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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Hmmmm, my guess is not only to milk the story arks as much as possible, but because it'll add more depth into the storyline and develop their abilities in a more "realistic" fashion. I don't disagree that it could of started out jumping into this sixth universe, but as someone who has NOT seen Resurrection of F, can't stay it'll make much of a difference to me.
  2. I don't understand your concerns after reading it. Is it because the series retells the last two films in more filler depth? Or because of this whole universe 6 shindig with super dragon balls?
  3. The problem could of been corrected and thus none organic could pass through the field generated for time travel. This is also explained in Robocop VS Terminator that a Roboterminator hid inside a big pile of fleshy tissue before escaping out and destroying the skynet satellite around orbit. So with that idea, why not 1 of 2 possibilities? Either 1) The T1000 survived time travel by being incased in some kind of organic tissue cocoon or 2) Using a captured refugee/soldier who was forced to carry the T1000 through the field generated by the TDE and then killed it's host upon arrival. The 2nd possibility was thought of from one of the previous Terminator comics where the Terminators were sent back with a captured Tecom soldier and they surgically implanted a phase plasma hand gun inside his abdomen then after crossing thru ripped it out of his stomach killing him.
  4. Played with the compressor a bit, it howevers at about 30psi but man when it drops it almost hits zero and it's like I can't really adjust that pressure either so certainly no pre shading is happening anytime soon. I finished 2 kits last night, So first up is the Hi-Mobility Black Tristar Zaku, I do rather like this new Zaku mold, so much more detail and better levels of articulation and some areas still feel like the same generic Zaku HGUC mold like with the cooling hoses slipped into place on the thighs to the legs. Still though, not bad at all I just wish it had all 3 units for optional parts, not just 2. Final build was a last stand RX-78-2 HG I made. I ended up spending a lot of time cleaning and detailing this kit and in the end I end up missing an important part for the left arm. I figured wth? I got enough RX-78-2's so why not just destroy one for the heck of it? Most part it's done but I wanna add some extra stuff I just gotta wait a while. Thus today for the holiday weekend I'm working on my RE/100 Mark III. I just finished the mass majority of body work paint wise, couple areas to clean up with a 2nd coat. Then I get to panel line and clear coat. Once that's done I get to work on painting the inner frame so everything blends in.
  5. I'll set on it and wait until there's more to go off of like if they'll put in the ADV dub or at least sub title the discs. If not, t here's not a whole lot of reason as I'm pretty happy with the DVD set i have.
  6. Because it wasn't a bad movie it was just badly marketed. There's a ton of stuff I wanna say about this film both good and both bad, but I can't. All I can say is if you're looking for that magic and innovation from the first two movies it's not going to be there. If you're looking for a popcorn flick or you didn't like rise or salvation then do this one. Just don't go in looking for the same thing that drew you in cause you'll never get that feeling again. It's the same thing I said about Jurassic world. With today's technology and hollywoods milking of popular franchises you'll never see anything new and creative AGAIN. So you just gotta sit and enjoy it for what it is. Or think of it like this, better than age of extinction.
  7. Ya know fassbender aside, how many FiNg Steve jobs movies do we need?!
  8. Ugh nevermind spoiler tag isn't working for me for some damn reason. Just overall, movie wasn't bad, it wasn't great. But it wasn't bad. It's no where near the first or the 2nd but it's better than the 3rd and the 4th.
  9. I'd like for a franchise revival that sticks to the original concept that the terminator can be anyone and SCC was the only series that dived head first into that. Even chromartie changed his appearance. It did bug me in the novels that all the terminators that Serena built and fleshed would be a 101 and had to make physical changes such as hair dye or facial hair.
  10. weathers been to hot and muggy to play with that compressor so I'm not even painting anything! I did start working on one of my Origin models, the hi-mobility zaku from Black Tri-Stars and overall this new Zaku mold is really refreshing, even adding things that the RG kit doesn't have and it's just so nice. Really like the engineering done on this.
  11. For the time it was a fantastic movie. The only bit I hate has been the remastered audio which ruins the film for me. I wish I knew who did it and terminate them.
  12. That's not bad if it can hold that rank at a 7 than it means that it's a better film than rise or salvation. Ouch I just went on RT, and while I don't agree with ratings they give movies all the time I did feel a bit shocked this flick is at 14%.
  13. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001738DXU?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00 thats what i got.
  14. That's good. I'm actually having issues working my compressor. I can't seem to get the fine painting details to work, just blast away. I'm having this problem where the compressor just wants to go full blast and if I play with the dial it'll go all the way to zero and produce no pressure. But if I get the pressure to rise it'll quickly drop to about 0-10psi which pretty much is no pressure to push the paint out.
  15. I'm a bit surprised over the supposed september release date of the Banshee....I didn't expect it to be out until December again.
  16. Always been that way in Japan namely bandai. This is also partially why bandai USA doesn't exist. Japan branch tried to force USA to charge as high as them and they said no. Eventually bandai USA shut down and now bandai Japan says if you want your gundam you buy it at the higher price.
  17. seriously? am I the only one who remembers those old coke commercials?
  18. got my fix......just to hear that smooth vader voice. Ahhhhh, like coke.
  19. always fun to see these come to life, just a damn shame none of the webseries or movie ever got subtitled by anyone or anything.
  20. Just my opinion when punting some of those areas, let them cure, maybe even gloss coat those areas of possible. I would get to much contact parts rubbing on parts and paint would scrape off until I clear coated. Which in tight small spots spray it on a q tip and rub in the area you want. When I did my MG3.0 I did that as it would certainly be making contact.
  21. Agreed, older kits require love and work, newer say after 2010 don't need to much work just lil paint details here and there to amp it up. I started my hguc rx 78-2 and it needed a lot of love. But looks good now!
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