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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Who knows I don't think DC would allow a broadcast station to have one of their properties without the possibility. But I dunno I'm not a big executive. Would be a waste.
  2. Oh gosh it's gonna be dated no doubts about that. I'll be more curious over the differences between it and the Mega-Shiki i got last week. But now I have some 20+ kits in my closet to build.....if I build 1 a week that's almost half a year worth.
  3. just gonna leave this here....hmhm hmmmmm. Local hobbytown restocked, I bought a quarter of their stock XD
  4. Since there's so many 3rd party upgrades for bruticus I've got him fixed up enough that he's not boxed away he's now sitting proudly against my upgraded emerging superion who now fits more for the cybertron line up. If motormasters combiner mode didn't look so wide and stubby I'd probably get the figures. Individually they look fine even motor. But combined they feel so off! PE I know is doing a torso upgrade for menasor.....but I dunno if that's gonna sell me.
  5. Protectobots are the last of the CW lineup I'm interested in. No interest in menasor or Titan devestator, that one is ass ugly from what I've seen and the figures individually didn't help.Now if they do a computron and abominus I'll probably be in. But right now my attention is on slingshot and him alone. I know 1 guy who got him and wildrider already.
  6. Quick Q, I just got most of my aerialbots for the CW superion set. All I'm missing is slingshot. Any news on him yet if he's snag able somewhere?
  7. That look on tom hardy for the poster is the look of a man who has seen things a man should never seen and seen to much of it. I like it! I might have to try and buy a poster if I can find one.
  8. Funny the 3.0 would be spoken since that's currently my project right now. I got a tad antsy and said yeah why not? I'm tossing away the foil stickers cause I hate them. Instead I'll be using tamiya's gold leaf which is just as fitting and actually will look nicer. I did make a mistake in the gold joints and had to clean away the rectangular portion that'll be on the front of the elbow joint not a big deal at all! Color wises I've painted small areas that'll be exposed for the inner mechanical skeletal region with the gold leaf, a tad bit of silver and other junk. I still gotta do the side areas of the vernier rockets gold. The figures are painted. I took my really awesome black gundam marker I've been using so much and just went nuts on the two cockpit figures. With a little alcohol I wiped away the excess amount of liner and began painting. So I got a fairly decent looking set of pilot figures that turned out rather impressive, I like them....tad messy but they'll do nicely. Something that did bug me though is the core block cockpit seating is entirely molded in the pastel blue. Why this was a good idea? I dunno. A little german gray fixed the seating and console just fine and once I put on a little cockpit green in there I'll pretty much be done. I do have a set of water slides for this kit I bought back in February but I haven't decided if I'm going to use them or not. Just gotta wait and see. I'll have some photos up when all the paint work is done.
  9. in the words of Michael Jackson "Dats just ignorant" When you take into the specifications of what the 1:1 scale MS is to the model kit, some are rather large even at 1/144. If you wanna talk about small, when the UC Standards of MS design changed into the compact energy conversion hardware and Anaheim was no more and SNRI took over.....I mean WOW those are small suits. I have a few of the F91 line up and when you compare them to the older UC0079-096 suits they're dwarfed. Infact, I'm not satisfied at all with my MG F91 or the HGUC version and wanna toss them out and do them all over again. But in all talks aside, the RG RX78-2 is a decent sized kit it just has small parts cause it's a miniature Perfect Grade. Speaking of PG's.......... anyone know where I can get decals for that thing? Again, the stickers it came with are bunk. I wouldn't use them if my life depended on it.
  10. Nice job on the build and the 1 point techniques he did there. Impressive. I just went through my PG RX-78-2 box and looking it over. God you can just feel the age coming from this kit since it's the first perfect grade and even the box says "Perfect Grade RX-78-2 Version 1.0" Dear Bandai: It's been 17 years, what's the problem? Less HG and 3.0 bullcrap and more workie on a 2.0 or Origins style. Ooooo PG Origins Gundam with optional equipment thats like being told your diabetic and someone temps you with a colossal delicious looking piece of pizza. Either case, it DOES show it's age using engineering techniques they don't even bother with anymore in model kits and of course it also utilizes springs.........fing springs!!!! The neat factor is besides the traditional led gimmick is open hatches which I don't really see me doing anytime soon. I'm not gonna go that far out of stylizing and personalizing to a huge degree like I normally do. Don't wanna muck up a 130 dollar kit. Wow.....130 after spending 300 on the Unicorn. I don't like the stickers....their contour cutting is blockey and ameaturish compare to what they do now. So I guess I am gonna have to come up with some alternatives. I saw AM type decals for it that are done up all RG/MG3.0 style. I'm insanely tempted now to get them but it's a month of a wait and I don't like that.
  11. Nice! All that's missing is my hyaku shiki and pale rider!
  12. Got a small haul in today, HGBF Mega-Shiki I have a custom idea for, nothing insane just a repaint job and no not a hyaku shiki since a hundred ppl have tried to do it. RX-78-2 3.0 cause well dammit I wanted one. And finally my 00 Raiser RG showed up. Tomorrow my PG RX-78-2 will arrive. I guess May's theme is RX-78 line up.
  13. Hey now come on! I've been chillin lately. My count is back to 15 XD
  14. So was the guy who played her brother and was her husband in Godzilla. Aaron whatever it's a long name.
  15. Hm.....to funky of a design. A guy in my group just got some conversion upgrade parts so he can make a Zabane and Harute that'll be a little more accurate of a design. Pretty sure those resin parts are 3rd party.
  16. I just checked my status on GGInfinite cause they got photos of all their Pale Riders that arrived and I made their first batch cut off.....yet, nothing. I personally think GG is a price gouging crap fest right now.
  17. Thought it was okay, not the same impact as the first film which is always a problem with sequels. I almost went by myself till I told my mother that James Spader was Ultron and she shot right up and got her purse she's a big fan of him since she watches Blacklist religiously. Bruce and Tony fight was good, funny moments and such. But I felt there were to many verbal shots of comedy between characters. Way to many.
  18. That's why I said the models weren't right. But you can't exactly make a screen accurate and functional model kit. Bandai and their 1/72 VF-1's proved that. Titanium Painted sinanju is done. I like it, the only downside was the reverse wash not panning out right so I hand painted all the gold trim. It did mostly come out very well in that regards. Sadly the light doesn't really catch the titanium look to it which is a bummer. In person the kit looks great. It's proudly in display and now I must ponder on my next project. Straight build or painted? hm hm hm.
  19. Actually you guys......I was right. In the animation the 0 Raiser does have docking ports that feed into the GN Drive. This image shows that the Particle tanks of the 0 Raiser are right in place with the GN Drives of the 00. And here we see the docking ports or pistons feeding with the Particle tank of the 0 Raiser and the 00. Now in space, I can see this working out since weight has no baring everything and anything in zero g weighs absolute zero. Now in gravity that's different and the connection of the docking ports would probably be to stressful and the ports could snap. Then again, scifi, gundam, it could work in it's own universe. As for the 00 model kits....I was wrong. It clips very closely to the GN Drives using snap in pegs giving the illusion. As a model kit, it has to be done, but in terms of design accuracy it's wrong. Like I said, I could of sworn I saw it in the animation and it bugged me just a bit. Atleast I found it while it nagged at me the last few days. Now as for that Vrabe, I enjoyed it, and I did a pretty nice build on mine. Silver and Gold my friend, carry some Silver and gold. Also if you don't wanna use the chrome green stickers, Titanium Silver and clear green amp it up. I'll be adding that when I got more free time. I spent last 2 days touching up my Titanium custom paint Sinanju. The reverse wash (dunno if I mentioned this) failed. Something with Testors paint just eats away at the gold even the clear coat and I was left with gray primer. I cleaned up what I could and with a fine tip brush and a tooth pick just tried to carefully go over the gold trim again on Acrylic Gold Leaf. I didn't do bad, my hand skills have really improved over the last year and I'm grateful for that indeed. Right now the remaining parts are being gloss coated and tomorrow I can finally finish this damn kit and move on!
  20. I'll tell ya one thing, he can do a better job at acting than Megan Fox with an arrow pointed at her chest.
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