was at that kid in the manga. But yeah Volumes 5-7 just fit with how this is pacing.....which sucks. It's not that I wanna learn the origins and prequel history of all the characters, I just want a revamped Gundam series. The old one just doesn't within the test of time to me.
  7. Went faster than I anticipated....finished it all!
  8. Pretty much what I did today on the Astrea. I used my traditional black gundam marker on panel lines, and the 301 Gray and Brown for other areas. Actually the Gray and the Brown did marvelous jobs, spot on if I do say so. I tried to use the 301P black again, but it just wasn't gonna do the job. And when I tried to clean it up and it just smeared all over the place. I guess using the rubbing alcohol after you apply it is best, don't let it dry for to long at all. The base build of my Astrea is done, and I think before bed I'll start finishing the accessories and call it a night. Gym tomorrow so I gotta go to bed to get up early early!
  9. Hah, the stats she had were so far off back to the drawing board wench! Get your thigh gap ridden ass back in the kitchen! I'm busy building me a PG Unicorn.
  10. first exia is a RG I built back in August. The inner frame to the Exia is about 15 pieces it's pretty easy to assemble in 5 minutes. Sadly it seems the translucents on the front of the lower leg are bad. 1 is completely missing right from the package and the other won't bend. They're not Blue-fin logoed on the box so that's not gonna help me at all. right out of the damn box and it's not gonna be right. that's a shame. I may have to switch parts with the other exia but ugh
  11. took the RG Exia I have for my Astrea out of the box and built the inner frame since you can essentially build the frames first THEN add in the other parts. The engineering of the frame to me is just astonishing to look at. Very artistic to me. If I could, I'd buy all the RG's I own twice JUST so I can have a frame depicting the same pose or something to show off how flexible they are without all the armor. Just love it. I wanna thank David again for picking up the Astrea for me, I know it was hard to find.
  12. mhm, I'm not a big fan of the pen right now. While it does decent work on panel lines, actual sculpting details like hash marks or wide open slits, it does poorly on. Those are things that an actual enamel wash can do rather decently on its own if you got the proper mix done...the paint will just flow really well. On the plus side, unlike the enamel wash, the areas you have to clean up where the brush touch the surface doesn't smear like enamel will. So you can get longer use out of your q-tip. Of course videos show them using rubbing alcohol and yet I have to use lighter fluid. Sometimes not right.
  13. Finished my NT-Alex today even using the new Gundam markers. I don't like them that much. You need to wait a little while to get them dry then clean them up and lemme tell you, they only work well half the time. Maybe I just dunno how to use them properly. But the clean up was just so hard to do compared to normal enamel washes I've done. Stickers are ancient you can tell, they off set cut for them is almost twice the size of the printed portion so I had to size it up and make the neccessary cuts to make them fit properly. God, what an old kit this was lol.
  14. The benefit for the sticks and clips is not only to keep parts seperated, but because you can paint the entire part you need in 1 go versus letting them stay on the runner tree and have to wait for it to dry then flip it over to do the other side. Problem with that is you might not get every little nook and cranny. You get a nice even coat of paint doing it this way, it takes longer but by god does it work better. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LKWA6Y2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1%C2'> I got them here, deal of 50 for 9 bucks on prime, not a horrible deal imo. Sticks do tend to be kind of worthless over time....I've lost like 3 cause they splintered or were already broken. The rubber grips aren't the best either they'll get sticky with paint. So when they're toast you just change it up with masking tape on one end of the clip to the stick and you're good. recycled styrofoam to me is the best way.....I've got tons of this stuff from when I moved. But I so do prefer painting now this way.
  15. GM-301P-303P, Black, Brown and Gray. They run ink through the panel lines versus using a pencil or a gundam marker and draw the lines. You just top the panel line gently with the tip of the pen and the ink runs down. The biggest problem I have with it is that it's a huge amount of ink that's going down those lines, it's easy to clean up, really easy. I just gotta get use to this style though I think.
  16. I got my pens today. Hmmmm, I'm not so sure about these new pens. They're very watery. Worked well with solid panel lines, but things like rounded details or scoops, they don't do well at all on. I'll give it a little more effort.
  17. Funny, I saw someone do a custom scratch built RG RGM-79 in White Dingo colors. Looked great!
  18. Seeing the outrageous pricing Bandai does for their Blu-rays, take what you can get. I know a lot of guys who are pitching a fit because they think the Blu-ray is amazing high end quality. Well, you can also get some pretty damn high end quality having a DVD in a blu-ray player just like having a blu-ray in a 4K player. Considering the age of the series and it being one of the last gundam anime's done in traditional celluloid style....can't hope for much. Then again, there's something about Tomino's work that now bugs me and Turn A fits right in there. I dunno hard to explain. Either case, I'll pass on Turn A, rather have some of the other stuff.
  19. I do reviews on GP for the points but Monday was the first time I've ever ordered from them as I wanted to try those markers, I'm sick of the mess enamel washes leave and how much time it takes to clean it off the plastic when I don't get a good mix done. I should have a couple packages today from Amazon though. 1 is just a new volume of origins bringing me to I think volume 5 and it'll answer some questions I had about blue eyes casual. The other 2 are HD parts for my Zaku 2.0 like the spikes and mono eye. Next week I'll have decals for my GM 2.0 a guy in my build club got me from the new hamsphire store. I'll be turning that GM into a White Dingo custom
  20. I wish I had waited until the perfect g self showed up before I got it. It's kinda hard getting rg zero from Amazon direct it sells out pretty quick. I just picked it up last month from the hobby store they had 4 of them. Price wasn't to much different either.
  21. That's a much nicer pen imo than the normal everyday gundam markers we all use. Infact I would say I'd rather use the GM301 than having to mix my own enamel wash and rubbing alcohol will work jsut fine and I got that in plenty supply. I'll have to go looking for those. What I usually do is I take about 3 drops of flat black enamel to a bottle cap with a good amount of lighter fluid and mix that all together and it works decently well, but won't last long as the lighter fluid will start to evaporate or the enamel paint will begin to settle at the bottom.
  22. isopropyl alcohol and a q tip might help
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