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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Finished! Overall I liked it, only complaint was I lost the sticker sheet so I recycled with what I had left and truthfully that wasn't much. I like it more in standard ops than it's tactical variant a lot more. So I'll keep it that way! Char's Counter Attack as well.
  2. RRRRRRRR wrong it's actually sparked a debate with the group too. One saying it's AEUG cause they used the GMIII first, another got it correctly with EFSF and they're both showing wiki pages lol. I'm accepting the EFSF answer simply because that's what's labeled on the HGUC box! Yeah what I did with the Zeta I should of gone a different route than using a paint sharpie because it's kind of like a chalkie substance when you wipe it off with rubbing alcohol. So that's my biggest fear when using silver is you start rubbing it off but it kind of just spreads like a chalk residue and that's gonna leave glitter like stuff on the armor. There's no real way of applying it cause the tip of the marker isn't thin........well my white tip is thin, but not thin enough for 1/144 line. I think right now you're looking fine. Phase Shift Down variants I think should show off armor scratches and imperfections imo. Just about done with my GMIII, arms and shield are left to go then it's just sticker application. Turning out good.
  3. That's after 2 hours of paint and paneling. LOVE my markers I'm now very adept on them thank god! I'm holding a quick contest among my builder groups. If they can guess full designation and military affiliation they win a new marker. You guys can't play
  4. Rubbing alcohol knocks them out too or the enamel and lighter fluid thin that out just tap tap tap little of no clean up compared to sharpie.
  5. Well that's interesting I was actually expecting a CGI'ed Deadpool film. Now I'm more interested.
  6. I know that on recently dead the Lazarus pit can bring people back but mentally whack jobbed. Which would be an issue as Sarah has been dead several months, not days. With flash point all Barry has to do is know when and where at his super speed get off the junction stop the death jump back on the freeway and go for the next deal. I actually thought about Barry fixing not only his mothers death but even stop the queens gambit from going out saving Oliver and Robert and Sarah from their horrible fates. Then again saving his mother could do that as well! I need to watch last night again cause there were a few odd scenes they didn't make sense at the time.
  7. Last nights episode wasn't bad but yeah I'd seem to agree with you. Might explain how caity lotz will be returning. Theories are flashpoint or the pit. Although didn't I see Ollie wearing an assassins uniform in the preview trailer?
  8. Even having domon kashu in that ending.....I mean we all knew. No surprise there. In all I didn't like the finale. That was kind of bad.
  9. You can order most p bandai exclusives on gundam planet or GG infinite. Problem is you'll pay about double or more for them CAUSE they're exclusive. I have yet to find any online retailer else who will sell them at a fair market value
  10. I'm seeing it cause 1) mad max films are always fun, don't see why this wouldn't be 2) it looks better than than thunderdump which I've written off and 3) I have low expectations in Hollywood. Doesn't break my heart in the slightest that Mel Gibson isn't in this in any shape or form and I can understand the reasons behind it. I'm just looking for a popcorn flick and I know a few guys at work who are gonna join me.
  11. Hm I dunno. The essence of dry brushing is to have most of the paint gone by wiping it away with several good strokes on paper or material that isn't your model. What I do and it's brilliant, I buy a standard wide model brush and I cut about half the brush length so it's super stuff. Dab it on a small amount of silver than stroke away till it starts to loose about 90-95% of its paint. Then carefully just lazy like flick around the edges of the plastic. If you used a q tip it'd be difficult. The paint I'd see be absorbs into the cotton and smearing on the plastic. I can test the idea out but I don't see it really working. It's the same problem using the padded tip on my weathering stuff, it's meant for smearing not precise control like a flat head brush. I'll usually cut a few wide brushes so I got multiple materials I can apply for controlled areas. If you look on the shield of my Vrabe you'll see where using a stiff model brush I got the angles more defined.
  12. Need a flash on that or something or a lamp, it's still really dark for me to see the colors. Thanks though, if I get a chance, I'll do a titanium Sinanju....there's a guy I know who might comission me to do it after he saw the normal one I did. Yep, I need to cut back. I still got a ton of kits left in my closet but April is gonna be a tough month with the Apple Watch coming out and all.
  13. also, noticing some spotting going on with my Iwata. See if I can get a good enough picture. I thought maybe the tip on my .35mm needle is bent but I can't see it. I looked up parts and it's like dear god! You can practically buy a new airbrush with that crap!
  14. So long as you keep it subtle. Don't over do it like I've tend too. Just along the edges and nothing more. I just finished the Vrabe's build. It's a nice kit. There are problems such as polycaps not fitting on the joints well and causing them to drop. Would of loved a new Beam rifle, it just screams for something new like the shield. I did do an awful lot of painting to this kit. But god I just love the headsculpt on this, LOVE IT.
  15. Well here's the progress on the Vrabe. Just a touch of clear blue and silver can really bang your kit.
  16. hah, it happens, like I said, I don't like sitting around with nothing to do. I'm probably going to close off the Zaku II as a frame custom which isn't to awful. I did do a good job on building the exo skeleton. From the looks of it you're better off just ordering some titanium silver and couple jars of clear red and a few brushes and thinner. You'll get the job done with the exact same color as what you're looking for. Infact, I'll show you what just a tiny tiny bit of clear blue and titanium silver can achieve in 1 coat. I unpacked and parts seperated my Vrabe today and did the paint application. I'm letting the majority of the parts cure and just used titanium gold, silver and clear blue to get my colors. It's not a match to the Vrabe but I felt it looked nicer this way than what the box showed.
  17. There's something about me and Zakus.....I like them, but they don't like me! I'm missing a couple of pieces to the armor and that means they were somewhere around the work area. So as I was scrounging around I couldn't find the 3 pieces I'm missing, tiny little green pieces of armor. HOWEVER I did find that one missing rotator part for the elbow joint on the RG RX-78-2 I lost 3 months ago. So.........there's that.
  18. Dunno how well you'll see the differences between the Flat and the Satin so here's what I can offer you. This GM Custom was done in Flat Clear Coat from Kryon, it's enamel base and tends to melt the plastic a bit which scares me. It's actually done some damage to my kits and makes them sort of brittle. It also erases gundam markers. Then here is the Sinanju I did back couple months ago using Krylon's Satin Clear. It's still got a bit of a dullness to it, but just enough of a sheen to stand out amongst my kits. The cracking you see on the black is due to the Acrylic clear coat not wanting to bond with the enamel paint that's also on top of a lacquer clear coat due to the reverse wash I did to accent the colors.
  19. I think people are reading into tweets from fan favorite celebrities just a bit to seriously. Whenever Stephen Amell posts something that's vague people flip the hell out thinking something horrible is going to happen. I think Jackman is a good fit for this character, it'd be sad to see him go, but it's understandable. He's a really nice guy, great charisma, well rounded actor who's done more than just flash some claws and yell in his career. He really doesn't need to be the Wolverine forever and he certainly can't.....he doesn't age slow enough!
  20. Reconguista is over. And after watching that I feel like I want to find Tomino, knock on his door and smack him across the face and ask "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" This was the WORST Gundam series I have ever watched.
  21. Ultimately it is what you wanna do then you should do it. I did similarly and didn't really work that well. I've actually heard few good things about auto paint. got good amount of priming down.
  22. Shop around. Sure, 30 miles is a lot, but I go 30 miles all the time for paint alone. It depends on dedicated you are to what you want to do. What I've done is I buy pieces at a time and plan ahead....that's why I got so many tools at my disposal now. Weathering kits, paints, sanding, clear coats up the ......thruster port. Whatever I need, I buy one, then two then a dozen and I've gotta find a way to store them! I've just finished clipping and cleaning all the parts I need for my Zaku II....then I took a little bit of Silver and Gunmetal weathering from my tamiya kits and applied it on the inner frame to add some good definition and spruce it up. I'm not gonna do the LED monoeye, maybe next time but right now I just wanna see how far I can take this Zaku to the next level of my abilities. I didn't even really realize this but the super dark parts on the feet and torso....ugh those are green as well. What I'm probably going to do is rip off the color guide from the RG Zaku and mix that up. Most likely Green and Black....I'm sure there's othe rparts I'll need to add craaaaap.
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