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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Okay just finished it, i'll give it a 2.5. The voice acting is fine, it's good even. But the gameplay just sorta sucked. I think you could had made this entirely first person perspective with it being entirely interactive and had a better game. There's very little mobile suit combat, and no actual guide into what you're supposed to do at certain moments until you play around with things to get some kind of response. $20 is a bit to much for this, I wouldn't even pay $10, it's short, it's some what pointless of a "movie" and there's little to do other than sitting there waiting for something to happen. It also has 2 choices for your ending, I've played them both and they're just meh. I have yet to try the mr. battle and mr. gallery, sort of hard in a small space.
  2. Silver Phantom is out for the Meta, Considering it was under 20 bucks I decided to give it a whirl. Thus far there isn't really much interaction after 20 or so minutes in. The start of it was mostly just being an awkward third person camera with cuts that leave you going "WOAH! That's to close!" to either environments or characters. Mobile Suit controls are used via stick levers on your left and right like a traditional MS, sadly no gyroid like newer models....damn. To use your beam rifle the reticle tracks via your head movement left and right up and down. When it approaches the target your rifle will fire, then pull back on the right stick to reload and then pump it forward to fire. Your shield is the same manner controlled via your left lever to pull it back or forward. When not in combat you push both sticks forward to dash. saber to saber combat is similar, right lever pull and push, left lever for your shield, it seems to be turned based. But if you take to much damage due to the clunkiness and bad response time of your controls, you die. So far I took down only 2 suits and now I'm feeling like I'm in a MGS konami game and just watching awkward camera angles and animation. If I were to give this thing a score right now out of 5, I'd give it a 2. I would had rather this was more interactive and being the character rather than just being a camera with the occasional MS controller. But I'm giving it a pause for today, first time on VR in over a year has given me a bit of a headache.
  3. wouldn't hope for to much of it being related to Amanda though. Considering that Zulu's story I think is about to end with the new VR Game coming out this holiday. And according to the novel's she's in cryosleep to prolong her life due to her cancer.
  4. Hmmmmm.....Titan size Star Convoy, I guess that's not terrible I mean he was supposed to be a rather large size Transformer and I wonder if he'd be paired up with probably a core class repaint of Rodimus. But I think I would pass on that to be honest. I really want these G2 dinobots though, curious on how they'll tackle that if it's just gonna be Grimlock, Slag and Snarl and which colors cause there were at least 2 decos that came out, blue/turquiose for Grimlock, Green/Red both for Snarl and Slag. Or will they also re-release Sludge and Swoop with some sort of interesting deco?
  5. That’s a hard one, as a former dubber, I had to rip dvds, try to isolate as much stuff as I could to get a sound effect I needed. I managed to gather around a gig or so of various sound files, but I don’t offer them, I worked hard on getting what I could. Usually this can be achieved with professional equipment and skill, but Good luck to you man.
  6. That's unfortunate. I'm pretty sure they're using the audio from the Bangzoom Studio dub, and a good buddy of mine plays Athrun Zala for it, Chris Hackney. I've seen at least the SEED dub or most of it, never encountered any issues with it. I have yet to watch the Destiny dub since it was my least favorite of the two. But same time the dub was completed years ago, I wanna say 2020 was when it was finished. That's why I wanna give it the benefit of the doubt and say it's a Netflix issue versus a dub studio issue.
  7. Man that's frustrating for me. The Brave variant is the best representation but it also has some stupid stuff like those tiny ass little wheels in vehicle mode which for me absolutely kills any interest in getting it. There's also missing details and paint applications that aren't on that but it's on everything else. Man what a pain that there isn't a good enough figure to get, it's if you want one you're gonna sacrifice something else.
  8. think it's streaming these days on some of these shows. Crunchyroll thru Amazon has subtitle issues. I was watching a DBZ movie and it's using both english dub subtitles/CC and the translations at times are terrible. Trunks is suddenly named Trump. And subtitles have a tendency to cut off when another character is talking or it overlaps. I sort of blame rushing to get things out for other services to fit their coding or something more technical.
  9. We did get something aimed at us adults, 7 of those actually, Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen, Dark of the Moon, Age of Extinction, The Last Night, Bumblebee and Rise of the Beasts. We shat on them time and time again, except maybe Bumblebee, I think there was a united voice of enjoyment from adult fans. But still, we got 7 movies, darker, more serious, gritty, and pretty much got 16 years of it.
  10. True. thunder cats roar and teen titans go, not my cup of tea. I ain't gonna go and bad mouth it though and claim they're hurting the franchise or pandering to a younger audience ruining their once childhood over it though. This wasn't a bad movie at all. Hell I think it was better than the Bay movies which is odd considering that he is still serving as Producer for the franchise and even has credits to this, even Speilberg has credits for this and I think it's just cause they're big shots on the Paramount dowel.
  11. Honestly don’t get people having issues with a franchise intended to sell toys to kids…. i went in expectations low, and I wasn’t displeased at all. Sure it didn’t need this flashy A lister voice cast but I get why and live with it.
  12. I was just about to say.....
  13. personally I'm rather looking forward to the G2 mashup of Menasor seeing how we had early color types back in the 90's but they dropped it. I've already got Dragstrip and Deadend, may as well finish 'em for my G2 sets.
  14. Thing for me, he never had BIG roles, like he was almost never a leading man in film and tv, but he had GOOD roles, things where you always remember him being in something be it, Sand Lot, Field of Dreams, Conan, Star Wars, Patriots Game, Hunt for Red October, Lion King etc etc. I always put him right next to iconic men like Morgan Freeman for a voice that is so distinct and recognizable. I'm just so bummed out losing him, I really am. I had to sit down after work and pop in Conan which is one of my favorite movies with him and Arnold.
  15. Which is funny cause Daniel Ross, another guy I worked with had been the go to voice for Star Scream for the 2007 film games mainly the big console games, and the Nintendo DS Autobot/Decepticon games. The first time I worked with him he was doing Star Scream in a fan production of Robot Masters. A few years ago he was the main guy for Donald Duck until I think 2022 or something along those lines. I believe Jon Bailey while he's not in these episode readings was also the voice of Shockwave and Soundwave in the Bumblebee movie, and he's once again the voice of Soundwave in Transformers One. Great guy, miss talkin to him on the weekends.
  16. That was the guy Data was about to kill in cold blood right?
  17. I've worked on a few projects with Frank back in the old days, standup guy, and he actually does a fairly good Welker Megatron voice.
  18. It wasn't bad, not anywhere near as good as the first film....
  19. Hm, dunno, the World trilogy I didn't really dig all that much. The first was okay, but Kingdom and Dominion I felt were pretty boring, Dominion most of all and hadn't seen it since it was in theaters. Still though, if they can come up with a good story and nice visuals I'll see it.
  20. The Megatron I'm using is the Toyworld Hegemon, he's pretty much perfect in my opinion. I do have Combaticons when I went to look back and double check, they're the combiner wars set, if a better set comes along then yeah they'll get replaced. Decepticons Season 3 without renaming Season 2 characters I got: Galvatron, Cyclonus, Scourge, Trypticon, Octane, Terrorcons, Runabout, Runamuck, Trypticon. I don't have the Sweeps army or Predacons since again, didn't really like them being Titan class like the Constructicons. Autobots Season 1/2 I've got: Optimus, Prowl, Bluestreak, Hound (generations), Jazz(SS86), Ironhide, Ratchet (earthrise sets), Wheeljack, Cliffjumper, Bumblebee(Netflix), Aerialbots(Combiner Wars), Seaspray, Beachcomber, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Preceptor, Blaster, Brawn, Chromia, Elita One, Firestorm, Moonracer, Trailbreaker, Grapple, Hoist, Inferno, Huffer, Mirage, Smokescreen, Tracks, Windcharger, Warpath, Skyfire, Gears (on preorder) Defensor (Combiner Wars), Cosmos, Smokescreen, Grimlock, Slag, Sludge, Snarl, Powerglide (Generations Ultra Class.....meh) Autobots Seasons 3/Movie: Hotrod, Rodimus Prime, Kup, Arcee, Ultra Magnus, Wheelie, Daniel, Pipes, Wreckgar, Springer (WFC version & Wreckers), Sandstorm (Generations), Blur, Chase (legends generations class) Computron (Combiners Wars Takara version) Eject, Metroplex, Broadside, Tailgate (generations), Junkheap. I know I'm missing Skylynx cause he's pretty expensive and I only ran into him 1 time and didn't have the 80 bucks to buy him, Goldbug cause he was that 4 pack and didn't have the 75 bucks. As for Season 4 characters on both sides, I've got pretty much all the Headmasters they've released including Fort Max and Scorponok, and some of them are Takara variants for better accuracy. And I even have some of the Japanese characters like Overlord, Starsaber, Deathsaurus, modded Powermaster Optimus Prime/Ginrai, but no Dai Atlas cause I heard that toy is TERRIBLE, and couldn't get my hands on Super Megatron cause.......that's expensive for a Voyager class retool.
  21. you're actually missing out then, cause there's a lot more to this series than the first 6 minutes you saw. Granted I was hesitant with this due to the track record we've had over the last 20 years with the franchise. But this was very well done and took it back to its roots and I'd say is on par with the original and T2 in a lot of ways. I respectfully disagree, SCC was an okay series, I would still put it in a category of meh like the films. The sad thing was that FOX had no faith for the series and it became very apparent with how Season 2 was moving along, just like shows such as Firefly, FOX didn't know what they were doing and when it started to get interesting they cut the cord. This series actually pulls off a better story that gets to a point than what SCC could do in 2 seasons, hell the story and movement is better than what Disney has been doing with Star Wars so that should tell you something, the plot is thought out, it never got dull or boring each episode had me going "Hm okay what happens after this?" It had playful nods to the previous films and the characters had a lot of development between their first appearance to their final that changed everything about them. Sound and music really helped in pulling off some intense scenes. The Terminator in this goes back to the roots of the first film without spoiling anything for anyone that really made me go "Hell yes, finally, something that doesn't have a gimmick!" I might actually watch this again to be honest, and that's not something I say often.
  22. I just got legacy Bombshell after a long long wait, pretty much completing my Insecticons. And then I started going over my list of missing characters to the collection. I know I'm missing Rumble and Frenzy....but I dunno who else! I've got: Megatron, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Soundwave, Ravage, Lazerbeak, Shockwave, Ramjet, Dirge, Thrust, Blitzwing, Astrotrain and Reflectorx3, Kickback, Bombshell and Shrapnel, Stunticons, then I got the Maketoys Constructicons, I had no interest in the Titan's class versions at all though they're yellow so they tend to be more G2-ish than G1. So I think besides Rumble and Frenzy I pretty much have all of the Season 1 & 2 Decepticons don't I? Autobots I got a little more work to do......I don't have Swoop, and my Skyfire is sitting in my pile of loot at BBTS, and while I do have year of the Dragon Omega Supreme with Maketoys add-on, I don't have the Titan's class Omega Supreme.....I never saw him in person at stores and cons want triple the price.
  23. Scores are finally in, RT has given it a 100% which surprised me. Audience reaction sits at 89% which even for me I think is a little high. And IGmeh gave is a 7/10. IMDB 7.2, Empire Mag is 4/5 and google reviews are at a 4.6. a lot of the comments are about the fresh perspective the series takes the aging franchise, and that writers took the time to craft a well thought out story going back to not just the roots but the dark sci-fi violent chill the first film presented.
  24. I just finished all 8 episodes, it wasn't bad, it def. went in a different direction I think. But here's my thoughts.
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